True story.....
In the late 1990s, I worked as a NTE(temporary employment) federal 085 security guard for the US Dept of Veterans Affairs. While employed there, the VA police & security service(which is now called something different) had a VA employee get off from formal charges for having firearms in his personal vehicle.
The federal judge said the VA/medical center did not post enough signs or had them clearly marked with the US laws in the lots at the time.
The 083 officer(who was pro-2A & owned guns too
) was upset over not having a conviction. I found it odd that the 083 police officer had such a double standard but we didn't really get along that well.
We did enforce a SOP while I worked there that veterans or visitors with valid CCWs could store their firearms in the police office in a locked safe. Other LEOs were required to secure their sidearms too but few ever did.
At the time, the VA police & security officers were
unarmed too. A co-worker, a Sgt who served in the USMC told me of a event in a VA medical center psych ward a few years earlier where a unstable veteran took him hostage
The veteran had a firearm & got into a protracted stand-off.
He turned himself in and let the Sgt go unharmed but it really shook the 083 Sgt up.
Since 9/11/2001, the VA has made many changes. The sworn federal officers now carry sidearms & they have new security SOPs.