How often do you shoot?


New member
I did a search on this topic and didn't see it so I figured I would ask. If someone knows if it's here let me know the link,.

I still consider myself new to the handgun world and I think I see the RO's more often that I see my grandkids, no let me change that... I know I see the RO's more than my grandkids and if my son is reading let that be a hint!

Anyway I have been at either one or the other of my local ranges on an average of once a week. I enjoy the fun, I need the practice with my new guns and I need to improve my skills. I usually fire 150 to 200 rounds per visit and leave feeling better than when I walked in.

I was curious how often some of the more experienced shooters are on the range and how many rounds they shoot while there? Also any advice on how to practice or train while I am at the range?
I shoot dern near daily unless I'm on a road trip or out of town Granddaughter Vollyball/Basketball game.

But I shoot in my back yard.
I only have the time to go once or twice a month. I generally use 200 to 250 rounds of .22LR and 50 to 100 rounds of center fire ammo. A .22 sure helps keep ammo costs down.
I was at the range the last 2 days, but that's not the norm for me. I get out once a month at least. I'd like to get out once a week but the other demands on my time don't allow it.
At least once a week, but I've been getting out 2-3 times a week recently. Helps that the new range I go to is much closer than the ones I was using before. 300-400 rounds of .22lr and 50 of 9mm is my normal session. Not particularly experienced yet though so can't offer much advice on stuff to do :o

One day I can only hope to not live in the city or suburbia and have a backyard I can shoot in :D
I used to go to the range twice a month, firing in total about 200-250rds of 9mm and .223. However I have been very busy the last five weeks so I haven't had a chance to go. I need to get back to the routine.
not so easy answer...

So, this begs further questions...

To be very simplistic... how much does one have to shoot to become better? Depends on your goals of either marksmanship, self defense, competition or a combination of any of the above.

Shooting is practicing the fundamentals.. getting tighter and tighter groups... faster and faster. Just like any other skill... it's best to be taught the proper skills one should achieve for... so you can practice those skills and become better rather than learning bad habits on your own and just making those bad habits better (worse)...

To that end... unless you have huge resources to spend on shooting... I would suggest you consider buying a .22 handgun (either stand alone or a conversion for your current firearm). This will allow you to practice 10-30 times more than you would with your centerfire handgun.

Get trigger time!

So just to give you an idea. In my hayday of shooting (a lot). I was shooting over 25,000 rounds of .22 and a mix of 9mm, 40/357Sig of over 9,000 rounds a year. Now I'm married and I would be lucky to shoot 5,000 of .22 and 1,000 of 40/357Sig.

Also when I went shooting I went for 3-4+ hours at a time. Not 30 min. Please do note that I took plently of time as breaks in that long stretch. The last thing you want to do is shoot for 4 hours straight. Muscle fatique sets in pretty quick.

Also as a note. My .22 is a Walther P22 with 20 magazines. Not shoot a mag and reload but shoot 20 mags (200 rounds) and then reload. Yes, I spent more on magazines then the gun but it was well worth the investment.

So, I hope this helped.

But some practice is better than none.
I try to go once a week, but money is getting tighter. Ammo is not getting any cheaper. I just ordered a Glock airsoft gun to practice with at home. I can always go and shoot my .22lr I guess.
typically handgun once a month
rifle every other month

hopefully soon (due to new income) it'll be handgun twice a month and rifle once a month

in a perfect world, I'd shoot every day
Workout at gym 3 days a week.

Shoot once a week.

All my shooting and workout is orientated toward sports specific exercises.

And my sport is self defense.

From June-August not much at all. Too hot. I will go in the garage and squeeze off a few rounds/work on mechanics with a pellet gun. From the middle of September -April I go to the range a lot more. Still not as much as I'd like to, but......
Once or twice a week, however for the last 9 weeks I have been mostly confined to quarters with a broken ankle in a hard cast. Have not been able to do stairs or walk. Graduated to an Air-Cast and made it to the range 3 days later. I also take Gun-Fighting courses 2 times a year where the range is 360 degrees and the guns are loaded all of the time. Practice is fine, but training in the world of Gun Fighting is even better.
I am retired now and got into a good club the first of August. Have been averaging about four times a week for the last two months. Need all the shooting I can get.
Usually do 60 to 80 rounds through my Ceiner .22 conversion unit and about 20 rounds through my .45 Colt 1911. I like those two so well I haven't been shooting much else.
Lots of improvement over those two months. I am on the verge of graduating from horrible to terrible.
Have a new to me 9mm Colt Commander on the FedEx van for delivery Monday. Hope to try it out at least by Monday afternoon. I have 150 rounds loaded for it. Didn't want to overdo it before I tried them in the new gun.
We have an informal Sunday morning get together. Usually start at the rifle range, then move to the pistol range. anybody who has energy left then moves over to the trap field.

I have only made it twice in Sept. but look to do it more often in Oct.
I see your in SE PA, what club or group is this? I joined two clubs this year and only had a chance to visit one so far. The one is indoor and 24/7 so I get to go prob 2 times a month. The other I joined so I could get into shooting sports but haven't had a chance to go.
At least once a week more if possible and I can afford it. But usually just on Sundays. I shoot varying amounts of ammo no less than 100rds; usually its about 250 rounds of federal bulk ammo.
Since my significant other has come to enjoy our sport, I get out a bit more. I try for once per week, but on average it usually ends up 2-3 times per month. Wish I had the time and money for more.