How many guns do you take to the range?

I normally take one pistol. Sometimes I take a long gun too. I’ve found it harder to improve my shooting when switching back and forth between guns. I like to work on a certain timed drill per Range trip. If I’m taking guests I will take an assortment with me.
Typical range trip, 1-4 rifles and 2-6 handguns. Generally 1 or 2 rifles to shoot, and maybe 1 or 2 that need sighting in, function testing, etc. Same with handguns, my carry gun (always on me), 1 or 2 to shoot and maybe few others to test.
its all about intention, you have an idea of what you want before you get to the Range. i usually like to warm up my handguns and carry guns at the range....i do a lot of Long Range Hunting and shooting so my precision rifles and rimfire get a little action too.
If heading to the rifle range, I bring 4. I find that to be the right balance of: trips to the truck carrying the things, waiting for barrels to cool, and what my shoulder can handle.

If heading to the pistol range: anywhere from 1 (to force myself to focus on that one) to over a dozen. I bought a small-suitcase sized pistol carrier that has made it much simpler to move that much iron. I shoot pistols on my own property, sometimes by myself, but often with friends. I enjoy sharing my guns with my friends who may not have as many.
I go weekly to an indoor range. I usually take 2 — the primary I want to focus on, and a second, “just for fun” gun. Right now, I rotate my S&W TRR8 and SIG 1911 as primary and Ruger Blackhawk in .357 Magnum as fun. I find if I shoot more than 100 rounds at a time, I get tired and my accuracy degrades at the end.

Plus, I can’t imagine hauling in a dozen guns! :)
Match: One, even though lots of people are doubling up with PCC in IDPA, USPSA, and especially SC.

Practice: Two, .22 and centerfire.

Experimental: Four last time, which was a lot.
Usually 1-3, but it depends where I'm going. If I'm in a cramped indoor range, typically only one or two. Outdoors, where I'm able to spend a number of hours there without being rushed out, 3 is not out of the question, and I have taken 4 on a couple of occasions. :)
Going up into the mountains today to an uncontrolled outdoors range with 2 sons..together we have 7 guns.
12g shotgun(to make sure it works)
Glock 19
Glock 42
Glock 17
Glock 43
Taurus Model 65
Henry Big Boy.

Pretty typical except for the shotgun...right after Halloween, pumpkins are cheap.
I'll bring 1-2, and I have defined a training plan/goal prior to going. I've made it a habit to generally shoot my carry pistol (it's training twin) at the very end of each trip.

This is assuming it's just me. Others will of course have their own unless I'm working with them. Based on the responses, it looks like I'm the outlier.