How loud is a Mosin without hearing protection?

I confess to hearing loss from too many really big guns going off. I also confess to spending a lifetime without hearing protection quail hunting, rabbit hunting, deer hunting, and duck hunting. I guess I've lived my life at the height of foolishness. Forgive me Brian. Or not. Just relating my experience.
My Son has gotten me in to shooting with a suppressor. I know that most hunting rounds are not subsonic but is still muffles the sound of the report. For hunting I feel that suppressors are great. I never wore hearing protection while hunting and now I regret it.

I wish I had known about suppressors when I was young. I am waiting for my 300 win-mag suppressor. Its wont make the gun "movie quiet" but it will make it so the gun wont make your ears ring.

Polite people to not want to disturb the neighbors when they hunt/shoot...
Use hearing protection while you are hunting. They make nice electronic ones so you can hear the beasties but not as much of the gun shot. Invest in them like your very sense of hearing depends on it.
I used to think is was not important to use hearing protection when hunting either, but as I sit here in the quiet of my home enjoying TFL, I have the high pitched squealing in both of my ears to remind me that even though each single event of gunfire was not noticed during the rush of the hunt, the damage was done nevertheless. It is very annoying, and chronic, as well as permanent. It is the beginning of going deaf. You dont want to experience it. Dr. says not caused by anything other than years of exposure to gunfire. Please find some sort of hearing protection to use when firing high intensity rifle cartridges. As one of the staff already said, they are very loud, and can cause permanent hearing loss with just one shot.
if you can afford electronic earplugs then by all means buy them for hunting however for the 90% of us that can't afford them we hunt without ear plugs despite the danger that it poses to our hearing. the report from a 91/30 is no greater than a 30-06 or 223.

Electronic muffs can be had for under $30. I have a pair that cost $25 at Dick's and they work great.
Just shoot a .308 or .30-06 without hearing protection and it will be the same result. Did it once by accident, never again!
With or without muzzle brakes...the shorter the barrel, the louder the blast. The M44 Mosin a loud mouth fire breathing dragon. Stick with ear protection, or you'll possibly wind-up suffering tinnitus for decades; like I've had.

Ear plugs, by themselves, are not that effective --- because their is a cartilage bone in your ear flap's --- that transmits noise vibration to your eardrum; which if loud enough...can cause hearing damage. At our range...even totally deaf people wear hearing protection; cuz they still can rupture there eardrums --- just like you and me.

Headphones along with earplugs...are needed for such cartridges such as the 300 RUM with muzzle brake, {which that the --- muzzle brake ---- amplifies the sound, and is banned on certain guided professional hunts in Africa} on up past the 50 BMG.
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if you can afford electronic earplugs then by all means buy them for hunting however for the 90% of us that can't afford them we hunt without ear plugs despite the danger that it poses to our hearing. the report from a 91/30 is no greater than a 30-06 or 223.

$2 for earplugs. $30 bucks for electronic earmuffs. About $80 for an inexpensive pair of electronic earplugs. Good hearing - priceless.

Hearing damage is cumulative. One additional shot can put one over the edge and have them suffering from tinnitus. I know, 'cause it happen to me. I inadvertently shot a 22LR round from a rifle one day at the club and heard ringing immediately. The ringing faded but never completely went away from that point forward. I now double up with earplugs and earmuffs to prevent any additional damage.
I bet its just as loud as without hearing protection.

Haha, that's what I'm talking about. Good one.

I agree, there's no reason to shoot without hearing protection, even when hunting. If its a once in a lifetime chance that requires an immediate shot, I10 guess its your hearing.. but rarely do you not have an extra 10-15 seconds to get hearing protection on before taking the shot.
I got a $5 pair of the wrap-around kind of ear plugs that you can pop in your ears quickly if you've spotted and animal and are preparing to shoot. You just reach down with one hand and pop them in each ear- only takes about 3 seconds.
$2 for earplugs. $30 bucks for electronic earmuffs. About $80 for an inexpensive pair of electronic earplugs. Good hearing - priceless.

I want to know who here is capable of hearing a deer sneak through the woods with earplugs in? really? I must just be a hillbilly and live in a backwater area because nobody I know that has ever been hunting has used earplugs while hunting and if I ever saw someone wearing them I would probably laugh so loud that I'd scare off all the game anyway.

now I have heard of electronic earplugs that allow you to hear normally but filters out gunshots but last I knew they were several hundred dollars a pair.
Depending on how you adjust them they can hear better than "reg'lar hearin' & they're nowhere near hunnrets of dollahs.:D

You have been able to to get mechanical plugs with normal audio till there is a sound over 85dB for under 25 bucks too & they dont even need batteries.
Very loud. For some reason the russian ammo seems to have little or no flame supressant in it. Most blast a huge fireball in front of the gun.
"I dunno how loud. Never shot one without protection "
I've never shot a MN POS but I've shot a lot of 30/06 w/o ear protection. Good Lord, people back in the beginning of time(before ear plugs) everyone shot everything w/o ear protection. I'm not saying it was right or good, but we didn't know any better.
There seems to be a whole generation of shooters who have never fired a gun outside of a range or controlled environment.
With or without muzzle brakes...the shorter the barrel, the louder the blast. The M44 Mosin a loud mouth fire breathing dragon. Stick with ear protection, or you'll possibly wind-up suffering tinnitus for decades; like I've had.


Agreed. The M44 will chatter your teeth if they're clenched when you fire it. It's awesome :D
I want to know who here is capable of hearing a deer sneak through the woods with earplugs in? really? I must just be a hillbilly and live in a backwater area because nobody I know that has ever been hunting has used earplugs while hunting and if I ever saw someone wearing them I would probably laugh so loud that I'd scare off all the game anyway.

now I have heard of electronic earplugs that allow you to hear normally but filters out gunshots but last I knew they were several hundred dollars a pair.

Last you heard must have been a LONG, LONG time ago.

I have a pair of Radians that I bought at least 7 or 8 years ago. They cost around $125 and they weren't the cheapest available.

Now days, virtually any outdoor store has models starting around $30 or less. I bought a set from Dicks, about 2 years ago, that cost about $25. They work very well.

Hunting without hearing protection isn't even an option for me. I forgot my electronic muffs once last year and just took a nap at camp. No way am I doing more damage than has already been done.
it'll cause ringing-which is the damage.

Search the forum, there are accounts of ONE or two times causing tinnitus.

$0.99 will get you push in ear plugs.