How many guns and other weapons do you carry? Ayoob says to carry two...

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Have you trained with all of them? Shooting the small guns needs a touch of practice?

The newest SWAT has a nice article on small guns, and I have one in the hopper for Pax.

Don't forget the two knives, two flashlights, OC and cell phone.
Thats a good question. I have used every pistol that I own at a range many times. I have brought them out to the desert and other open places to do some creative shooting.

Im wondering what type of creative training exercises you can come up with since the places I have shot at are relatively controlled scenarios.
You need to look in your area for training courses. It's pretty clear to most that range time only is insufficient for more intense scenarios.

Most DGUs are handled by untrained folk - single mugger, burglar - who you yell at or take a shot at. However, if you are going for the full ride - which carrying all those guns imply - you need to shoot more than paper with home grown exercises.
If one was truly tac - you would have the G36 with an IWB, the J frame in a pocket holster and the 238 on your ankle!

Seen it done with similar gear. Isn't so hard. Just don't fall in the lake.

Also, you need two reload mags for the G36 on the opposite side. Maybe a speed strip for the J in another pocket. Forget the reloads for the 238 - the zombies got to you by then. :D
My pant's pocket is only big enough for one little 642, if that aint enough then I guess I'll end up zomby poop.
I carry one on me and one in the car console. I don’t have a tactical flashlight, nor a tactical baton, nor a tactical knife, nor a tactical brass knuckles, nor a tactical ball-point pen. I do have a fairly sturdy folding umbrella but it’s in the trunk.

My philosophy is retreat if possible. I’m not part of a SWAT team nor am I a SWAT team wannabe. I got a minus 45 on the Mall Ninja test.

I’m fortunate in having several acres of my own land in a rural area where the neighbors shoot as much or more than I do. I have no range restrictions which must consider the safety of other shooters.

I practice drawing and dry fire. Then drawing and live fire. My target is a sheet of typing paper at fifteen feet, sometimes more, sometimes less.

I know it would be good to shoot at more than paper but, so far, I’ve had no volunteers.
Old saying about carry guns.. "One is none, two is one."

When I'm working, it's usually a Glock 20 IWB, Glock 29 elsewhere with a +2 mag and 2-3 extra 15rd magazines but there's only a handful of folks out there who can switch a mag faster than a New York reload. Usually tuck a Ruger LCP with one reload in my clothing or vest as well.

1-2 knives, usually one fixed (fighter) one assisted-opening folder (utility, backup). Impact device(s) such as a Comtech Stinger, Kubotan, etc. in various locations. 9P or G2 flashlight. 1-2 sets of Peerless 700s or 801s. Sometimes other various items (ASP, OC, etc.).

Might be swapping out for a Springer 1911 Pro and Kobra Carry at some point, haven't made the leap yet.

Oh, and don't forget the Raybans or Oaks with a skinnie tie. Completes the look.

edit: Honestly the only heavy parts of my kit are the extra mags. The guns are fairly light being polymer frame. The knives are light and spread around. The G2 is a light, powerful torch. A set of Peerless 801s can be tucked anywhere. Fully loaded I can bang out a sub-7min mile and a sub-60 second 400m, and I know guys who can load more gear and destroy my times.
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How many guns and other weapons do you carry?

For me I carry these

#1 Mindset Be aware, alert

#2 Hands, Feet , Legs Avoid the situation if possible

#3 Knife Always at least a folder, sometimes a double edge straight blade

#4 Concealed Pistol, revolver, etc.
I guess it comes down to where you draw the line. I won't argue against you.. because just by carrying a gun, one is preparing for something with is very likely never going to happen. So why not defy the odds another few percentage points and prepare for an incident in which you might have to reload or use multiple guns.

Either way.. I wouldn't ever carry more than one gun, but that's just me.
I carried several one time, not because I felt it necessary, just to try a CC experiment and see if anyone noticed. Full size XD9 IWB, two extra magazines in the XD gear clip on the opposite side of the belt. 637 in the right hand pocket with 2 speed strips. Beretta Bobcat in the left hand pocket, with one extra magazine. It was all concealed carry and no one ever noticed, not even my wife. I noticed that it was heavy and uncomfortable. I also felt less safe, because I figured I had a better chance of drowning then getting mugged. It was kind of fun just to try it though, and now when I carry my one gun I never even give it a thought that somebody might notice.
2 is sufficient

I think its a good idea to have your SD sidearm with 2 extra mags plus a BUG with 1 reload. I'd like a Kimber Super Carry Pro 4" barrel with 2 8rd Wilson combats on my belt one in the gun +1 in the pipe giving me 9 45ACP's to start with. A BUG to me it only makes sense to be a revolver. Model 19 .357 mag with a 2" barrel would be nice with a reload. I think thats good, I mean I'd feel 100% fine with just the Kimber however.
I always have a Case XX 61048 in my pocket. Known as the 'Dixie Switch' because before the popularity of automatic knives it could be easily opened with one hand. That and one of 3 carry guns depending on what day and my mood. A 340PD, a SigP338 or a Kahr P9. If I can't get by with that I deserve whatever I get. :)
Guns are like parachutes...

...always pack one more than you think you'll need.

J.W. Hardin (whom family tradition holds was related to us) lived a far more exciting life than I hope I will ever have. If I were him, yeah, I'd have a few extra firearms handy.

I'd hate to get caught short, but I just don't want to live my life that way. One weapon seems pretty reasonable to me, most of the time.
I carry a 4506 on the left and a 4006 on the right... I still cant find wood hogue grips and a belt holster for my S&W 500 magnum:eek::eek:
correct me if i am wrong but doesn't the us military send most soliders into battle with just 1 gun? what percentage of soldiers are issued both a rifle and a sidearm?

if soldiers go knowingly into harms way with only 1 or 2 guns why would a civilian need 2 or 3 or more guns? most people "not" looking for trouble will never find trouble. of course if trouble did find you then you might wish you had a half a dozen guns and a couple of rpg's and the seals backing you up.

people get struck by lightening but i don't see anyone one walking around wearing insulation with thick rubber gloves and boots.

personally a single gun with a reload is about all i'm prepared to carry. if you don't trust your gun then buy one that you can trust instead of just carrying more guns. if you have to travel to dangerous areas consider a bug but i see no sense in carrying 15 or 20 pounds of guns, mags, bullets and holsters for an event that is not likely to happen.
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