How to CCW a sword

stiff plastic tube (depending on size of blade), cut out a strip down the side, leave about an inch at the bottom to hold bottom of blade, some kind of snap break at the top to hold blade in, attach to inside Duster/Drover/Trench coat..
“.. just goes to show ya how arbitrary some of these laws are.. in California, it's a misdemeanor to get caught with a hidden gun -- a felony if you get caught with a knife.”

I agree that the codes are unbelievably arbitrary, but the knife/felony gun/misdemeanor is only “sort of“ right.

In Cali it IS a felony to carry a concealed, fixed blade knife, but it is NOT illegal to carry a fixed blade knife (of ANY LENGTH!) un-concealed, nor is it illegal to carry a folded, folding-blade knife (of ANY LENGTH!) concealed or openly. See California Penal Code section 12020 (knives) and 10205 (handguns) at

The moral of the story is get a folding Katana and you’re cool in Cali. Though I can't vouch for municipal ordinances prohibiting folding katanas.

On the other hand, possession of a concealed _firearm_ is a “wobbler” – it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony. But basically if it’s a defendant’s first offense, it will be charged as a misdemeanor, unless the defendant fits into certain categories including being a member of a street gang or not being the registered owner of the handgun.*

You’ll see that there is a defense to carrying a concealed firearm in section 12025.5 when “a person who possesses a firearm reasonably believes that he or she is in grave danger because of circumstances forming the basis of a current restraining order issued by a court against another person or persons who has or have been found to pose a threat to his or her life or safety.”

Semper fi,
Bruegger out.

*here’s the details if you’re interested:
12025. (a) A person is guilty of carrying a concealed firearm when he or she does any of the following:
(1) Carries concealed within any vehicle which is under his or her control or direction any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.
(2) Carries concealed upon his or her person any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.
(3) Causes to be carried concealed within any vehicle in which he or she is an occupant any pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.
(b) Carrying a concealed firearm in violation of this section is punishable, as follows:
(1) Where the person previously has been convicted of any felony, or of any crime made punishable by this chapter, as a felony.
(2) Where the firearm is stolen and the person knew or had reasonable cause to believe that it was stolen, as a felony.
(3) Where the person is an active participant in a criminal street gang, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 186.22, under the Street Terrorism Enforcement and Prevention Act (Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 186.20) of Title 7 of Part 1), as a felony.

(4) Where the person is not in lawful possession of the firearm, as defined in this section, or the person is within a class of persons prohibited from possessing or acquiring a firearm pursuant to Section 12021 or 12021.1 of this code or Section 8100 or 8103 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, as a felony.
(5) Where the person has been convicted of a crime against a person or property, or of a narcotics or dangerous drug violation, by imprisonment in the state prison, or by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine.
(6) By imprisonment in the state prison, or by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment if both of the following conditions are met:
(A) Both the pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person and the unexpended ammunition capable of being discharged from that firearm are either in the immediate possession of the person or readily accessible to that person, or the pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person is loaded as defined in subdivision (g) of Section 12031.

(B) The person is not listed with the Department of Justice pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 11106, as the registered owner of that pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person.
(7) In all cases other than those specified in paragraphs (1) to (6), inclusive, by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine.
I sell all varieties of cutlery.

A wakizashi from Ontario or one of their clones would work well, as would any variation of kukri, bolo, or large bowie. It all depends on your taste and pocketbook. Feel free to email me for free info, and possibly for cheap prices.;)
ok, kinda related question.. Marine Corp Fighting Knife, who is making them now? I had a dealer try and sell me a "KBar" marked MCFK type knife, I don't think it was real.. the quality was really really bad for NIB...he also told me that Ontario was now making them for the USMC...
hrmm.. well, Ka-Bar is still around, and making knives on the old USMC pattern (as well as an updated synthetic handled one). Only dif I'm aware of is that the rollmarks are swapped (I think) -- "USMC" and "Olean NY" on opposite sides of the blade from the oringinal. um.. I think. Could easily be wrong.

They'd make a purty decent fighting knife, though they're a bit long for field use in my opinion. Mine pretty much stays in the truck and don't see much use for that reason.

Hang around EBay and you can likely find one in the $30 range. Just search on "Ka-Bar" and "USMC"

dis de blade

Get yourself a Byrd Walking Stick.....skull crusher on one end....hand-tooled all stainless weapons being disguised, etc.
Thanks Kaylee.. I used to carry one years ago when I was still in the Service (I was kinda known for my "knife fetish") but am long long out of the loop, I take it that Kbar is still making the knives for the USMC then? or is someone else making a differnt one? (or are they even issueing a knife for the USMC anymore?)

and I won't buy anything on E-Bay (Or Amazon for that mater), I don't want them selling all my purchase data...
From the KA-BAR FAQ
10. Is the U.S.M.C. fighting knife still issued by the Marine Corps?No. We have not have a government contract since the 1940s. While the U.S.M.C. knife is still in demand among Marines, it is a personal option knife.

I used to carry one years ago when I was still in the Service (I was kinda known for my "knife fetish")
Dude, that was the CLaymore you used to haul around! :D
watch it there Drang!, you are referring to the Basket Hilted Broadsword incorrectly called a Claymore.. and they were carried by ORFICERS!

I, on the other hand.. being a mear peon.. carried...

Sykes Fairbarn
M1 "Ranger" Knife
Gerber Mk 1 Boot
Gerber Mk II "survival"

And 3 or 4 throwing knives (although I never got even half decent with those.. But they were cheap if I needed a cheap knife for something)

and no, I didn't clank when I walked....

(they laughed at me until they day we ran into a mine field.. "ok, out with the Bayonets.. er, what do you mean no one was issued Bayonets?? BARR hand out those knives!!!!)
I carry a Cold Steel Sword Cane when i go on a day hike. Works good--not sharpened on sides, but wouldnt want to get hit by it. I use it for critters--rodents and dogs. Any other issues i have gun or pepper spray.

You could carry a Cold Steel Chinese War Sword around.
I sure wouldn't mess with you! :D
Have you tried to carry a large knife down your pant leg?
Put the sheet from inside your waist and down your leg, then attach it to your belt.
Have tried to walk around with a 10" blade this way. Can be done... :)

Kris Cultery and Deltin both make some nice swords. Kris swords are fairly cheap but well balanced and deltin swords are more expensive but are probably the best mass produced swords you can buy.

Anyway a karlsbalger or gladius would work if you could come up with a way to flatten them down. Both swords traditionally have round guards which would print. A tsubaless katana or wazakashi would also work (depending on the coat length). You could buy a new tsuba (lots of places sell them) and cut it down to reduce printing problems. Don't buy a straight katana ninjato, they are fictitious crap, plus kendo/kenjutsu moves utilitize the curvature of the blade as an aid to cutting.
Gunter, if you live in Austria, why don't you visit Prague. You can buy nice new made swords for 200-400 euro. There are 3 or 4 sword stores in Prague. You can also get training there.

My advice for carry is a short sword with it's handle sticking out of the top of your Rucksack.

Yeah just found out about swords from They are fairly inexpensive by american standards and most come with sheaths included in their price. They also sell some mean looking knives and daggers like a couple reprodution scramasax (sp?) knives.
Completely unrelated, but...

Nanaimo Barr, not so good to use knives for mine probing anymore. There are plenty of ComBlock mines out there now that are magnetically detonated or have that feature; in other words, your steel blade gets close and BOOM!

They're supposed to issue us Engineers synthetic mine probes, though I don't know that my Guard unit has any. :rolleyes:
I carry a Bowie with a 9 3/4" blade in a Kenny Rowe IWB scabbard everyday. Long enough to be a very effective blade but short enough to use in hallways and alleys.

I also have a Khukri (15" siripoti) with an under the shoulder scabbard.

I am working on a folding 20" sword on the Szabo design with a rolling lock.

The good thing about a sword cane is the ability to have two weapons. The sword and the stick.

Necessity is the mother of invention.


Gunter wrote:

Rucksack carry sounds like a neat idea. I do already carry a rucksack, so I will look into this method.


Simply buy a cheap machete and try that out, a short sword will have about the same length. A long sword might chop up too many bystanders in a crowded city:) Another good instroment is a Khukri. One of those simple ones from India costing about 30 euro will give you an Idea. They are of simple steel, but their feel and balance is right.

MrAcheson wrote:

Yeah just found out about swords from They are fairly inexpensive by american standards and most come with sheaths included in their price. They also sell some mean looking knives and daggers like a couple reprodution scramasax (sp?) knives.

I've seen swords starting at 3800 kr (130$) in Prague, Lutels might be finer made. Remember also these are swords made the old way. Forged, not ground.