How Many EDC Changes?


New member
As I have aged, my Glock 19 is no longer as comfortable/concealable as it used to be. I am assuming that my clothes have all shrunk, or that the gun has grown over the past several years. I am currently weighing my options of getting back in shape, or getting a new EDC piece. My fitness habits aside, I was curious how many times other users have changed their EDC choice, and what encouraged the switch (ex. age, new models or features, more disposable income, bad experience, etc.).
A new belt and pants is cheaper than a new gun.
Sometimes I have to take a mag carrier out, sometimes I have to put one in.
Move from IWB OWB carry.
Get a shoulder holster.
Try lean shakes from GNC. Oatmeal that fills you up and protein to keep you going.
Since I lost 45 pounds last year I am finding that carrying one or two large frame revolvers is much easier. I used to get all worn out but now carry of a S&W 624 with say my 1847 as a back up is easy because even with both of them on and reloades I am still 35 pounds lighter then when I carried heavy two revolvers before.

I find it amusing...... the posters here whining about the weight of some plastic full size easily controlable gun being to much for them when A better solution is to have less of you and carry a full size that you have better skills with.
I've changed several times over the years, but have finally settled on what a lot of people said in the first place. A J-frame airweight. The 442 I carry now is so light I don't even need to worry about a heavy duty belt for it.

Maybe not the best for beating off Zombie hords, but if I run into one of them, I figure I'm having a really bad day anyway.
if you settle for your current position you will be buying a new gun and/or carry rig over year as you gain weight.

I suggest that it less expensive to eat smaller portions and at least take daily walks. reduced calories and increased activity will make you lose weight even if you're "big boned" or have thyroid problems...
I recently transitioned from a Kel Tec P32 to a Bersa BP9cc as my EDC gun. I have lost 10 pounds since January thanks to a spin class at the YMCA and an adjustment in my bourbon:beer consumption ratio.
. My fitness habits aside, I was curious how many times other users have changed their EDC choice, and what encouraged the switch (ex. age, new models or features, more disposable income, bad experience, etc.).

This backward People's Republic just got carry last year. So, I'm trying a bunch of different things out of the various things I have accululated over the years.

I'm tending towards "light and convenient" carry.
it didnt take me long to transition from the larger guns to something smaller just because its easier. Im not always wearing something with a belt, etc or im dressed up and cant conceal easily. I have a rotation of guns i carry for different scenarios......p32 for pocket carry pretty much 24-7. I also have a snub38 i can ankle carry, a pf9 with a clip i can carry sob or pocket, and a glock27 with razr mic and clip i can sob. I also added a cheap thunderwear knockoff from ebay which the glock snub or pf9 all will work with.
I think it's a big trap for those who carry to keep going smaller and lighter. Handguns get more difficult to shoot well as they get smaller and lighter.

I default the same way each time on this discussion--
I think it is a trap to be avoided, and I have managed to stick with my first EDC, been carrying it since about a month after getting my license in the fall of 2008.

For others? I think it is a trap, I would suggest they acknowledge that before they fall in to it, but I am certainly glad they still elect to carry a handgun (even if they keep whittling it down)
After you have carried a big gun for a while, you begin to realize the boogie man is not out to get you. You then reassess your options and move to a smaller gun. If you learn to shoot well, carrying a small gun is not a handicap.

Note: if the boogie man REALLY IS after you, maybe you should carry two guns.
It is LUDICROUS to even suggest that YOU have decidedly assesed the exact possible threat level for anyone, let alone yourself. The exact line of thinking that makes you feel like it makes more sense to carry a little gun (simply due to the threat level) also suggests that it is silly for you to carry a gun at all for any reason. And as long as you're adept at measuring possible threats, it would be a smart choice to quit driving vehicles on public roads and highways -- by far a much, much bigger threat, far more likely to harm. And not even close.

Careful near swimming pools also. And those dastardly five gallon buckets.
I've changed EDCs only once, to a 3" 1911, being a 1911 guy, from a HKUSPC. Twice, if you consider changing woods guns, but that's not an everyday thing. The 3" 1911 has never been a problem and still isn't, after about 12 years. Also carry a BUG, but did that even with the HK.
Well, faced with the choice of losing weight or buying a new gun, I always opt for the new gun.

This was my first everday carry outfit, a rather dinky little .38:

Then this rather nice .357 Magnum:

Finally for the last couple of years a more reassuring .44 Special:

(Holster by Graveyard Jack Gunleather) Makes a nice comfortable feeling.

Bob Wright
EDC Change

I stopped carrying a semi when I realized that I was having a very hard time racking the slide back. Good old Uncle Arthuritus. Went to wheel guns and bought only 357's since then and never looked back. Uncle A still is a pain but it don't stop me know. Weight wise I'm still able to get into my jeans from the 70's so i don't have that problem. I'm with Sevens on his comment.
Good old Good old Uncle Arthuritus. getting around . I still carry my Defender, Commander , or DanWesson . But some days I just strap on my 44 spl Bulldog No slide to mess with.

Sevens I think it is a trap to be avoided, and I have managed to stick with my first EDC, been carrying it since about a month after getting my license in the fall of 2008.

Well what is this great EDC you have carried all these years In my 40+ years of carry Ive carried every thing from a 22 short auto to 45 acp Depending on where I lived worked or traveled had a lot to do with my carry.
Been carrying my COP derringer in OTB holster lately. Being it is a a short little gun it blends in with the belt. I am not in a high threat battle zone. I can defend myself with four 357 rounds. I carry all the time except when I go to bed.


also my ALL Titanium Taurus M450..45Colt

Due to a serious health issue, I went from carrying a Glock 30 OWB to carrying either a Sig P938 or P238. I do miss carrying the Glock.