Huckabee closing in on 1st Place Nationally

Huckabee might win the nomination?

Huckabee is only the current MSM darling. Don't get you hopes up! Next week it will be someone else they are touting in their polls! You know they really think they are in control of the elections.
I find this statement interesting, especially from someone on the ground in Iowa. Define "register" as you understand the meaning in this context, please?
"Doesn't register" as in these polls show him in first place, yet when the results from Jauary's preference polls hit the media he fails to live up to the expectation.

What you're either failing or refusing to understand is that this random polling indicates name recognition, not support.
Huckabee is George Bush with an eating disorder. Don't people ever learn? This guy is no conservative.

A "young earth" candidate is not going to beat even a contused Hillary in the general Election, and if Hillary or anyone like her wins this Election you can kiss whatever is left of the US of A goodbye.
Something tells me to inherently distrust anyone the media seems to like. The media liked McCain for a long time--BIG red flag. They're liking Huckabee now. Let's go with the theory that he might have liberal tendencies. Other than pro illegal invasion, what else? What else might he do?
He will increase taxes.

Here is a video of him pleading for new taxes in Arkansas:

He also has a health care plan that has way too much emphasis on what he calls preventative care. Unfortunately, most of the preventative care he talks about has not been proven to lower mortality rates or prolong life expectancy. It will drive up the cost of medical care.
But since he has no organization, no money, and no solid support I don't see it going that way.

Just curious, but where do you get your facts? Do you have something that supports that statement? It looks like to me his backing is real. In fact, most credible sources I read seem to say that Huckabee is gaining money & support each day. By definition we know he has an organization. You simply cannot make campaign rallies & TV ads without organization. Now maybe you mean he has a small organiztion....well I guess that can be argued.

BTW, at this point I have not made up my mind for any candidate. Well, it will be Republican. I just want the person that gets the nomination to be able to beat Hillary.

Also, you don't need to panic everytime you see a thread that does not support your (very large) signature line's all going to come out in the wash sooner than later. Just think about these words: Ladies & gentleman...I give you President Hillary Clinton. That should bring you back to cold hard reality.:eek:
Latest CNN poll seems to agree with the OP.

From the link:

Only the Republican race has been updated here by Pew Research Center but because the polling was conducted between November 7 through 25, you should be cautious of taken any of this as gospel as some candidates appear to be soaring right now while others are flailing. As we speak, Rasmussen Reports has Mike Huckabee tied in first nationally for example. And the latest South Carolina poll by American Research Group poll had Fred Thompson in fourth place while he is statistically tied for first here.

The last two Ron Paul polls out of New Hampshire had him at 2% and 4% while he is at 9% here. We do believe Ron Paul has dropped a little bit after the initial boomlet caused by November 5th but not so drastic as to be worth 5-7%. At least it is impressive for a candidate trying to establish himself as a viable candidate and focusing on New Hampshire to have done as well as he had across three weeks than say the two days following 11/5. Because it shows his support had been high for a long period of time.

What I am more impressed with is the fact that 15% of New Hampshire Republicans said they would NOT vote for Ron Paul under any circumstances... highest of all candidates. Nationally Ron Paul was also the worst at 10% but tied with Rudy Giuliani. Of the "top candidates", Huckabee has the lowest objectionability in each of these polls.

What I am more impressed with is the fact that 15% of New Hampshire Republicans said they would NOT vote for Ron Paul under any circumstances... highest of all candidates. Nationally Ron Paul was also the worst at 10% but tied with Rudy Giuliani. Of the "top candidates", Huckabee has the lowest objectionability in each of these polls.

I wonder what Goslash has to say about this. Hold on while I go get my popcorn.
I was watching one of the newsie channels and some "pundit" was wondering out loud and came up with this republican ticket'


This could work as much as I dislike McCain.

He is very charismatic, has the great responses, the upbeat optimistic demeanor, and definitely has the momentum. He can definitely (potentially) win the R nomination, because he's coming up strong in NH and the money will roll in from there.

Only problem is, I don't think he can win the general (frankly, NO CHANCE, IMO), because the fundamentalist/preacher thing will hurt him greatly among independents in swing states, who fear breaking down separation of church/state. That's his achilles heel.

I for one most likely would not vote for a candidate who sees things from the perspective of a fundamentalist/evangelical, unless he clearly, unequivocally pledged during the campaign that he would not seek to turn back church/state separations, would not push for teaching creationism, "intelligent design" or similar in schools, and would not veto embryonic stem cell research funding.

If he wants to pack the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, that's fine, because that's a wrongly-decided decision, however you may feel about abortion. There just plainly and clearly IS NO right to contraceptive or abortion in the Bill of Rights anywhere, so the decision should be reversed and the states should decide on a state by state basis what restrictions to place on abortion, if any, unless and until the Constitution is amended to add a right to an abortion (which I would fully support - until then, Roe v. Wade is just wrong from an honest scholarly perspective, as is Griswold v. Connecticut).

Best ticket is Paul/Huckabee, or Paul/Thompson. Anything else and I'll probably stay home (not that it matters in my state - the R ticket ALWAYS wins the POTUS).
Just curious, but where do you get your facts? Do you have something that supports that statement? It looks like to me his backing is real. In fact, most credible sources I read seem to say that Huckabee is gaining money & support each day...

I get my facts straight from the ground in Iowa. Everywhere else, I follow the important details. Example: I attended the Linn County, IA envelope stuffing for the precincts (86 of 'em in Linn) and one little old lady showed up for him. ONE!!! She didn't even have any material to put in the bags because the campaign fell through on the pamphlets!
Throw that in with the fact that I've been all over the state this year and have yet to see a single lawn sign for him, only one bumper sticker, and no advertising, and the conclusion is unmistakeable. He has no organization here.
Side issue, he has thus far managed to raise roughly 3 million this quarter when other (supposedly less popular) candidates are raising 3 times that amount should tell you all you need to know about his "support".

I would provide an example of "organization" for contrast, but it's not really germane to the discussion. What *is* important is this: Caucus states are all about organization and retail politics. He simply doesn't have the chips to play in Iowa and when he fails to deliver it will finish his campaign.

Also, you don't need to panic everytime you see a thread that does not support your (very large) signature line's all going to come out in the wash sooner than later.
Just tellin' it like it is. There are other candidates who I don't support who stand to fare better. And if you don't like my signature... don't look at it ;)

I wonder what Goslash has to say about this.
I'd say you're guilty once again of thread-jacking. This thread has nothing to do with my candidate. :)
But feel free to start another thread on the subject and I'll tell you why that's good news to me.
I get my facts straight from the ground in Iowa.

That's not exactly what I had in mind. I won't doubt your personal assessment, but what you saw at an envelope stuffing session, or your take on yard signs simply does not equal poll numbers.

He simply doesn't have the chips to play in Iowa and when he fails to deliver it will finish his campaign.

No problem. If that happens we will have a new front runner. Any Republican that can win against Hillary is OK with me. Well I don't count Guiliani a Republican. He is kinda a NY Repubocrat.
what you saw at an envelope stuffing session, or your take on yard signs simply does not equal poll numbers.
Yer darn right. Maybe not in the way you meant :)

The only poll numbers that matter are generated on January 3rd at the caucuses around 7:30 PM CST. To get those numbers you have to get people out of their recliners and into the caucus. And those poll numbers you folks are so fond of pointing at have absolutely nothing to do with it other than to set false expectations for campaigns that can't deliver. They certainly don't have anything to do with organization.
If you doubt me, just ask Howard Dean.

(edit) And maybe you just don't realize how crucial materials are to a caucus. See.... these folks don't just wander into a booth and decide on the spot who they're gonna vote for. They're treated to materials and a 2 minute pitch for each candidate first....assuming there are materials and assuming somebody is willing to speak on behalf of a candidate. The majority of caucusgoers enter the room undecided, but when it comes time to vote, they're decided.
That means you need 84 good speakers and plenty of materials. I seriously doubt that the Huckabee has half that number of paid staffers in the entire midwest, let alone ones that are good speakers. And not providing literature for Linn??? That's the second-most crucial county in the state. You can't not provide materials here.
The primaries are fluid and complicated. Not something you can just open a WSJ and hope to gauge from a random poll of "likely" caucusgoers. (/edit)
The only poll numbers that matter are generated on January 3rd

Agreed. Like I said, I am fickle this year. I will vote for the any real Republican that can do well in Iowa and go on to do well nationally. At this point it looks like it could be Huckabee. But again I will hold off my final choice for latter. Well, I have beat how I will vote to death.

On other points, It's really a minor issue with me as to rather Huckabee's campaign is similar to Howard Dean's or not. But personally I don't think that comparison holds water. I think Dean was (is) a little wacky, and that does not gain a lot of popular votes.
"Huckabee" and "real Republican" don't belong in the same sentence unless your idea of a "real Republican" is for big taxes, big spending, and big illegal immigration.
To each his own and all, but I don't think that anybody synonymous with Conservativism would recognize this guy as one of their own.

And if you really think this guy is going to do well nationally, you're kidding yourself. :)

Just so I have this straight, you're cool with whoever gets the momentum going through the primary? 'Cuz you're #3 in line unless I'm mistaken.
Just so I have this straight, you're cool with whoever gets the momentum going through the primary?

Maybe my fault, sometimes it's just hard to get things straight. As clear as I can say. I am for any Republican candidate that can/will beat Hillary/Obama. Don't know how to make it any clearer.

Why? Simple. No matter how bad the Republican candidates views are on subjects important to me, I find that Hillary's views always represent my worst nightmare.

Don't even ask. Any Republican does include Ron Paul....if he beats Huckabee and the other Republican candidates. Like I said before, I have beat this to death. If my position is not clear then just call me Hillary! Strike that....not funny.

'Cuz you're #3 in line unless I'm mistaken.

Lets see, President Madmag mandates all citizens to own a least one 1911 pistol. Madmag declares new holidays called gun range days. Wow, this weird thinking can get carried away. Now I know how Howard Dean felt!
Pretty amazing how fast Giuliani's support dropped and Huckabee's jumped after the debates. Huckabee seems to be one of those candidates that does well when he gets face time. Good or bad, that wins elections.

It will be interesting to watch things develop. I hope Giuliani continues to drop. The most accurate (within 1 percentage point in 2004) presidential polster, Scott Rassmussen, shows:

Giuliani 18%
Huckabee 18%
Thompson 13%
Romney 12%
McCain 14%

Of the listed available candidates, I have to pick Thompson or Huckabee, but I'd even vote for Giuliani over Hillary.
Huckabee has beaten the Clintons PR machine twice. I take it he is referring to Clintons campaigning for his opponent during his elections.

I continue to find it funny that a RP supporter is in another candidates thread telling us that he can't win the nomination when he is polling in first place. I guess according to GoSlash in order to win a nomination your candidate needs to be polling in last place.