How much ammo next door makes you nervous?


New member
Assuming the guy next door isn’t flying the Isis flag, how many round of ammo stored in their home would make you nervous?
Unless he had cases strewn across the yard and people came by at night to help themselves, any amount is fine by me. Gasoline on the other hand, I would like to see him comply with local fire regs.
None of it makes me nervous. What makes me nervous is someone sticking their nose into my stuff, getting nervous about what the THINK might happen, and then demanding that the government DO SOMETHING so they don't feel nervous anymore.
I get along with my neighbors. Most of them are part timers at the lake vs. a few of us full timers. The distance between homes is considerable. Houses are only on one side of road with thousands of acres of woodlands on the other side of the road. Most of us have targets setup for range practice in our back yards across the road. The front of our homes is bordered by the lake. My particular property is on the end, and I have only one adjacent neighbor. The lake is over 40,000 acres.
Ammunition does not make me nervous nor do guns. What makes me nervous is people who get into mine and other peoples business when its motivated by their lack of knowledge or political agenda. Of course if the person is acting strangely then I might consult with my other neighbors to see if they have the same concerns. However, some of my neighbors like to gossip and get on bandwagons so I'd have to carefully choose which ones I spoke with. If all my neighbors make me nervous I'd either go see a shrink or move.

If you have good reason to believe that your neighbor is planning to do something nefarious with the ammunition take your evidence to the local authorities and discuss it with them. You better have good solid evidence because if that neighbor figures out it's you that went to the authorities then you might find yourself in civil court.
Absolutely the third option listed, one million rounds.

If my neighbor has one million rounds, I'm definitely nervous that he's gotten one helluva buy from somewhere, or gotten a smoking deal on powder, primers and slugs, both of which I have missed.

Hell, when my best shooting bro buys a case of rimfire, I get really nervous, because I know that if he's buying, it's a sale good enough where I'm a fool if I don't also buy. (for the record... he grabbed two cases of CCI-SV a month ago and I went ahead and picked up one case. And the time before that, we each bought up to our limit in one shipping fee and that was 8,000 rounds each.)
If I found out my neighbor had a million rounds of ammo in his basement, it would make me seriously regret not befriending him sooner.
Regular old rifle/pistol/mg ammo??? I mean I guess a million rounds might be excessive but I am not sure what that would look like so maybe not. None of my business.

Now actual explosives / explosive rounds would bother me.
1,000 rounds would make me nervous. That's just not enough to participate in neighborhood defense in case of riot, weather catastrophe, earthquake, etc.
I would be angry if his house collapsed and the ammo spewed onto my lawn in a caliber I don't use.

10K is nothing. We old guys have figured out that given our yearly usages, the supply will outlast us, esp. if we keep eating tacos in San Antonio.
10K is nothing. We old guys have figured out that given our yearly usages, the supply will outlast us, esp. if we keep eating tacos in San Antonio.

I like how you think you Glenn.
Tacos are on me next time we drive from Dallas to Brownsville if you are available.