How many shots is enough

I reckon five for me, .44 Special, 240 gr. JHPs.

Why? I figure one should be enough, two at most. I'm a little wary, so don't give would-be hoodlums a chance to get me in a situation where they out number me.

I'm the most vulnerable when pumping gas, so if there are several suspicious characters around, I keep going.

Bob Wright
I feel confident with .38 Special 5 shot revolver but to each his own. Personally, I've never felt that I've needed more than that to feel safe.
Defense against what? In the usual game or TV scenario, the good guy is attacked by 125,486 screaming terrorists, so he needs 125,486 rounds.

Seriously, for many years as a LEO, when in "civvies" I carried a Model 36 and one speed loader, and thought that I was adequately armed. (Never needed to fire a shot, but that is another story.)

James K posted: defense against what?
All I can say is, against whatever. I usually carry a 5 shot 38 or two. I like the reliabilty of a revolver and I like the ability to walk through a dark parking lot with my gun in my hand in a jacket pocket. But, I can shoot an automatic more accurately. Just trying to get a sounding on other peoples thoughts.
This one is easy.....According to Gov. Cuomo the answer is 7

Now realistically I feel pretty well armed with a Model 36. I do carry at least one reload (usually 2) just in case. If I opt for the 1911, it's 8+1 plus a reload for a total of 17. Not that I think I need that many rounds, I just like to be prepared for the worst I guess.

Ten in the magazine, one in the chamber of 147 grain 9mm goodness. I have some spare mags but I can't think of a single time when I have ever carried a reload.

In these colder winter months I sometimes carry my G23 and that puts me at 13+1 rounds of 165 grain goodness.
How many shots, of what, is enough for concealed carry self defense? What say you and why?


My crystal ball I use to predict how many shots I will need in gunfight is kind of cloudy.

It says I might need none, one, two, three, four, .... 10, 11, oh and it goes on!

Seems the crystal ball says some self defense situations just need the gun displayed but in others, especially with three or more attackers, it can take lots.

And folks, in places like Memphis Tennessee three man teams of robbers are quite common.

I might be sorry some day if I get into one of those unlikely situations, that could happen, where I need to survive a fire fight but I do not let it keep me up at night. But I generally only carry whatever the capacity of my side arm is. Most often 8+1 9mm or 6 .357, occasionally 15+1 9mm, rarely 7+1 .45
I choose to go with 13+1 of 40 S&W. I have never carried a reload when carrying this gun.

About 15% of the time and dictated by attire, it is 6+1 of 380 ACP, and in this case, I always carry 1 spare mag of 6.

It is an impossible thing to know how many rounds you MAY need, but my mindset is that if I need more than 14/13, an extra X probably will not do me any good as the situation has already turned South.
This question has been asked many times and always with similar answers.

Some say 5-6 is enough or even more than enough. If you never have to use your gun then it may just be the perfect number?

Even well trained LEO's can dump a 15 round mag in a few seconds and not hit the target while under fire/stress.

Some say you can never have enough ammo if you end up in a gunfight. I personally feel it's just like gathering firewood in a survival scenario, once you think you have enough go get some more! It gets cold in a hurry when the wood runs out and you could be permanently cold if the ammo runs out!
I don't like to carry anything less than 6+1 for a total of 7. Used to carry 5 shot snubs for a few years, but for such a hard platform to shoot 5 rounds didn't do it for me.
This is one of those questions that's impossible to answer. Maybe 1 is enough. Maybe 20 is not enough. I think it all boils down to what you are feel safe and are comfortable with.

Personally I feel perfectly safe and comfortable with a 5-shot revolver.