how many people know you carry?


New member
how many(approx) know you carry, real people not internet people? :eek:

got my family, some shooting buddies, some riding buddies, and some guys from work.

so for me about 20-25.

the reason i ask is a buddy that i helped to get his ccw told me today that he had received it, but not to tell anybody else. he said he didnt want ANYBODY to know, and i was the only one.

i thought that was a bit odd.
As far as people that actually know that I'm carrying there are like 3 or 4. Probably 10 or 15 people know I have a permit, but they don't know I carry.
All my friends, much of my extended family, and neighbors on each side of me know I carry.

As for your friend not wanting others to know, that isn't so weird. I avoided telling folks for the longest time because 1) I didn't know how many would react 2) I didn't see any benefit in telling them, and 3) they didn't have any reason to know. I certainly didn't feel that it would better my personal security situation by letting those know who didn't like the idea of me carrying.
There are a small handful of folks who know I have a permit, like 5 or 6. The number who are aware that I'm carrying at any given time is very seldom more than 1 or two.
I think only 2 or 3 people know that I carry, and even then I suspect the assume only on special occassions (whatever that means). Most of my friends and the like know that I have a permit and enjoy shooting, but I don't think they guess that I carry on a regular basis.

Frankly, come to think of it, I have no idea. Its not really something that comes up. I am fairly certain no-one I know carries with any regularity, though one is looking to start.
My wife is the only one that knows for sure. I have a friend and business partner and he knows I carry as I know he does. Other than that, I tell no one and for that matter, it is no one else's business, especially in a public area. The advantage of concealed carry is that no one knows you are carrying.

There have been a few social occasions when I have been hugged by a female friend and they have felt my gun through my jacket or sweater. When they ask, "What's that?" I simply state, ""I'm happy to see you," give them a little wink, and that's the end of the discussion. Coincidently, each time that has happened, I know that the woman's husband/boyfriend is a gun enthusiast and she immediately knew what was happening.
Several people know that I generally do but usually only I know when I'm actually carrying. I prefer to keep that information private as well. I CC because I don't want people to know, if I wanted everyone to know I would open carry. Of course I'm the kind of guy who likes to be unnoticed until I need to be.
My close friends, a few people from work (who also carry), some of the students in the SD classes I used to teach, some immediate family members...probably 20 or so.

I can definitely appreciate the "I don't want anyone to know" attitude. Depending on your work/personal life, it could easily make perfect sense to adopt that attitude. I don't advertise the fact that I carry, but if I know someone well I don't care if they know.
Besides family and really close friends, maybe 5 or so. It isnt something that I like to broadcast especially since being here in TX if you show, you go... to jail that is. I wished they would allow open carry, not so that I can 'broadcast' legally, but I just like to a least have the option to have it in a holster on my hip without having to go through the hassel of making sure that I am covered up. But that is a whole different thread... My apoligies... :o
Let's see...

Took the class with my Dad, Brother, & Sister in Law. We all got permits.

My Mom, Sister, and Brother all know I do.

Grandparents (Dad's side)

7-8 Uncles/Aunts from both sides know

10 or so cousins

My Fiance, her sister, her parents, maybe her mom's parents.

Maybe 10-15 friends.

At most 10 people I don't know well.

Oh and probably 10-15 folks from my local gun shops that I don't know much at all.
Need to know only. Wife, 2 kids, 2 employees (because they see me take off my jacket and put on a lab coat at least a couple of times a day). Other than that, maybe half a dozen close friends with whom the subject has come up for legitimate reasons. In my opinion, it is not something that needs to be advertised or discussed. My choice, my business.
Too many. To make a long story short, I was an officer in a canoe club. A crazy woman in the club took a hate to me and my wife and began, first to spread rumors about us then causing havoc in board and membership meetings then threats. Threatened me with an ass whooping, trouble with my job, trouble with the City. What really got my attention was when she began telling people she was afraid of me because I packed iron. Well, if she was so afraid, why was she making so much trouble for me? Then I was threatened with trouble with The Law. Putting them together, I came up with a false accusation involving a gun. Time to leave. I hated, really, really hated to leave the club but out of self-preservation I did. The less people who know the better. Same with my guns, the less the better. Many times I listened to a conversation, keeping my peace, sometimes throwing in a bit here or there, never, "Well I've got one of these and I've got one of those." I keep my mouth shut. Same on the forums. I never say anything really specific like "If I had been in a situation like that, I would have done this and that...."
My fiancee and the guy who I took my CHL class with.
The RO at my local range.
Maybe a few people who I have taken shooting strongly suspect it, because they have expressed an interest in getting their CHLs, asked me some questions, and I seem to know a fair bit about the subject. :)