How would you and your significant other handle an intruder?

HighVelocity.....thats funny. Glad some people around here have a sense of humor. :D

Always thought it would be really neat to have like 50 acres, then dig like a 10 acre lake about 30-40ft deep, with a 2-3 acre island in the center, and build my house on that......just another weird thought I guess.... :D
For the "bump in the night" I grab my glock, the better half grabs the phone and her kel tec. While I assess the situation she will go to cover. If I confirm an intrusion she calls the calvary while I hold a defensive position. If an intruder is still there when the cops arrive he will be between a rock and a VERY hard place.
we have a plan

i grab 20 guage and stand at the bed room door which is to the left of the only hall way up to the second floor, watching with the aid of a well positioned night light for anything that doesn't belong. the better half grabbs .22 revolver and a cell phone and heads for the closet. the small yappy dogs down stairs gave me plenty of warning the last time someone came into my house unexpectedly. :mad:

I like TLM's defensive strategy that envolves a safe room, telephone, two people working together and a firearm to protect from the extreme danger represented by intruders (possibly multiple) in one's home. Sounds like you do too. To what extent does your course recommend the firearm in the scheme of things? :)
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we thought we had an intruder

The alarm was set to instant, the German shepherd was in the backyard, and we were all peacefully asleep when suddenly, the burglar alarm began to squeal. We have a plan for this, we have practiced the plan.

I grabbed the Kimber .45 and Surefire flashlight. My wife jumped up and went to the alarm keypad. As I put on my glasses, I told her to disarm the alarm.

I began down the hall to clear a path to my daughter’s bedroom upstairs. I noticed my wife following me down the hall and said to her; “no, like we practiced” She replied, “got it, ok, ok” then went into the bedroom and locked the door.

We have windows only on the front and rear of the house, so I quickly made a visual scan of the front windows, no apparent Point of Entry (POE). I made my way to the stairway, where I could see the den windows and the back door, but not the garage door. Again no apparent POE, and the dog was not barking. (He was staring into the house on alert)

Stairways are a tactical challenge, but I made my way to the top. I scanned across the playroom. There are 2 windows upstairs that are accessible from the roof without using a big ladder. One of those is my daughter's, and that window is alarmed.

I could see her bed from the top of the stairs. It was empty….She has been instructed in the case of an alarm to get into the closet and wait for Daddy or the police. I made a beeline for her room while covering the non-cleared areas of the upstairs. Once in her room I called for her and gave the pre-arranged password. She came out of the closet rubbing her eyes, complaining that it was too late to practice. lol She then saw the gun and asked what was going on.

I told her to stay with me, and we made it back to the bedroom. The phone rang while I was clearing the house, and I assumed it was the alarm company. I gave the password to my wife, and she let us in the bedroom. She was still on the phone with the alarm company. (not planned, but good thinking) She told the alarm company that all was well, and hung up.

We then turned on all of the lights and did a more thorough check. There was no indication or evidence of an attempted break-in. It had been raining, and there was no indication anyone had been outside near any window or door. Just a False Alarm.

Turned out the alarm battery was going bad, and the alarm malfunctioned. Fixed now.
Brett is a WONDERFUL coach/range instructor! She got real up close and personal with me , being the 'old fart' in advanced handgun class, and made sure I was brought up to speed on manipulation and safety(I saw Scotty giving you the nod to take care of me!). She was the most encouraging range instructor I've had in a long time in sharp opposition of Lewis Awerbuck :D and (( shudder)) what I remember of Jeff Cooper.By the end of the class she had me(smooth and safely) blastin with the young lions( got an ' I love you Gordo' from Scotti)! Now I WANT to go to the Valentines Day couples shoot real bad, and I feel the price is right, and my wife (who shoots but is unschooled, except by me and not really from leather) would go too, but alas she does not have the prerequiste formal basic pistol training. I ENCOURAGE any lucky couple out there to take MY space and enjoy, you lucky love birds! :)
Do we have a plan? Twenty-one years in the Army and I didn‘t do anything without a plan six weeks in advance of anything other than brushing my teeth. Now I’m a cop and can’t walk up to a house other than my own without a plan and a backup plan. Sadly, we don’t have a plan. Even sadder is that it never even crossed my mind that two of us might need to work together to defend our home. I always kind of assumed she was expecting me to defend her and the kids.

If they got past me they’d be dealing with one really pissed off redhead; not necessarily because something happened to me, but because whatever happened to me surely would make a mess of her floors. She’s German; she’s obsessed with clean floors. She’d vacuum the cat if it walked by at the wrong time.

Anyway, thank you for opening my eyes. There’s no way we could attend so I’ll just enviously wish those that can attend have a great time and that it is successful for you and Scott.
If its a fire the alarm will go off, same with burglar alarm, then thee is my 14lb attack jack russell terrier, if you get beyond her you will be met with 16rds of 45. Anything else just crawl out the window as we are on the 1st flr! :)
We even have plans for being out. I have various statements I make to the wife and kid, and they are to immediately react.

Hey, txinvestigator, would you elaborate? What sort of statements have you worked out for what type of situation and what sort of action are they to take? And how old is your kid? (I have two boys, 3-1/2 and 6-1/2, and it's all I can do to make sure they keep quiet in public about Daddy carrying a gun!)

Anyway, I'm curious about your plans while out and about. Thanks....
1. We are at anyplace. I say to them. "We have to go now, move to the ______ exit". They know I am not playing or joking. They are to get up and start towards the exit identified , calmly and normally.

2. I say "Trouble, trouble, move out." That means haul ass to the door. Wife knows I will have my weapon out, and she stops for nothing until out.

3. I say, "Cover, cover now" That means she is to push my daughter down and get on top of her. that means the poop is about to hit the fan. Daughter knows to keep quiet. Other commands may follow.

In all scenaroios, my mission is to get my family out safely, not play John Rambo. They come before store clerks, wait staff, etc.

They also know I will NEVER joke about this stuff.

My daughter is 8. She love this stuff. She knows the difference between cover and concealment.

Call me paroniod, but we have worked these out and sometimes I will ask what they would do if I said...whatever. Its fun. 90% of the time when out, we don't even think about it.

This is just a small idea.

Tim, the 3 & 1/2 year old will have to be someones responsibility, more than likely.

I made the fact that I was carrying a game for my kid at that age. She was a "spy" and had to never tell anyone that daddy was a "spy" too, or we would lose the game.
Tim, the 3 & 1/2 year old will have to be someones responsibility, more than likely.

I assume you mean he will not be able to act by himself in an emergency. I agree, but also with the 6-year-old. He's getting there, but even he doesn't get with the program when we do fire drills or home defense drills. Both are my wife's responsibility in an emergency. We'll have to work out a similar strategy though. Thanks for the ideas.

I made the fact that I was carrying a game for my kid at that age. She was a "spy" and had to never tell anyone that daddy was a "spy" too, or we would lose the game.

My 6-1/2 year-old has never mentioned the gun "outside the house." A couple years ago we were in the front yard, just we two, and he said very quietly to me, "Daddy, are we 'outside' now?" When I asked what he meant, he said he wanted to ask me something about my gun, but wasn't sure if alone in the front yard qualified as "outside the house." I think he's used to the idea. So far the 3-1/2 year-old has never said anything either. And I rarely let them see me putting it on or even wearing it, so it shouldn't often be on their minds.
It is nice to see people planning ahead. That is one of the most important facets of any reaction. Our plan , I am trained and experienced dealing with BG's I confront the threat, The boss, will back me up and call 911 in whichever order is required. Our one daughter attends a local college and lives at home. In the event of an intruder she stays in her room until I give the all clear. Our collie is a good early warning system.
One time, when I was a young Texas LEO. I was working in the yard in shorts and tennis shoes, when a vehicle containing several angry perps (that I had dealt with on duty) pulled into the yard. The driver had a Shotgun by his seat and it was getting nasty because I was unarmed. All of a sudden he starts appologizing for bothering me etc. I hazzard a glance and my dear wife is on the porch not 50 feet away with a rifle at high port :D.
Interesting thread- I rent my second bedroom out to a Geo-bachelor from Vermont. He is also a shooter and we ended up dividing the house in half when he is in residence (9 days here, 5 days in Vermont). he covers the front and I cover the back... There is a short hallway that is the dividing line and ensures we don't set up a x-fire. For comms, I speed dial the digital from speaker and he dials from his cell. Both of us have lights and pistol with shotgun as backup. Don't use codewords because they are too hard to remember.

Years ago when the kids were little, we used basically the same thing TXinvestigator uses. It does work!