How many open carry at home?

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I don't carry because I believe it's likely I'll need one in my lifetime. I carry for three reasons.

1. In spite of the odds being low, the stakes are high. It's the same reason people play the lottery even though there's virtually zero chance of their winning. Because if they manage to beat the odds, the payoff is incredible. Likewise, although the chance of my being the victim of violent crime is low, the cost of "beating the odds" is extremely undesirable.

I don't even need to quote the second and third reasons...The first one is so compelling.

BTW, I don't "Open Carry" at home...I conceal carry at home, just like I do everywhere else.

As a local Texas CHL poster has in his sig line "Carry 24/7 or guess right."
Likewise, although the chance of my being the victim of violent crime is low, the cost of "beating the odds" is extremely undesirable.

That's an awfully broad statement. If you live in a low crime area (which you can find out through local police statistics), apply security measures and design concepts - you're getting to the hit by lightning, or hit by a meteor level of statistics.

If you still believe, even at an extremely low percentage, that you're still at risk and need to carry 24/7 - it begs the question what do you do to avoid being hit by lightning or a meteor as you're still at risk from those two very real threats?
That's an awfully broad statement. If you live in a low crime area (which you can find out through local police statistics), apply security measures and design concepts - you're getting to the hit by lightning, or hit by a meteor level of statistics.

If you still believe, even at an extremely low percentage, that you're still at risk and need to carry 24/7 - it begs the question what do you do to avoid being hit by lightning or a meteor as you're still at risk from those two very real threats?
Sometimes lightning comes lookin for ya ;)
I'm a firm believer that the human brain is the most deadly weapon in the world, so yes, I am armed at all times.

As far as other man-made weapons go. I always carry a knife on me from sun up to sun down, 365 days a year, sometimes several. I do carry a handgun from time to time, when I do, I usually carry it openly. It depends on what I'm doing. In my younger years I carried concealed weapons, but not so much these days. Again, it depends on what I'm doing.
That's an awfully broad statement. If you live in a low crime area (which you can find out through local police statistics), apply security measures and design concepts - you're getting to the hit by lightning, or hit by a meteor level of statistics.
There are certainly things one can do and SHOULD do to reduce the chances of being the victim of violent crime.

I'm sure that some people would feel tremendously secure if they took the precautions you mention. I'm sure of it because clearly many feel tremendously secure without taking such precautions merely because of where they live. :D

Just for reference, the lifetime odds of being hit by lightning is about one in 6,000 and of being killed by a meteor is about one in 500,000.

Based on at least one study, about 80% of people in the U.S. will be the victim of violent crime in the U.S. at some time in their lifetime.

Of course, that's a bit misleading since not everyone runs the same risk--as you point out, there are many prudent things one can do to reduce one's risk. However, even taking such measures is unlikely to reduce odds of 5 out of 6 to 1 in 6,000 or 1 in 500,000.
If you still believe, even at an extremely low percentage, that you're still at risk and need to carry 24/7...
Apparently you didn't read very much of my last post because I very clearly said that I was less concerned about the odds than the stakes. In fact, I said quite plainly that I never expect to use a firearm for self-defense in my lifetime.

I also pointed out two other reasons that I carry that have virtually nothing to do with odds or risk.
If you live in a low crime area (which you can find out through local police statistics), apply security measures and design concepts - you're getting to the hit by lightning, or hit by a meteor level of statistics.

Getting hit by lightning is extremely unlikely, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go golfing in a thunder storm. I firmly fall into the "why take the chance" camp.
My Shield is very comfortable CC IWB for me. I wear it everywhere it is lawful to do so, including in my house. Granted, while IN my house I am not "careful" about it popping out at all unless someone knocks on the door or we have visitors.

With teens in the house who are... Well... Typical teens with sketchy friends I am not a fan of staging guns anywhere.

It's on me or in the safe which is in a locked room.
As rare as being hit by lightning or being in a plane crash.

I've been hit by lightning. I had a friend who survived a DC-8 crash. All in the front were killed. He was in the back his wife and kid and they made it.

In a class, the instructor said " As rare as Blah,blah...".

We both raised our hands!

Petit family and that family in DC recently lived in a low crime area.
The odds, 1in 10...1 in 1000.....heck 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000. Dont matter if you are the 1 that night

All the advise about hardening your home is sound. The pistol is just a last line of defense for the unexpected knock at the door during family movie night.

As others have stated, it doesn't hurt to carry around the house and there may not be time to retrieve that stashed gun.
If you were a gun, would you liked to be locked up in a safe or left laying on the dresser or would you rather be carried, fondled, and spend quality time with the family. keep your gun with you, it could be your best friend if you need it.
Interesting question. Although I never advertise the fact, all my neighbors know/knew that I have lots of different weapons and practice very frequently with them. That and a good dog I believe puts me way down the list of desirable hits. I also firmly believe that thieves almost always know what they are after before they hit your home, and I simply don't have much of value or something that could be quickly converted to cash--except maybe the weapons themselves, which are kept in safes except for the ones I have positioned in areas where a quick escape is not an option. I've drawn a weapon twice in my home/yard (though did not point at them) on potential intruders--once in an inner-city high crime area and once in a very rural country area; so from that perspective I don't think you can generalize on what area you may or may not be more likely to need a weapon. The country area I have lived in for decades was a place where nobody ever locked anything--but alas, that has changed. A local police chief has told me small isolated country communities like ours are some of the highest per capita hotspots for heroin and other drugs in the country--which is shocking since I never seem to notice this.
I be astonished how fearfully the sons of the great Nation are, I live in Germany, in the outskirts of a very small town. We don't even lock the door as long as there's daylight.
If a stranger knocks on my door, I don't open with a gun in my hand and fear in my heart, like I read it here so often.
He asks for the way or try to sell something, we never think he is a bad guy and in 99,9 percent he isn't a bad guy.
I open without getting my wife a gun and send her to a backroom.
In Germany we have a population of 80 000 000. Not more than 100000 people have CC permission, not more than 2 000000 people do have a gun-license.
So the bad boy's don't risk much, nevertheless we have a very low crime level.
If I call the police, the are here in 5 minutes.
If I take a walk in the evening I'm never armed,because it's not necessary.
We have no fear of our fellow human beings.
That's so in Germany, Austria, Swiss, France, Great Britain, Italy and many other european country's.
Sure,we do have murders and other crime but a gun would not change the situation, because to carry one is not allowed.
So we don't have any accidently shot victims, like "child shot mother in a mall".
I have a gun in my safe, but I'm sure I will never need it.
Untill now, I was often in the USA, in 25 States, I never carried a gun, because I had no license and there was no need for a gun.
I think it's a matter of personal attitude.
I would never shoot someone for stealing my tv, in Germany my insurance will pay me a new, better one. It's called " Hausratversicherung ".
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Sorry, if I feel I MUST carry while sitting inside my home and watching TV or whatever, the house would be up for sale tomorrow................


Sorry, if I feel I MUST carry while sitting inside my home and watching TV or whatever, the house would be up for sale tomorrow................
I lived like that 30 years ago for about a year. Never again. I'm with you.

FITASC, and TomSr. looks as if we are the three odd men out, at least in the first page of replys.

I would move in a hot second if the area I lived in was so dangerous that I felt the need to be armed 24 - 7. I don't care what it costs living in constant fear is just WRONG.
I think what is being expressed is not fear but having the ability and being willing to protect ones family and not being victims of others . There may never be a time when that is the case but to act like it will never happen is not very prudent .
Untill now, I was often in the USA, in 25 States, I never carried a gun, because I had no license and there was no need for a gun.
I think it's a matter of personal attitude.
I would never shoot someone for stealing my tv, in Germany my insurance will pay me a new, better one. It's called " Hausratversicherung ".

There seems to be a different mindset among some America's compared to European countries. I say some Americans because I would think the majority of Americans don't carry any firearm, never mind carry one around the house with them. If I felt threatened enough the feel the need to have a firearm with me at all times, I would be considering a move.
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For those outside the US, please do not think the "paranoid" responses to this question is representative of even a sliver of the US population or the firearm owning community. The term "gun nuts" is alive and well on this forum, well beyond that of folks who simpllly like to shoot guns. Those who talk about never being without a gun, even on the toilet, are individuals with "issues" of one sort or another. I think most Americans would agree that there is nothing wrong with having a firearm available in their home. I am an LE professional and know absolutely no one except those involved in criminal activity who carry a gun constantly in their home anticipating an attack at any moment.

Many of the responses on this forum often tend to interject the extremes of the firearm controversy. I often wonder if some of the "extreme" (aka--wack) comments are actually anti-firearm groups that post to scare the general public with documented examples of mentally disturbed people out there with guns at the ready. I am a very pro-gun individual, however I have to admit that after reading some comments I would question the mental health of some of the alleged gun owners posting here.
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