How many guns and other weapons do you carry? Ayoob says to carry two...

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Just one handgun (although it is a good one, generally in .45 cal) and a folding pocket knife that I actually use as a tool several times per week. No flashlight, no baton, no cell phone :eek:, no BUG.

If you were an interstate trucker, how many guns you going to carry?
Probably one on my person and one in the truck.

2300 people go missing in the United States each day.
Not sure I'm buying that one...unless "missing" includes "he went to buy a pack of cigarettes and didn't come back" kinda like my dad did 40 years ago or so :rolleyes:
hey, i watched every episode of the a-team and they had bunches of guns and fired hundreds of shots and no one ever got killed, it always came down to hand to hand combat. so for my backup i want mr t, and i pity the fools.
Generally 2, a Kimber .45 UCDP primary and a P32 BUG. If up north where it's wilder, it's a Glock 29 and the P32. At times, it's just the P32, but that's extremely rare in cooler weather, a bit more now. Folding knife is a Buck Mantis which is often, always a Leatherman Micra and a little NRA folder, which is just about the handiest knife I've ever had.
I know it will come across as heresy, but I honestly feel that when the day comes that I feel the need to carry a gun, everything that society stands for will have been lost.

I do carry a gun when traveling by car but not at any other time.

To think that we would be having a thread talking about everyday multiple weapons as everyday carry is, to me, a sign of severe paranoia.

It really does not resonate with me that I need to be armed to the teeth to venture outside.

That's "The Draft Dodger's Blues" Kingston Trio I think.

I carry a pistol IWB or pocket and a spring assisted CRKT 2" blade. Also awareness, escape etc.
Wow, that 2,300 missing people a day shrinks to 243 if you only look at adults they have reason to believe might be in danger or may not have disappeared voluntarily (only 447 if you consider all adults; only 21% of these cases are adults). Don't you love it when people try to lie with statistics?

You can't change human nature and the only way to keep our society free and without violence is through widespread gun ownership. The government can't protect us all the time and there has to be some deterrent against radical and violent behavior. There are highly publicized shootings almost every year that could have been stopped or deterred if everyone was carrying a weapon.

Think of all the shootings you see on the press that could have been stopped if the citizens surrounding the incident had weapons. Carrying a weapon is essential to our freedom and the founding fathers saw that. However, for some reason, politicians dont see that today and as a result the gangs and other violent criminals carry weapons while the honest law abiding citizens have no access.
One gun. One small knife. One wallet. One cell phone. G19 in the cool weather. P3AT and an extra mag in the hot. As far as rural areas go I am in the middle of one. I go for plenty of walks in the deep south with 2 less than 3 guns. I have never even felt the need for an extra mag where I live. On occasion where I feel it could be necessary I've carried an extra mag, but that's rare. Being prepared is one thing but I'm too weak for all that weight., after putting on my AK, kevlar vest and machete the BUG just seems like too much:D
"So how many guns should I carry in Alaska?"

I would carry full-sized large caliber pistols and a rifle. Thats not just for protection against the populace, but protection against the wild animals.
When a patrol officer in uniform about 25 years ago, I carried three: One main sidearm in the regular place on the gun belt, one in a shoulder holster (Browning BDA .380) and a .38 charter arms revo in an ankle holster.

I helped rescue a fellow officer once that had been shot 3 times with his own weapon. He didnt have a back up gun for protection. Made quite an impression on me!

Nowadays, as a plain clothes (mostly) officer, I wear my main pistol: Sig 229 40 S&W, on the strong side and another, Usually a Springer 1911 or Glock 21SF, in a shoulder holster, all covered neatly by a lightweight sleeveless khaki vest. And handcuffs,spare magazine and small flashlight. Just tools of the trade.

Old habits die hard, I guess.

I do not disagree with what you say. Circumstances and events may change my thinking. I am 68 now and have never carried as a regular practice.

I understand many people have grown up and been exposed to far worse things than I can imagine. I can only tell the forum members how I feel, given what I lived through and what I see on a daily basis.

I personally feel the threat for everyday citizens is overstated. I shoot regularly and I shoot a lot and I shoot with LEOs who feel as many on the forum do.

My son feels the same way and I respect that.

On the other hand, I am very careful where I go and I am vigilant of my surroundings.

I live in the city. If I lived in a rural area, I might change my tune in a New York minute. I just don't know and my circumstances are not likely to change anytime soon.

I am aware that bad things can happen anytime and to anyone.

I do keep loaded weapons in the house and garage and keep them within easy reach. That does not, for me anyway, make me want to carry in my car or on my person unless I am traveling.

I know my position will irritate some on the forum and it is not my intention to do that.

I just cannot see myself strapping on a gun, a BUG, pepper spray, baton and tactical knife to go get a loaf of bread or a couple of hotdogs at Higley Hotdogs.

For me, it just does not compute.

My friend that I often shoot with carries 4 guns on duty. He sees things in a different light than I do.

Carrying as a practical everday thing, just does not work for me.

Hope the forum will cut me some slack on this one. . .

If one was truly tac - you would have the G36 with an IWB, the J frame in a pocket holster and the 238 on your ankle!
You do mean if one was trying to be tacticool I suppose. With all due respect, I must point out those choices of holsters are just about anything than actually tactical in the great majority of situations when you may need to rapidly access and draw a pistol or when you may need to successfully carry out weapon retention. My pistols, unless there is a specific need for them to be hidden in certain areas of my body, almost always ride in belt holsters even when I carry two at once. Belt holsters are the easiest from which to draw compared with any of the three holsters you mentioned (in general), are much more secure from take-away than would be an ankle holster, pose much less of a potential passive or active threat to the wearer than an IWB holster or pocket holster.

When I have carried three pistols, 2 were in on-the-belt holsters and the other either in a pocket (no holster) or in a shoulder rig. It is not often I carry 3 pistols, in faxct it is quite rare.

I do often carry 2 knives, one for utility (such as a Victorinox Huntsman - not the Hunter, or a multi-purpose tool/knife like my Leatherman) and one for utility and defense with a locking blade or a straight edge.

I sometimes carry 2 flashlights, one in a pocket and a larger one in a belt holder or in hand. The larger one makes a great club if need be in an emergency.

I almost always carry 2 cellular telephones. One is for work, one is personal.

Some may think this is simply redundant but I can tell you from experience that having 2 flashlights in an emergency is a good thing - especially if you drop one and break it or if you want to allow someone else to use it (no I probably would not do that with my pistols). Same thing with the knives. I have dropped and lost one while hunting and was very glad to have the other when I got my deer after losing the first one. Heck, when hiking or hunting I often have two blades on my person and one in my pack.

As far as carrying two pistols goes, the best way to carry two is to carry two that can use the same magazines. They do not necessarily have to be the same exact pistols but that does not hurt. You could carry something like a Glock 19 and a Glock 26 using only Glock 19 mags in you magazine pouch. You never will make the mistake of grabbing the wrong magazine to feed the pistol you have been firing should you need to reload.

All the best,
Glenn B
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I just cannot see myself strapping on a gun, a BUG, pepper spray, baton and tactical knife to go get a loaf of bread or a couple of hotdogs at Higley Hotdogs.

Do you 'strap on' anything when you go out to the local market? If not, then maybe you might find this article rather interesting. It is pretty old, was written back in the early 1980s, but is still applicable today if not more so now than then:

The Case For Guns - Letter From An Angry Reader

Please note, it is a long article but well worth the read in its entirety.

All the best,
Glenn B
Some of these responses seem to me to border on the psychotic. Why should an armed citizen carry two or more firearms and attendant rounds? The chances of you ever needing even one firearm are quite slim. Why load yourself down with multiple weapons? If you were in a firefight and you managed to get off two or three rounds while you were diving for cover, and you were still alive, you would be quite lucky. Where do extra magazines and additional guns come in to play?

You would be a lot better off learning to read the world around you, and spot danger before it is upon you, rather than carrying an arsenal and ten pounds of lead around with you everywhere while having wet dreams about wild west shoot outs.

It seems that Ayoob, and others like him, make a big part of their living convincing people of a world that is much more dangerous than in reality; and making people paranoid about it. I do not subscribe to that view for armed citizens. Our rights are for self defense in the event that no other option is available. To me that means five shots is a lot of ammo that could grow very old waiting for action.
You would be a lot better off learning to read the world around you, and spot danger before it is upon you, rather than carrying an arsenal and ten pounds of lead around with you everywhere while having wet dreams about wild west shoot outs.

Wooooooooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo :)

WildtheresamanwhotellsitlikeitisAlaska TM


There's a man who has forgotten (or never bothered to read) the rules of the forum, which expressly and plainly forbid insulting other members.

Telling people their comments "border on the psychotic" or that they are "a mall ninja dream" is not something done in a polite conversation with strangers. It is rude. And such talk does not belong on TFL.

If it had been just a single member, it would be dealt with in private. Since the offensive rudeness came from more than one person, in more than one post ...

Thread closed.

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