How would you and your significant other handle an intruder?

Some months ago, in the middle of the night, Scott Reitz and I heard footsteps coming from the path behind our bedroom window. Having had several break-ins in our neighborhood recently, we both woke up at the same time and went to check it out without having to speak more than three words to one another. We had worked out an emergency plan ahead of time. How many of you have emergency plans worked out with your significant other? Could you both stay calm and be effective or would you be trying to work out a plan on the run? If you are wondering what to get your significant other for Valentine’s Day, why not give her (or him) piece of mind? On February 12-13 Scott and I will be co-teaching a ‘Couple’s class” in Los Angeles designed to teach you what to do as a couple in case of emergency and how to work as an effective unit. Whether it be an intruder, a car-jacker, an earthquake, a fire or any other disaster, you will learn to work together as a team in your home and in your vehicle. You will learn emergency medical procedures, what provisions to have on hand in your emergency kit (everyone should have one) and how to deal with a fire or other natural disaster from an experienced EMT and fire captain, setting up a “safe” room in your home, planning for an emergency with children in the home, using team tactics in clearing a room and working together inside and around your vehicle using airsoft. We will give each team different problems to solve and they will act accordingly under the supervision of an instructor. Best of all, you will get to shoot Scott with airsoft!!

Special t-shirts have been designed for this class and they are truly unique!! First prize in our raffle is a romantic dinner for two at a gourmet Los Angeles restaurant. This will be a weekend you will never forget and it could someday save a life. Call Brett at 310-471-2029 or email at for details. Class size is limited to 10 couples.

Brett McQueen
My s.o. and I do not have a plan.

In fact, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind until I read this thread, much as I hate to admit it.
Me and the missus have worked out a plan for anything triggered by the smoke alarm (CO, smoke, fire), or anything triggered by the alarm; or anything triggered by unlawful trespass in the house proper.

We are a few months away from installing a generator with automatic transfer switch, so obviously we have a plan for loss of power too.

We DO NOT have a plan for loss of internet access, which would classify as a bonafide LEVEL III emergency :cool:

NYC Drew

She calls law enforcement while I shoot BG several times. :eek:

Thankfully our ampartment is layed out in such a manner that our bedroom is at the end of a narrow hallway and that is the ONLY access to it except window. (we are on floor 2 so not likely)
only way in are balcony, front door, and windows. As we are on floor two, the windows and balcony door remain locked, and do not pose as much threat as the front door.
Front door has lock, bolt, and chain. Then BG has to get down hallway in dark without tripping over recliner at one end, then table in middle. Finally, BG has to get thorugh my bedroom door.
Plenty of time for me or spouse to hear. I grab nightstand gun while she gets phone.
If it is BG, she hits speed dial while I hit "instant message" ;) . If not, we recheck and go back to bed.
So far we have not had to act on this, but it is our plan. Our apartment only has three rooms that can be closed off. BR2, Bath, and ours. Everything else (kitchen,dining,LR,etc) is open and at the front.
Downside is that it is hard for us to get out if BG has more firepower/buddies :(
The other day there was a small fire on one of the stove burners...maybe 3 inches high. I heard by wife screaming "FIRE!!! FIRE!!!! GET UP HERE THERES A FIRE!!! Then I heard my kids screaming because she had them worked into a frenzy by then....When I got upstairs she was frantically trying to get the fire extinguisher out...Thank God I got there before she was able to spray that powder all over dinner...I turned the burner off and the fire went back to wherever it came from. If someone broke in with her home, she'd probably just annoy them away......
Wife grabs telephone and .38 snub, heads through secret passage to kids room, I grab Glock. The dog will let us know if there is a physical threat, which I will do my best to eliminate with prejudice.

The plan we have is not fool proof and has flaws I wish we could afford to attend.My wife stays in bed with her 357 ruger sp 101 and I look for noise or answer the door.Every one knows I answer the door with a 9mm with frangibles and never open the door first after dark.We have breakins by just walking through an open door.Every one knows to call first cause I will shoot.We need a training program like that in the seattle area.Drop-Shot
Three of us in the house, wife, son, and me. If there is an entry where stuff is hitting the fan:

Son knows to get into far corner of room on his bed (upstairs) with 870 and not move till Dad signals all clear. Anyone stupid enough to go up those stairs with him up there and not announce their presence will not be gleefully welcomed.

Wife grabs .38 and into the bathroom she goes with the telephone, calling 911.

Depending on circumstances, . . . I will have the flashlight in left hand. . . 1911 in right hand, . . . telling bg that he really is not welcome in this house. Flashlight will be illuminating the door when he/she comes through. I'll be away from light, . . . but I can see the door very well.

I will probably not "clear" the house, . . . LEO's do a real good job of that when they get here. Just as long as I don't see a fire, or something like that, the three of us will probably "hole" up till the LEO's get here or perp does something to get him/her self shot, . . . or if they just up and leave.

May God bless,
here in VA you can't shoot an intruder if he's not trying to 'harm' you.

As long as the intruder is between myself and my avenue of escape and present's a threat, I may use any means neccessary.

VA is a retreat state, if you can you must, but if you can't you can use force.

Besides, there will be only one side to the story when it's all over anyway!

Remember the golden rule "Officer, I was AFRAID FOR MY LIFE and the lives of my family"


An old west lawman once said when asked why he carried a .45, "because they don't make a .46"
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Much depends upon your environment. For those of us who are fortunate enough to control the premises we live in then the design of physical security is straightforward. Proper fences and gates are a first priority, secondly adequate security lighting and thirdly barrier screens to doors and windows.
What this achieves is time to respond to a threat - anyone trying to come through has to make a noise. The degree of difficulty also deters anyone who might be looking for easy meat.
It has been my experience that wrongdoers tend to avoid hard targets and the harder you can make entry to your premises the better it is for you.
The Golden Rule is this:- 'Criminals Do What They Can Do - They NEVER Do what They Can't Do!' - Think about it. in VA you can't shoot an intruder if he's not trying to 'harm' you.

Gods, I am so glad I live in Texas. We just have to remember one little phrase..."I feared for my (or my spouse's) life." A guy I knew shot an intruder who just happened to have a weapon on him. The first thing the police asked him during questioning was, "You feared for your life, right?"

Admittedly, not all cities are like that.

She calls law enforcement while I shoot BG several times.

Preach it, brother 38.

I live in an apartment complex. The actual structural deterents that I can utilize are minimal. There are deadbolts on all of the doors, two on the front. A chain has been added to the front door. The windows have had slide locks added, and furniture has been conveniently placed in positions so that moving through the windows is a difficult proposition.

If they move through that, then my reaction is going to be determined by what room I'm in. If I'm on the west side of the living room, or in the kitchen, they're going to have a rather sharp ninjito run through their body. If I'm on the east side of the living room, they're getting shot a number of times. If I'm at the computer, I may just pepper spray them, because it's closer than my Baby Eagle.

If I'm in the bathroom, they're getting pepper sprayed, unless I feel I can make it to the bedroom. If I make it to the bedroom, They have the option of three swords (1 katana, 1 waikazashi, and 1 ninjito), a stun gun, pepper spray, or a .357 revolver.

If I'm walking down the hallway, that just happens to be the location of the most potent weapon in my arsenal, my 3 D-Cell Maglight. Generally it's a one swing drop if you get a good backhand arc on it and hit the jaw.

My wife's only job is to get to the closet, where we have a telephone, pepper spray, my athame, and a sword. No firearms, as she is -JUST- getting to the point where she is willing to touch one. (Which reminds me, I've got to start looking for a used .22 revolver).

She dials 911 while I attempt to 'rectify the situation' through whatever means are appropriate to the moment.
HighVelocity Wrote:

Wife grabs telephone and .38 snub, heads through secret passage to kids room

You got a secret passage? :eek: Cool. :D

I've been called eccentric, cuz I said if I even get really filthy rich I'm building a huge castle with moat and .50 mounted guard towers..... :rolleyes:

hmmm....guess maybe that IS a little strange..... :D
I've been called eccentric, cuz I said if I even get really filthy rich I'm building a huge castle with moat and .50 mounted guard towers.....

hmmm....guess maybe that IS a little strange....

I tell my wife that if we ever own a really big piece of land that there will be a large rock every 50 yards with the distance painted on the side facing the house. Then a sign posted about halfway facing the road that says "How fast can you run?" with a picture of my Rotts. :D
A buddy of mine said this to me once:
"With my 9mm I can fight my way back to my .40,
My .40 will let me fight my way back to my .45,
My .45 will get me back to my .500,
My .500 wiill let me fight my way back to my 12 gauge...." and so on and so forth. :D