How many rounds are enough to carry....for YOU?

I carry (on my person) whatever the gun I'm carrying at the time is loaded with.
If I can't stop the threat or extract myself from the situation without having to reload, extra ammunition isn't likely to do me any good.
For every day normal routine carry outside of the home, a G26 with one in the chamber and a single reload with both magazines downloaded by a single round for a total of 19 rounds.

If I'm feeling paranoid (going somewhere with crowds, traveling really late, travelling somewhere farther than an hour from home) I'll trade out the extra G26 magazine for a G17 magazine for a total of 26 rounds.

If I'm feeling REALLY paranoid, and staying home isn't an option, I'll trade out the G26 for the G17 and carry two reloads for a total of 49 rounds.
Normally the 5 in my J frame model 36.

But then again, is "normal" changing? With all the "c$#p" that is becoming the "norm" going on . . . I've been doing a lot of "re-thinking" . . .

Hopefully, I'll never need 1 round nor will never have to draw a weapon. But I find myself carrying my 9mm Shield more and more with a spare mag. When my wife and I travel, especially in souther AZ where we winter, I often put the SR9 with double stack mags in the car in addition to what I'm carrying . . especially if we are going to be on back roads in lesser traveled areas.

In the past year, I have found myself in several situations that could have escalated into very dangerous situations (thankfully they didn't) and it made me even more aware of the necessity of being more aware of what is going on around me and the necessity of getting in to the habit of "carrying", even while at home (and one incident involved two perps - and afterwards, the suggestion of the local LE to carry even at home). Home invasions are becoming more and more common, especially by dope addicts who have little regard for human life, and often multiple perps. And so, I am changing the way I think. I'd rather be carrying a handgun with more rounds than needed and never have to use it than to find myself in a situation where it required more rounds than I have available. That is one of the main reasons I am going to a semi-auto with more capacity than the old faithful J frame that I used to be comfortable with.

In the end . . . it's a "personal decision" for each individual what caliber, how many rounds and the type of handgun they carry. Whatever the individual decides on . . the most important thing is that they become proficient in shooting it accurately and that that the pratice with it regularly. Just my humble opinion.
Always 2 extra full size double stack mags. My compact SAR b6PC carries 13+1 but it takes 19 round MecGar CZ/TriStar mags. When I carry my Witness 10mm I have 15+1 in the gun and 2 14 round backups. I have no idea what I will need if I ever need to use my gun. I am comfortable carrying 2 extras. Even if it weren't comfortable I would carry at least 1 extra.
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I carry 14+1, or 16+1 depending on the gun, with no reload. I previously carried a Glock 26 with 10+1 for years, but just got into carrying larger guns. I shoot them well, and just like how they handle easier. I would still feel comfortable carrying a snubby with 5 rounds. I don't live in a urban area, or any remotely crime prone area. We all take our chances, but we all face greater odds of bodily harm just driving to and from work everyday. I try not let mental paranoia, completely of my own making, overtake reason and logic, no matter what I'm carrying.
0, 5 or 6, depending on which revolver I carry (or whether I carry at anything). "Enough" is only determined after the fact. So far in my life, zero rounds has been enough.
I carry A 5 shot S&W 640 For work. Can not risk A customer seeing it. other times it has always been A Full size 1911 with 8 rounds. I am in the process of switching over to A 9mm with 17 rounds.Have trigger work to do on the new gun and get myself completely familiar with it before carrying. Todays world I want the extra rounds even if I never need them.
Right now I have a Ruger SP101 in .357mag in my pocket loaded in 158gr JHP Speer Gold Dot. Two speed loaders with the same in my jacket pocket, although I lack the training to effectively combat reload. I expect 5 rounds to suffice if I need them.
My always pistol, Glock 19Gen4, spare G17 magazine. Bright flash light.

TruGlo night sights. This load out is easy to carry. If I ended up in a gun fight, I am able to fire a couple of bursts of at least 4 rounds. And still have plenty left to engage a group! Might it happen? It could happen.

I know if it was required, the 5 shot revolver is crap out of luck.

If this kind of fight is forced upon me? I could handle it. Providing the million rounds I have fired in my life time, was a good lesson, well learned.
Probably zero. I think just showing a gun is going to end most scenarios I could ever realistically be involved in so any number of rounds is more than enough.

I feel very secure in most scenarios with my LCP or Glock 26...but in a mass shooter type incident I wish I had a rifle because I dont think my pistols would be very useful at a distance in mass chaos...maybe nothing would be in that situation though
I carry a LC9 around my local area, but I've been carrying a SD9VE more often, mainly to get used to carrying a larger gun. While the increased size is easy to adapt to, I don't like how the double-stack magazine throws off the balance in my holsters. I'm considering getting a light single-stack pistol in a larger caliber instead....something like a Kahr CT45 or similar.
When I was in my twenties I lived in a rough part of St. Louis and worked in east St. Louis, which was known at the time as the Murder Capital of the World. Back then I carried a Para-Ordnance P13, with one in the chamber and an extra mag, which gave me 27 rounds of .45 auto, and never felt under-gunned. In fact, most of the time I felt my load out was a little much, except for when I went to work.

A few years later, I moved to the 'burbs and began working in a much safer part of STL. I started carrying my dad's old S&W .38 snub, no reloads.

Fast forward to four years ago when I moved to Anthem, AZ and have been working in a very secure environment for the last 8 years. Now my EDC is typically 8 rds, except for June, July, and August when the heat coerces me into carrying my LCP, holding 6+1; no extra mag. In the 'winter' (Nov, Dec, and Jan), I'll usually carry my 1911 with the 8-round mags, so 17 rds total.

If I could, I'd carry my 1911 year-round, and I even tried it for a couple years. However, although it can be done, it's just not comfortable when the temps climb over 110 degrees (I don't work in an air-conditioned office).

Or if I lived/worked in less secure environments, I'd probably consider carrying more rounds. But I just don't. Heck, I can't even remember the last time I was in a gun-free zone, which apparently are much more dangerous than gun-friendly zones. I don't try to avoid them, I just don't have a need to visit them it seems.
Today I went to an event across the city. Me Wife 16 year old grand daughter, 3 year old grandson and 4 month grandson. I carried my Glock G17 had two spare magazines on belt and one in cargo pocket, also had Ruger LCP in front left pocket. That's how we go out.
I am fairly flexible but generally I try to shoot at least 150 range rounds and at least 50 hollow points, followed by at least ten rounds of the exact ammo I intend to carry. if the gun makes it through those without problems, the gun gets cleaned and then I order a holster for it. if it does not make it through that battery without a failure I isolate the problem and if it's not correctable I don't carry it, if it is and I make it through at least 200 rounds without an issue I put it through the original trial again. if it fails again I don't waste my time with it anymore and I don't carry it.

as for capacity I have no minimum, although I probably would think twice about packing a muzzle loader for personal protection. my lowest cap CCW is a XDs9 which has 7 round capacity. the others I regularly carry concealed are 9 and 10 rounds respectively. if I'm open carrying I don't bother with a compact and go straight for the full length mags, generally 13-17 rounds with some exceptions.
I don't carry a reload any more so I'm typically carrying any where from 6 to 10 rounds.

I'm comfortable no matter what gun is carry and don't worry that I'll run out of ammo before the fight is finished.
I have 63 rounds me.

Glock 19 (15+1) 2 spare 17 round mags.

Glock 43 (6+1) 1 spare 6 round mag.