How many of you carry full size guns daily? And how do you do it?

Currently I carry a Glock 20 in a Kydex SOB (small of back) holster and use a long Hawaiian type shirt to cover it. It's pretty restrictive and I must regularly check that my shirt hasn't pulled up over the top of the handle. But it draws fast. I tried using a Kydex duty holster for a bit, but that did not conceal well at all.

I used to carry a S&W 686 .357Mag with a six-inch barrel in a vertical shoulder holster. That concealed better than my Glock does, believe it or not, but was way too slow on the draw.

Neither was noticable.

I'm 6'2" and weigh 200 to 210, depending on how much ice cream is in the freezer. I carry a Colt L.W. Commander in a Kramer Pro-Line strong side belt holster, plus one loaded mag in a pouch on the other side, on a GOOD belt.

I've also carried a Beretta 92FS in an Alessi strong side holster, or sometimes, in a shoulder holster, for many a mile. At your size, you shouldn't have any trouble. Always carry an extra loaded magazine. Good luck. J.B.
If you have love handles and carry a 1911, I cannot recommend AFS slimtech grips (or any of the other slim grips like Mccormicks) highly enough. I used to have the grip stick out after levering against my body, now the gun can stick close to me as it should. You'd be surprised how much of a difference that fraction of an inch makes.

Depending on your hand size, this MAY make the gun slightly harder to shoot (or easier); but it'll be better than carrying something smaller/harder to shoot/with less punch than a 1911.

just IMHO.
Greg L, please, we big men can be sensitive too. Sniffle sniffle. ;)

Thanks for the advice guys, I think I'm going to give it a shot. I'm looking for a holster now.
I see if all the TFL 'ers got in the same room we would have an odd bunch, from 5'7" 170 lbs to 6'4" 285 lbs and not much middle ground- btw what are you big guys carrying guns for anyway??? :-).
funinsun said "I see if all the TFL 'ers got in the same room we would have an odd bunch" aaargh more straight lines. :D
I am not the largest guy on the planet, more average I suppose... 5'8" @ 160 lbs.

I never had a problem hiding a GM, or my favored Commander, although the grip is the hard part, and they have the same size grip.

The belt, and holster are the key though.

I have heard so many great reviews, and recommendations on the Sparks VM2, I had to buy one. I should see it in the next day or two.

For an IWB, I would highly recommend giving it a lok, even without having gotten mine. Lou Alessi of Alessi Holsters even gave a strong recommendation of it on Gunspot, pretty convincing for me... ;)

Correia, with your size, I would imagine you could hide a 50AE Desert Eagle without much problem, no offense intended ;)
Gunslinger carries a full size gun every day, which is a 6 inch N frame and he carries it in the concealment holster we are distributing, it is very comfortable and cool for summer. Gunslinger wears just a light weight dress shirt and you can't tell he has a gun under it with this holster. If your interested e-mail one of us and we will send you more information.

Milt Sparks Summer Special Bianchi Askins Avenger. I carried a Colt lwCmdr and a MK IV in these for 20 yrs. I think they have both been updated and are still being made.


Why do you think you need a full sized concealed carry?

A Kahr K9, K40, MK9 or MK40, not to mention the compact and sub-compact Glocks carry with ease and have the reliability, accuracy, and power of any full size pistol.

A Kahr MK9 or MK40 disappears on your person, whether pocketing or belting.
I usually carry a sig 239 off duty but at times I carry my duty weapon a glock 20 in a fanny pack or a kydex holster covered with a flannel shirt or jacket.

I intend to go into harms way.
The longer I have my CCW permit the more I lean toward carrying a larger gun.

I first started with a PPK/S and just couldn't imagine carrying a bigger gun.

Now, after experimenting with different carry methods adn altering my dress code to facilitate carry, I usually carry my USPc 9mm in a Galco holster under an untucked casual dress shirt. When very casual, I use a fanny pack.

In Texas, hot and humid, I have founf that wearing a white t-shirt under a short sleeve untucked dress shirt works great. The "t" absorbs any sweat so I am not uncomfortable at all.

For some reason I just feel better carrying the 9mm with 11 rounds in it.


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!
I am with you CMOS. White t-shirt with an untucked GAP shirt or Old Navy shirt, comfortable,soaks up the sweat here in S.Florida, and you look just like everybody else.
badbadbrad, I carry a full size because I am more accurate with it than I am with a compact. And I know that under stress my accuracy will be suffering enough as it is, I don't need to start with a gun I am not accurate with already.
I am 6'1",190 pounds,have hair down to my butt,and a long pointy goatee.So no matter what I carry it has to well concealed or people will run for cover and call the police.I get away with carrying a G21 in a Galco fletch holster with a baggy shirt.The Fletch is the only thumb break holster I like.

I've been carrying a Kimber CC in a Milt Sparks VM2 and it is very comfortable and concealable. BTW, I'm 6'3"/190 (tall and thin).

Jaydee -- I like my VM2 and can't see any reason why you won't like yours.

6'2", 215, waist 36. Your waist size and shape around your waist can also help determine how easily you can conceal a full size pistol. Shapes and sizes help determine how comfortable the carry is as well. If it's not comfortable you will end up NOT carrying. It doesn't sound as if you should have a problem.

For nearly 20 years I have carried a full size 1911 comfortably IWB or a higher riding OWB holster. IWB, I use one size larger pants and the next notch on my belt. I have within the last two years done the same with a G21.

Try as many options available to you as possible and use what works best for YOU and stick with it. Practice, practice, practice. Hope this helps.

bad_dad_brad, I'll agree with Rikwriter as well in terms of accuracy and expand a bit. A full size pistol simply fits much better in my full size hands. Significantly better, in fact, than compacts or subcompacts. Should my world ever be interrupted to the degree that I MUST use a pistol I want every aspect; carrying, indexing, drawing, and presentation to be as perfect as possible. For me, the ergonomics of a full size pistol accomplishes that much better than their smaller brethren.

Im 6,4 and have no idea what I weigh but I carry a Colt Gold Cup.I sometimes carry in a fanny pack but normally carry it shoved in the belt crossdraw.I find crossdraw makes it much easier to conceal and easier to get with either hand give it a try.