how many people know you carry?

so far i have helped 4 friends get their permits. recommended them to courses, where to get finger printed, notarized, etc...

if it hadn't come up(generally during gun discussions) they would never have known how easy it is to get the permit.
I would think that if open carry is allowed by law, it would still be more beneficial to conceal carry, providing of course one has the permit. I always play the "what if" scenario in my head. Seems if I were a BG about to commit a wrong, I would recon the area and if there was someone with a gun interfering with my intentions, I would take him out of play first.

I just am not comfortable letting anyone knowing that I carry, especially when you are in busy places as it is just an invitation for something I would rather not see happen.

Not saying that this is or would be the case. It just makes it that more difficult for anyone to really know if you are carrying if you don't broadcast it. The average person on the street isn't even thinking guns if everything looks normal, what normal may look like.
Because of the fact that I'm a member of my church's security ministry, the Pastor, church officials and congregation members know that I carry. Outside of that, just my immediate family and about a half dozen close friends are all that know.:cool:
About 10 people know I have a permit. I don't broadcast it if not asked. I don't hide it if asked.

People who know I carry? My wife.
My wife, my two older children, my younger brother and two friends (my 5 year old is too young to be trusted with that knowledge yet and I never let him see me put the gun on). That's it. Also, when I chaperone other kids (i.e. my daughter's friend comes to a movie, or 3 or 4 kids come with my son and I to youth sports camps) - my kids are under strict orders from my wife and I to NEVER tell their friends that mom and dad carry. Most of my friends would probably be ok with it but I don't need the hassle of dealing with so many parental viewpoints.

These days, you can get into a verbal fight for eating meat in front of some kids so we have a don't ask, don't tell policy. My wife doesn't actually CARRY her pistol (which annoys the crap out of me, but she's firm about that one and gets angry when I ninja it into her purse when we go out) but keeps it in her glove compartment in her car. I am hoping that changes when our youngest one gets older.
Let's see -

3 friends, a couple of extended family members, wife, 2 sons. They never actually know if i'm carrying RIGHT NOW, but know that i have the permit and generally do carry. So, 7.

Wife is getting used to seeing it come off my hip and into the nightstand at night, and is going to take the pistol safety course this spring. Can't wait to take her shooting !
Almost nobody even knows that I am lawfully allowed to carry, maybe 3-4 close friends other than wife and 2 sons. Even my wife sometimes feels a gun on my belt and expresses surprise because it is so well concealed. Makes me glad I invested in serious holsters and a Beltman Belt, and I can even forget I am carrying.

BUT-I am lucky to have a supportive immediate family, and most folks that know me best know I am a shooter and gun fan and might guess I carry.

One main problem is I live in Ohio where carry into restaurants that serve alcohol is still prohibited, which includes almost anyplace we go to for dinner, so many times I simply do not strap on or leave it in the car.

What a stupid law.
My wife, my oldest son and his wife, my daughter and her husband who both carry themselves, the guys at my favorite gun shop, and 3 of us at my men's bible study carry regularly. Guess that's about 10 people. Beyond that it's nobody's business.:)
Several, including the teachers @ my wife' school. They like it, epecially at sports function. My wife and daughters lke it also, gives them a sense of security.
When I used to carry at the office, I did not tell a single person. Confidential information like that would stay secret for a few hours or days, at best. If an incident of workplace violence erupted, I did not want anyone targeting me. I previously worked for a firm at which several colleagues (different branch of the office, but I knew them) died in a workplace violence incident so this concern was based on experience.
My holster is so comfortable, that sometimes even I don't know I'm carrying.

Seriously though, Family, 2 neighbors and almost everyone at church.
I told my landlord, he has access to the garage and the basement, so I didn't want any surprises. Turns out he's been carrying for 15 years. My girlfriend knows. In fact, she was the one who encouraged me to get my permit.

NavyLT and others... I carry concealed, and keep it to myself most all the time. My PPKS allows that all times of the year. Please give me an idea of under what circumstances you open carry. Do you actually walk around in public crowds and such? Whay kind of responses do you get? Police response? I have trouble with someone that bold. You are asking for trouble, and are sure to find it sooner or later.
I have trouble with someone that bold. You are asking for trouble, and are sure to find it sooner or later.

Why should you have a problem with it? and why are you sure somebody will "find trouble"?

I o/c frequently when hiking/camping, heading off to the range, etc...

Its not exactly common here, but neither is it unusual.