How Many...


New member
How many guns do you carry concealed on you at once.

I have heard of people who carry three guns at once. I'm not going to say it is too much, too little, or just right.

I want to know your opinion, and yes I do know the Concealed Weapons laws.
I would carry two all of the time if I could. It just depends on where I'm going or what the days activities are, and how bad my back is bothering me.
One, plus a couple of loaded speed loaders. (It's a revolver, obviously.) I'm not a police officer or security person. I carry a very reliable gun, very reliable ammunition, and figure that if that isn't enough to make me feel safe somewhere, it's time to leave.
just one with a reload in the truck...i hate even having to carry my phone around with me...guns are even heavier!
For me carrying a gun is a king size 'pain in the butt'. Also a real neccesity in our world today. Its one for me plus a reload.
For me, only one. Pocket or IWB holster. With a reload.

But I have a friend who used to carry a J-frame on his left ankle and a J-frame on his right ankle, at the same time!

I'm just not sure if those were both backups and he did this when he also had a belt gun, so don't know the full tally of "how many at once".

Bart Noir
Who thinks an officer with a 6-inch .41 Magnum duty gun probably doesn't need 2 BUGs.
I carry two, plus two extra mags for the LCP (ankle) and 4 speed loads (belt) for the SP101 (wb). I belt carry my RAT RC4; and I also carry a Buck Hartsook neck Knife. And, sometimes I use a Cold Steel City walking stick. In addition, sometimes I'll carry my SOG Ageis tactical folder in my left front pocket.
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Depends on the day, where I am going and how I feel. Always one but I have been know to carry as many as four.

I know some people will roll their eyes and say WTH? I am comfortable with my decisions and feel no need to explain them.
One in the pocket plus a reload, usually a Smith 37 and speed strip OR a Glock 19 IWB, along with a Benchmade mini Ambush

plus usually (off body) a man-purse :D with an old late 60s Colt Cobra with early Agent grips + 2 speedstrips OR a day planner with a Glock 17 + spare mag,

and finally, a Sig P6 in the glove box with two spare mags and a trunk rack with an old 870 PD Wingmaster.

Paranoid or Prepared. We report, you decide. :)
Only need one, you takem down one at a time. Why fiddle around with two or three different calibers, just find a happy medium, and all ways be prepared.