How much ammo do you keep?

I keep one .38 special cartridge in my shirt pocket... ;)

"A People that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both"
Dwight D. Eisenhower
I keep more rounds for some weapons than others but have a good supply for all of them. Buy most of my ammo when I see it on sell somewhere. I don't keep an exact inventory on it but know I have reasonable amount for each weapon.
Not enough, I'm sure. I keep looking for one of those autos I see on TV that holds a normal looking mag and only seems to run out after about 50 shots.
I figure that 2-3 of those and a couple of dozen mags, I can handle a 3 week siege.

Realiatically, I try to keep several K of 22 and several 100 to at least 1K of cenerfire for everything else. Plus several K of components.
I store most of my surplus in military ammo boxes with desiccant packs inside

I'll second this method.
As far as how much, usually around 500 shotgun shells (12, 20, and .410), about 1000 .22lr, and 300ish .45ACP
I'm just glad to see other people actually keep inventory of their ammo. I feel a little more... normal now
This may be the wrong place to check your normal dipstick ... But you're ok by me. :D

Seriously though, in these times given the rising and unpredictable future costs of ammo, the risks of shortages, the risks of regulation, all of the other political risks that exist, ect ... it's hard to say you can have too much. I don't hoard by any means, but when I see a good deal on something I shoot, I pick up a couple of boxes to add to the inventory.
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Can someone chime in on this and tell me if I'm being too specific;
I was wondering why some people use the term .45 long colt, when no ammunition manufacturer uses it on the ammo boxes.


Arrondhgraham said...It took quite a while to get to these levels,,,
But now that I have the bench stock I want to have on hand,,,
It's a very easy thing to replace what I shoot just from my Mad Money fund.

That is pretty much the way I handle things now. It did take a while to get to a comfortable inventory/cache.

My shooting varies from month to month and year to year. To some I have a LOT of ammo on hand, but to others it is quite normal. My levels are similar to Arrond's whether that be 6 months shooting or two years shooting. I do have more 22 rimfire than he does with a lot of bricks of stuff I don't shoot very often. I don't inventory often, but when I do I am often surprised at how much I have on hand.
I have about 1000 eounds of 556, 1500 of 9mm and 400 of 45acp. I buy target ammo when I find it on the cheap and more SD/Hunting ammo when I can afford it. I will be happy when i have maybe 3k 556 and 2k of 9 spread across my two places. Lugging guns back and forth is easy but the ammo gets HEAVY.
Not enough. I do keep as much as I can afford and find room to store in my storage cabinet. Add to it whenever I have the extra cash and am not looking to buy a new gun instead. Like to have a minimum of 1000 rds. for each caliber I shoot.
We keep on hand 500 9MM and 2000 22LR. and 50 rnds SD EDC ammo.
That allows us to shoot in warm weather and restock during ammo sales.
Usually have 100 rds in the vehicle for whatever I have along, sometimes a little more. Usually a brick of 22 in there also.

Thats not "going to the range", just what lives in the truck.