How often do you shoot?

My year-round average is probably twice a month, way more in the summer than in winter. My range has only limited hours indoors in the winter, and it isn't always easy to get there. The outdoor ranges are there anytime.

Enough to stay sharp, with special trips for new acquisitions of course.
how often

I go to the range every friday and shoot between 200 and 400 rounds of a mix of 45acp and 40sw or sometimes 9mm and 380acp. It is an expensive hobby but I cut back in other areas. I try working on proper form, stance,breathing and different distance's from the target. My grouping's are shrinking so im happy.
Once a year, when my agency has us go "qualify". I would LIKE to shoot once a month, but I have nowhere to go. The PD I serve won't allow us to use the range on our own with out a supervisor present. :mad:
I really need to get to the range more, I try to go atleast once a Month with a goal of twice a month if I can ever find the time but I havnt been since July. Getting married and all saps away all of your important range time damnit!
I get to go shoot about 300rnds every 2 weeks.
Still not enough, but I cant afford enough.

If,you're strapped for rounds like me, divide up your shooting. Set aside a box for serious technique practice, working on follow ups, controlled pairs, etc. with the rest (the bulk of your rounds) work on firing very deliberately. Stay away from shooting from seated or from a rest. Work on fumctional accuracy.

The way I make it work is that my wife likes sleeping in, so i'll go shooting in the morning right when the range opens, and pick her up some starbucks on the way home. Every so often I convince her to go to the range too, but usually she's fine with me going by myself.

Other trick is that she knows I hunt all over town for deals on ammo.... Without having to settle for garbage like TulAmmo.
I only have been out a couple of times this year but I make the most of my time and between my son and I we can go though 300-400 rounds of .40
As much as possible. Once or twice a week depending on the ol' lady's work schedule. Don't bring anything less than 60 rounds per firearm.
I try to shoot at least once a week at the range. But ammo isn't cheap, and I don't have my own backyard or land that I wish i had for shooting.
Typically once a week, sometimes twice if I'm lucky. More so in the winter than the summer (which is sad since the outdoor range up north is the most fun of all) but summers have been very busy lately. Hopefully by next summer I'll be shooting more. I'm working on 10 acres I bought a year ago. It's rural but not remote so I'm trying to set up a .22 range that is neighbor friendly. We shoot mostly .22LR with some .22 magnum and 9mm mixed in for fun. Occasionally something more fun (ie bigger) but costs of ammo (ots or reloaded) dictate mostly sticking to the 9mm & .22's.
i go at least once a weak and shoot 50-100 9mm to keep accurate and at least 500 22lr unless my girl goes then its more like 1000lr with a 10-22 and her pink sig mosqutio
Hardly at all right now... just trying to find time to sight in the bow, crossbow, shotgun, Encore..., takes more time than I have. Any "extra" like the Glock is pretty much a few mags in any leftover range time.
Seems like about 4 to 6 times a year. I'd like to go more often but I haven't really had much time for it this year.
I shoot once a month and usually go thru 100 rounds min to 150 rounds per visit. If I am bringing more than one gun I am around 200-250 rounds.

Once a month is about the sweet spot for me based on time, money and improving my skill set.

I just joined a pistol club and we meet once a month also (so I guess its twice a month, once on my own once with the club) and we go over all the tactical pistol stuff for 4 hours with trainined instructors. Its a sweet deal. I love it and its making me a better gun fighter no doubt.
Try to go at least twice a month and usually make it ... the heat this summer has made it hard to keep that schedule, no fun shooting outdoors when its 105 ... usually take my .22mag and two or three others, including (always) my EDC ...
Other than when I am traveling on vacation, I get to the range at least twice per week and sometimes as often as four times a week.

My caliber of choice is the .45 ACP but also shoot plenty of .357 magnum, .40 S&W, and .223/5.56. I usually shoot around 300 to 500 rounds each time I am at the range, which, as you can well imagine has become a major expense. I am fortunate to have a number of shooting buddies that have formed a "ammo purchasing club" to take advantage of buying in quantity. I have also made the decision to try my hand at reloading. I will make the trip out to Scottsdale, AZ next month to speak with the folks at Dillon Precision to purchase some equipment from them which will help control the cost of feeding my habit.