How much ammo next door makes you nervous?

Talking in context of hundreds of thousands up to a million, I'd be curious.

I guess that nobody else finds it kind of weird that an ordinary guy would own enough ammunition to shoot a thousand rounds a day, every day, for three years? I guess that i only keep an amount on hand for a half dozen or so range trips?

It's obviously possible that the guy is a national level competition shooter. I'm assuming that he hasn't got a really urgent need for it all.

To me, this is similar to a guy who keeps cases of mayonnaise. He's probably a weirdo.

That million rounds cost money. If the guy is living in a shanty and sends his kids to school in worn clothes there is a problem. No, I won't loan him a twenty until payday, I won't ever let him drive my car.

If we were talking about a truly dedicated collector and shooter of many guns, and he kept thousands of rounds on hand for every one of them, that's not abnormal, and if you keep it in context there's nothing strange about it. If, however, a guy has pallet stacks of one thousand cases of 7.62x39 piled in his living room, I'm going to just assume that either he has a good reason for it or he has a screw rolling around inside his head.

It's going to stay in my head. I'm going to assess it logically to understand why he has it. If there's no particularly good reason for having a thousand cases of ammo in his home, I'm going to assume that something unusual is happening.

Maybe he's just a secondary market for his club or friends? He's the one who accepts delivery of the truckloads, then hands them out to the buyers?

In any case, having a pile of ammo the size of a pickup in the garage should be a very tightly kept secret. If that pinhead allowed you to find out that he is holding ammo in the tens of thousands, his judgment is impaired. You don't let things like that go out to the general public.
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my closest neighbor is prolly 600yrds,,and i would expect him to have some ammo stored

except for the few laying around that i can get to,,,you know,,, a pistol here and there,,,shot gun by the back door,,,ar standing in the corner,,,,i dont advertise what is behind closed doors,,,,but if i have to go behind the door,,,it could be on for a while,,,,,lol

but i always have and still do believe in the old saying,,,"BUY IT CHEAP AND STACK IT DEEP"


the amount of ammo i have would not make anyone nervous because i wouldnt tell anyone in the first place.
How much ammo next door makes you nervous?
I don't know, let me ask my neighbor. :D

Seriously, how many rounds of ammunition present a threat in any manner? Same as firearms. Both need people to be added in order for them to be dangerous. So let me ask you, how many people next door make you feel uneasy?
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Never thought about it. They don't know how much if any I have and I don't know what they have. I believe that the way it should be.
Seriously, how many rounds of ammunition present a threat in any manner?

It's not so much a matter of how many rounds. it's a matter of how many rounds, and the person. It probably never presents a threat, that threat can exist at one full magazine. But, At a certain point, won't the person become a hoarder?

I consider anyone who owns mega loads of anything, to be a bit of a nutter. a million rounds doesn't present to me as a danger, but it presents to me as clear evidence that there's a missing bolt or two. I think that anyone who has ten thousand salt shakers or five gallons of milk in his fridge to be out of contact with reality. I'm not afraid of him, but I sure as heck can't ignore him.

I have about a year's worth of loaded ammo. Thats doesn't make me a hoarder. Otoh, I have maybe two years worth of cigars in proper storage. That doesn't make me a hoarder, either, because every box is different, and every day I smoke something different.
Briandg I don't know how many rounds you have, or what you consider a years supply. I do know that I know many of my less enlightened friends would consider your stock dangerous and excessive. I admit that a million rounds might give me pause if not stored properly, but am libertarian enough to accept others idiosyncrasies are probably none of my business.
I don’t know how much ammunition I have, it’s a lot. Don’t make me a nutter. In the 2008 panic, I went a full two years without shooting because I thought ammunition hoarding was silly.

If a person becomes dangerous, one can of ammunition might be a huge problem... so could a magazine full. I’m no any more worried if a person has multiple cans of ammunition or even pallets of ammunition.
Unfired ammo is pretty damn safe outside of a firearm. Even in a fire, it's still pretty safe. Therefore, no amount next door makes me feel nervous. Massive amounts of gasoline, fireworks, or pesticide next door would worry me a lot more.

If I owned anything less than 50K rounds, I'd be worried.
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I don't worry about ammo, neighbors OR MINE. Some would say I have way too much but I buy when on sale, shoot 3 times a week, 1000-1200 rounds a month.
If I knew my neighbors had gadzillions rounds of ammo in their house, I would be pissed they have more money than I do.
If the person next door has 1,000,000 rounds I know where I'm going if I run out in a SHTF situation
I consider anyone who owns mega loads of anything, to be a bit of a nutter.

I suppose that explains why so many millionaire are crazy! Since they have mega loads of money!

Every wonder why people who collect (or hoard) CERTAIN things are considered odd, but people who collect & hoard MONEY aren't???

If you're poor, you're crazy, if you're rich you're "eccentric" at worst, or just a "collector" otherwise.

And, really, 5 gallons of milk in the fridge means you're out of contact with reality??? Perhaps you're a little out of contact with the reality of family life, where a couple of growing kids can make 5 gallons of milk can be barely a week's supply.

I know many of my less enlightened friends would consider your stock dangerous and excessive.

And this is the root problem right here. OTHER people passing judgement on your (or my) stock of whatever, and deciding its dangerous and/or excessive.

Not everyone subscribes to the "just in time" philosophy, some of us like to have a "back up" supply of whatever, just for the times when you can't get it reliably. Ammo, coffee, or toilet paper, having just "enough for now" is fine, IF you live somewhere that convenient resupply is easy and reliable. But what of those of us who don't??

If I run out of something, be it mustard or bullets, its at least a 20 mile round trip for the condiment, and 50 for ammo.

I no longer give a rodent's posterior about the opinions of other people concerning what and how much of what I should own. I think we'd all be a lot better off if more people felt that way.
Concerned? No. But, if I go over to borrow a cup of ammo; and she answers the door in a negligee and a come-hither look, I might be concerned about my wife's response....

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If my neighbours can afford to have 1,000,000 rounds of ammo, I'd be jealous, not nervous.
"...8 feet high and 30 feet deep..." Isn't a garage. It's a warehouse. snicker.
" a firefighter..." They're more concerned about a CRT TV set. Those explode.