How many open carry at home?

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Not wanting to repeat myself but , I have talked to more than one Officer that say the worst crime scene's they have worked are home invaisions gone wrong . BG breaks in thinks noone is home gets surprised and gets violent . They feel safe to do what ever they want behind closed doors . I dont carry around the house but am always close to a firearm . Iv never been burgularized or broke in on but have been surprised by unknown's knocking on the door .
Sorry, if I feel I MUST carry while sitting inside my home and watching TV or whatever, the house would be up for sale tomorrow................

I lived like that 30 years ago for about a year. Never again. I'm with you.
I cc everywhere. I have one gun on me all the time at home, even when doing yard work. I live in a nice, quiet neighborhood but ya never know what's going to happen or where it's going to happen.

Heck, I have homeowner's insurance, car insurance, health insurance and life insurance. I really don't want to have to file a claim on any of them (especially the life insurance, because that means my wife would be filing that claim). I also have fire extinguishers at home.... don't want to have to use them either. I figure that having a gun on my person is a form of insurance. Bad things happen all the time in "good" neighborhoods, and I feel it's naïve to live in condition white although lots of people do.
You guys that think your area is safe.
Think again... You only really hear about 10% of the crap that happens.

I know Black People get the lions share of the news. But I tell you what.
Thats not the case out here.
White meth heads are the real problem. By a wide margin, very wide.

By and large, 99.9% of all their crime are crimes of opportunity.
Taking away that opportunity and appearing to be a harder target. Will in fact help.

Worrying about making your self a target for that 0.001% by open carrying at home. The real bad guys.
They already know who you are. They may already have a friend at the gun shop feeding them information.
They are not the ones driving around the dirt roads looking for a easy mark.

Most Meth heads are unarmed because they sold their guns to get meth and every thing else they own.

Just my take from my local observations. Do what you feel best for you.
Me I am gona armor up.
I have kids, and if they're anything like me when I was a kid they will find anything and everything you think you cleverly hid. For me the only effective and appropriate way to carry is on body concealed 24/7 365 wherever and whenever it is legal for me to do so.

There are far too many accidents involving off body carry for me to allow that risk. All non carry firearms are kept locked in a safe unless in direct use.

I live in a very nice, secluded, quiet neighborhood and last year had a drugged out/drunk and extremely irate gentleman try and force his way through my front door at 2am. Luckily the local constabulary got to him before he made it through the door...less paperwork for me.
I wish you folks who live in neighborhoods so safe that you feel no need for personal defense would tell us where they are and how to find them. In what way did the Connecticut example above fail your criteria for selecting a neighborhood? How about the DC neighborhood, just a few blocks from the VP's house, that has been in the news lately? Or how about critiquing skizzum's choice of neighborhoods? A nice family man was killed at his home across a quiet residential street from my church, in a house I can see out the window from the piano bench. Where did he go wrong in the selection of a house?

I sincerely hope that you are as safe as you presume yourself to be.
Had that same issue at my house for years. Wife would just pitch a fit when ever I brought up the subject.
" Little kids around, Ran more risk with them that an intruder."

Her view did in fact change. I wont go into great detail.
But at the time the 1/2 way house was down the road. I was on a fishing trip.
Wife was home with the two kids. Younger than 7.

My wife had to make a hasty escape from our home by driving through the garage door with the kids in the car.
She did not go home until I got home. Sheriff dept said it was obvious from matted grass and cig butts. The guy had been watching her for some time while she worked in the front yard.

Fast thinking on her part and the grace of the Lord left me with a wife and kids today.
Even though nothing physically happened to her. She has never been the same. She still says she can feel the Evil that surrounded him.

My wife changed her view. Yours should too.

Still happy that 1/2 way house burned down...
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Years ago when I was younger, I lived in a nice apt. complex in Houston TX. On occasion we would get a notice in our mail boxes the an apt. had been burglarized.
The notices became more and more frequent and then stopped.
I came home from work one day and the young girl that lived next to me had her door kicked in, but I never got a notice.
That's when I realized it was getting so frequent that they quit informing the tenants. That's when I moved out.

So just because you don't hear of burglaries in your area, doesn't mean there not happening.
I have a pistol on me all times I have ar15 and another pistol sleeping next to me an AK and sks loaded ready to go down stairs on in living room and one in kitchen. Loaded 20 gauge with buck shot leaning against the safe at all times. And when I'm home I have my safe open and have a couple of them loaded easy access so depending where I'm at in the house I have a pistol on me and within 10 feet of a semi rifle wherever I'm at in the house. People are going to ask me what I'm scared of and the answer is nothing. There's hardly any crime anywhere near where I live. I'd rather just be prepared for any situation just my way of thinking. It may sound crazy but I'm always thinking of a plan if a certain situation does arise how to go about it which gun to grab and where to guard myself and where is the safest spot to be if a certain thing happens. Call me nuts I don't care.
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I know plenty of police officers here who have every reason to take self defense seriously. But I don't know any that carry a firearm around the house with them openly or concealed. I find it sad that people don't feel safe enough in their own house, they feel the need to carry a firearm in the house. I also know civilians that carry firearm for self defense, but none of them carry it around the house. Why do Americans feel so vulnerable in their own homes. ?
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I don't always carry in my home, but when I do, I carry concealed.

My logic is that if I am going to carry, I should carry the same way all the time. That way, I can build my muscle memory and habits around that one method, and I don't have to worry about going reflexively to the wrong set of actions.

Also, as a relatively new concealed carrier, I still have some discomfort with how well I am concealing, so I like getting in some practice with it. My wife and I play a game with it. If she spots me printing around the house, I have to do the dishes that night, if she doesn't spot it, or if she says she does when I am not carrying, the dishes are hers. A side effect of this is that her situational awareness has been getting better. She has spotted people carrying around town 3 times in the past week, and it was never even on her radar before. Being more observant can't be a bad thing, right?
I always carry openly, a 1911 in a Bianchi M12 military rig, when working outside on my property. We have a sizeable chunk and there is always mowing, bushhogging, repairs, something to be done. I've got animals and there are 4 legged predators around to watch out for as well as the occasional 2 legged kind.

I generally don't carry when inside, I keep my house 1911 in the kitchen, which is on the way to the door, I also keep my pest gun, a Savage 42, in the hall near the door for animals trying to get to the chickens, in the trash, etc.. I have three big dogs that are very loud and very territorial, they answer the door ahead of me whenever anyone pulls into the driveway or comes up the porch. Unless it is clearly someone I know I answer the door gun in hand, regardless of the hour. I live in a pretty rural area but we have our share of dug problems, break ins, etc.., I did over 10 years in LE here before retiring from it, I don't take any chances.
Why do Americans feel so vulnerable in their own homes. ?

Manta49: read my above posts.

Fact is, they dont keep the slugs in jail like they should. When you figure that 80% of all violent crime is committed by 10% of the criminals.
The solution is simple. Keep them in jail till they are at least in their 40's.

But they dont.. Most guys that kill some one have multiple felonies on their records.
The Cops do the best they can. They arrest them when they can. But the Legal Beagles just let them out again.

Seems they have no problem three striking a pot head but violent guys...

If they are not gona protect us, we better protect ourselves.
If your not, you are only putting your family at risk.
How dumb are you gona feel if you get a home invasion and you left your self exposed??
I know that feeling... Its not a good one for a man to feel.
A Pause for the COZ...

I think you may have misunderstood me, I CC wherever I am that means from sitting on the toilet to sitting on my couch and everywhere in between. There is never a time a firearm is not on my person unless I am in an area/state that has laws forbidding it. I believe FREEDOM doesn't come FREE and a gun is far easier to carry than a cop! I just won't hide them about the house is all.

My wife doesn't care for guns and refuses to carry but has no problem with me and my guns. It's her choice and I can't make up her mind about it. I was raised with guns around and I spent 6 years sleeping with an M16 between my legs. Having a gun tucked feels more natural than a wallet in my pocket Slowly I'm helping her become more comfortable with them but she will never be forced by my hand.

My kids are by no means shielded from guns either. My son is 9 and we just started building his first AR together he prefers rifles small caliber obviously. My Daughter 14 gets tickled pink every time she shoots one of our handguns. They also both frequent the range with me where we practice safe handling as well as proficiencies with various types but leaving them out where they can get them or worse... one of their friends, its just not something I'll risk.

There is far too much bad publicity in the media about guns and I'll be damned if I'm going to contribute anything too it.
Manta49: read my above posts.

Fact is, they dont keep the slugs in jail like they should. When you figure that 80% of all violent crime is committed by 10% of the criminals.
The solution is simple. Keep them in jail till they are at least in their 40's
I agree violent criminals should get longer sentences. This was a very violent place at one time, not as bad now. I think some can get preoccupied with crime and the fear of it. I am sitting now the door is unlocked and the guns are in a cabinet. Reading some responses if they lived here they would barricade themselves in the house, and never leave the house. I suppose it would depend on where you lived in America, in some remote areas the police response times could be slow. What sort of numbers would police be to populations in America. ? Here for example for a population of one and a half million there are around ten thousand police officers, and at one time twenty thousand soldiers.

If the equivalent ratio of victims to population had been produced in Great Britain as in Northern Ireland in the same period some 100 000 people would have died, and if a similar level of political violence had taken place, the number of fatalities in the USA would have been over 500 000, or about ten times the number of Americans killed in the Vietnam war
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Im not carrying inside my house but keep several firearms that I can get to . My biggest concern is a knock at the door during a unuseual time . I have had a bad expieriance like that before and went to the door unarmed . Leasson learned they thought the house was empty . It was a few days before Christmas and my car was in the shop and my wife was at work . Had my big Hound not showed up when he did I could have had a problem .
I keep Rifle , Hand gun , Shot gun ready and close by 24-7 . I live in a rural place nobody around but people I know but these varmits were driving around looking for a place to rob where the Cops would take along time to show up and when they saw I was there one of them started getting angry and stirred up the others . From that day on I answer the door armed unless I know who it is . Dogs are the best asset to alert you at home . In my opinion .
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I think for many, the 80% solution is a nice security door. I spent about a thousand $ on a beautiful security door which also functions as a sort of screen door to allow air in. You can see out perfectly but not in. When the inner door is open you can see and talk to whomever is on the other side. It would take a tank to break the door in.
I know plenty of police officers here who have every reason to take self defense seriously. But I don't know any that carry a firearm around the house with them openly or concealed.
Interestingly enough, it was a TX state trooper that first started me thinking about being armed at home.
I think some can get preoccupied with crime and the fear of it.
Actually for me, it's more of an "It's so easy to do that it makes no sense to NOT do it."

Also, when I compared carrying in public to carrying at home, I came to a number of realizations.

I've spent a lot of time and money so I can legally carry outside my home. I can carry for free inside my home with no legal hoops to jump through.

In public, I have to conceal. It's not particularly comfortable and it's can be inconvenient at times. At home I don't have to conceal if I don't want to and I can carry OWB which is more comfortable.

When I'm out of my home, my best option is nearly always retreat, not armed resistance. And there's usually not much that I care about around me when I'm away from home.

At home, retreat isn't really a good option and all the things I care about are around me.

In public, I can shout for help and there's a good chance someone will come to my aid. At home, if I'm taken prisoner, the odds are that no one will no until it's too late.
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