How loud is a Mosin without hearing protection?


New member
Just curious to how loud a Mosin Nagant, or any comparable rifle is without any hearing protection? Its not like i'll be shooting it without hearing protection often, but if I go hunting with it someday i'd at least like to know what to expect.
Lot louder than it is with ear plugs, and that's loud enough for me. Don't need to try one without em.
Plenty loud

I foolishly left me hearing protection in the car when I attended a cast bullet military shoot a while back, behind the line when the various .30's went off it was painful even using reduced cast target loads, further down the line was a Swede 6.5mm Mauser, much less noise.

Wear in ear protection when hunting, minimum.
The only thing you'll notice if you fire at game , is that your ears may ring for a little while , but you won't even hear the gun fire !
What sap said. Hearing protection is de rigeur at the range. Not so in the field. As to how loud is your Mosin? Very loud indeed, loud enough to damage hearing with repeated exposure.
it's mot overbearingly loud such as a 7mm or 300 magnum but still more than I would recommend without hearing. the carbine length nagants are also louder than the "pike length" guns.
If you are taking it hunting I wouldn't even think about it. If you plan to shuck several rounds though it then yeah, in ear protection is required at a minimum.
Eye protection because God only gave you: Eyes, pair, one each.

Same goes for hearing: Drums, ear, pair, one each..

I have found that a little .25ACP will make your ears hurt ... not as much as the M2HB my TC insisted on shooting right next to where I sat while driving my M113A1 ... but you'll only regret a lack of precaution after you've lost or dadmaged your sight or hearing.
If its really that important of an issue to you try firing a shot or two without protection at the range, it won't kill you.

I've shot plenty of big guns with no protection on a range and in the field, and one thing I've noticed when you are shooting at game I don't seem to get as effected buy it, as in it my ears may ring on the range but won't when shooting at game.
It is loud enough to cause hearing damage. During the hunt however, you won't even hear it go off.

I fire my hunting rifles a couple of times a year without hearing protection. I have certainly lost a small amount of hearing and i also getting older but I'm sure it is a combo of both.
When you hear the ringing. . .the damage has been done. Continued shooting without hearing protection will make it worse.

Medical science has not advanced to the point to repair your hearing.

Don't do it. The cost is for life. It is not worth it.
boattale said:
What sap said. Hearing protection is de rigeur at the range. Not so in the field. As to how loud is your Mosin? Very loud indeed, loud enough to damage hearing with repeated exposure.

This is silliness.

Listen up, fellas!

A SINGLE gunshot with unprotected ears can and has caused irreversible, permanent damage. I know. I did it, by accident.

The idea that you don't hear/notice/remember the shot when you're hunting is completely and utterly irrelevant. Your ears don't care what your brain perceives. Hearing damage is a PHYSICAL condition, like a broken leg. I could dope you up enough that you wouldn't know your leg was run over by a Mack truck too, but it would still be broken!

This is a medical/health issue and the misinformation posted on this forum needs to stop.

If you want to shoot without hearing protection, fine, have at it but DO NOT tell others that it's OK or will only do damage after "repeated" exposure. That is utter nonsense.

Electronic hearing protection can be had for under $30 today. It protects your hearing and ENHANCES your ability to hear game in the woods. Hunting or shooting without it is the height of foolishness.
I used to have an M44. I never shot it without hearing protection but at the range it would set of car alarms in the parking lot.
Thanks guys, I guess I won't be firing the 91/30 without hearing protection anytime soon. As for hunting I may look into a pair of some electronic ear muffs.
if you can afford electronic earplugs then by all means buy them for hunting however for the 90% of us that can't afford them we hunt without ear plugs despite the danger that it poses to our hearing. the report from a 91/30 is no greater than a 30-06 or 223.