How The British See US - A Must Read

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What's even funnier is that the article doesn't say 13.7% out of 100,000. It says "13.7 percent." That means 13.7 out of 100. Damn, I've got worse than a 1 in 10 chance of being killed by a gun this year. At this rate, we'll all be dead in 10 years.
Ya'll caught me out. I just liked the sound of the neologism. I wouldn't try to take Ms. Tamara's guns. No doubt, she is much more experienced and better shooter than I.

I just get torqued that somehow I am considered to have testosterone poisoning because I like to shoot and hunt. Where I am at I get even more grief because I am pro strong military. Too many people have their heads in the sand. Present company excepted.
Jolly Ho, Hip hip, and all that!!

Right!, The I can only ascertain that our "civilised" Brit wanna-be-landLords want us to follow by example.
I say, why don't we just give it up then, and if a common peasant wishes to take, what is not rightfully his, then we'll just call the Yard, and Justice will be prevail. It would only take wot, maybe 2 days to have a Bobby here to investigate?

It so good to be under Her Majesty's Rule.
We needn't think of all the nasties in life, only what we may do to serve the Empire.

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
Why the hell is Europe always held up by those in power as such a shining example of what we in this country should do? The elitists here love European countries for only one reason: the power they have over their subjects. The elitists here would kill (and they have) to gain that kind of power over us.

Back when monarchies ruled the countries of Europe, the individual, body and soul, belonged to the king. Today, it seems the only thing that's changed is that the individual now belongs to the state.

I speak from experience when I say that Europe is a fine place to visit to enjoy its famous sites and landmarks, and I agree with some of its more open attitudes on some subjects, but I sure as hell don't want to live there. Nor do I want any part of its socialist, life-deadening policies.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

[This message has been edited by DAL (edited May 01, 2000).]
In China, the color yellow denotes "love". The color red means "happy".

However, this does not mean that every yellow Chinese is in love. Nor does it mean that every Red Chinese is happy.

There are people in all countries who believe outlawing firearms will bring
instant peace to the world. Naturally, we know such folks are nitwits (at a

However, in the same countries there also are people who believe in the
Right to protect themselves, their loved ones, their property, and (in some
instances) third parties.

Unfortunately, current trends are to praise the nitwits and give them wide
media coverage while demeaning responsible defense by responsible citizens.

Note that nearly every government which condemns responsible defense is
more than willing to use overwhelming force to enforce their version of
“peace” and “order”.

What I have trouble keeping in mind, is the Brit friends I had (in Germany)
who were tough, responsible, and our philosophical kin - strong believers in
the individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

We must regain control of our government and return it to Constitutional
Law. We may disagree on how to do that, but let’s never forget that Britain
and Australia are our future if we continue to put our faith in those who
would enslave us.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Right on DAL, I used to live in NYC where all the cool and evolved-consciousness sheeple looked to the Netherlands as the shining lamp of progress. Give me a break. You know what I think is the best example to live by? The small town church in Indiana where my grandfather lived. Hedonists, socialists, deviants, go jump in a lake. The liberty of our nation was not won by losers of that sort.
London: Cold people, warm beer, riddled with fascists and communists.

How did one of the most free countries in the world trade in their freedom for National Health eye-glasses and free medical check ups?


Re British thinking, comments or whatever, in their country, their government can do as it likes, within the limits of the peoples tolerence.

In this country, roughly 83,000,000 citizens own firearms of various size, shape, color, WITHOUT THE LEAST PROBLEM.

We have our share of criminals and cooks, just as The British, and every other nationality group has, but the vast majority of the gun owners in this country go about their lives and business without bothering others.

Firearms are NOT the cause of such problems as exist, and anyone who claims otherwise, with a straight face, that is, is likely to try selling you the idea that 2 + 2 do not equal 4, and or that The World Is Flat. Round.
29 posts in this crime vs guns thread and so far no one has mentioned DRUGS.

The three bigest reasons for the US crime rate are drugs, drugs, an drugs. If I had to pick a fouth I'd blame the revolving door on our prisons before I'd blame the revolver.

The relationship of crime stats and handgun laws in Canada, England, and Japan is interesting, but none of them shares a 1500 mile border with Mexico, or has a similar amount of Carribean shoreline that offers smugglers easy access.

I wonder how the crime rates would compare if other countries were in our situation. I also wonder if we adopted strict gun laws, if they would work any beter than the laws that are supposed to keep drugs from our borders?.... probably not.

A survey of crimes involving edged weapons in Japan might be interesting. Perhaps they have a greater problem with Samurai swords than Britain or the US. Japan has always been such a peaceful nation. ;)

Get your 1911s and AR15s while you still can!

[This message has been edited by Watch-Six (edited May 01, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Watch-Six (edited May 01, 2000).]
How about a statistic called "Murder per Gun"? Some study claimed Vancover was more 'advanced' than Seattle because the number of gun-deaths was lower in Vancouver. But if you divided the number of gun-deaths by the total number of guns then it was clear that the Canadians were the more disposed to shoot people.
FWIW, I was visiting England some years ago and saw a BBC TV report on gun control proposals in the US. It was a propaganda piece, plain and simple, but would not have come across that way to its intended audience. The reporter made no pretense at objectivity. His take on American pro-gunners was violently skewed, although in his ignorance and prejudice I have little doubt that he believed what he was saying. "Typical" American gunowners were shown wearing camo and firing a .50 BMG (actually, this looked like fun to me). The NRA headquarters building was photographed through the leaves of a tree branch--as if the BBC cameraman was afraid of being shot from one of the windows if he appeared in the open.

From conversations I've concluded that most of England has made up its mind about guns on the basis of deep ignorance. I suspect that many Brits would get down on their knees and beg to have the RKBA taken away from them if the government hadn't taken it away already (some Americans have gotten to be like this, too--to our shame). The British government prefers its citizens this way, which is not surprising in an oligarchy.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited May 01, 2000).]
I agree with DC: who cares what the Brits think? The last time we needed to care about what they think was in 1776!
Jimmy, Brits are without their rights because the majority WANTED them taken away.

That's why there's the bill of rights, to protect the minority.

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