how much can you bench?

In college, I squatted 650. So did my lifting partner. We were ecstatic. We were monsters. We were huge.

We were CHEATING. We never progressed past 650 and we wondered why. Then I started reading some of the HIT forums and reading about squat form and realized I was doing something very wrong--my range of motion was probably 6-10 inches with those huge weights. I was just demonstrating how much weight I could stand under without crumbling. I backed WAY off on the weight and began full squats below parallel. That took me down to 155 before I could do it with good form! But it was the only way to get stronger for real.

I'll never forget a high school football coach yelling at one of the other linemen. "You don't stand chest to chest and try to throw him sideways! That kid benches 300 pounds! Get underneath him!" Of course, on the next play I got lower too and the result was the same. Lesson?

No, strength will not dominate someone with good knowledge and training and an understanding of how to overcome strength and strike its absence. But wouldn't you rather have both? :D

(PS--yes, I know, football is not combat. But the principles are similar.)

5'7" tall, 50" chest, 18" biceps, 32" waist, 200lbs.

Max bench 365lbs with strict form.

You gotta be in good condition, phisically & mentally in any kind of confrontation!!!
Was 400lb now 300lb. BTW, The chest is used in in the "hook", It depends on what punch you throw.

Hey................. this is the first time I posted here?!?
Many moons ago:

325lbs at a body weight of 210lbs, full pause, no bench shirt, and full lockout BTW.

I'm still more "proud" of my power clean and press (not push press) of 225lbs at a body weight of 220lbs though.


I'm sure that I could at least do my body weight (240ish), but I really haven't lifted in years.
OK guys. What is a bench shirt and do I need one? I currently have the sought after "bean pole physique." 6'2", 190lb, 8% fat and I bench 200lbs, but I can't brush my teeth for the next week:D
A bench shirt is one of the gimmicks in Power Lifting. It is essentially a very tight and elastic shirt to help you lift more weight. And no, you don't need one. Try over-head presses instead, much better exercise IMO.
OK then. What on earth is the point of a bench shirt. If it makes it easier to lift the weight then it is just cheating. After all weight training is difficult by nature, that is the whole idea.

If you got ripped by doing easy stuff I would spend a whole lot less time at the gym