How long did it take to get you Curio and Relic License?

Hmm. How long is it from June 12th until now.............

So, 15 weeks and counting. I called in at about 8 weeks and they said they were still pending on the background check.

I find that hilarious since I can go to the local gun shop and they can run a background check in 2 hours max.

The only thing I can think of is I didn't put my SSN on the application. I read in a few places online that it wasn't "required", however, I'm sure they could ID me much faster had I just given it to them in the first place.

The first time I applied it took less than 2 weeks... it's as fast as I have ever heard of anybody getting theirs.

The first time I renewed it was about 2-3 weeks... not too bad.

I just received my second renewal, and it took going on a couple months. They've definitely slowed down at the FFLC.
michael m
How long did it take to get you Curio and Relic License?

Recently got mine in about 4 weeks from the time I dropped the application at the PO to the time I had the C&R in the mailbox. Keep in mind that this is if you have zero questionable items in your life or if you have a very common name or if you didn't put a SSN down. I've heard of people waiting 6 months or more! :eek:

BTW, it gets expensive!!! :o
Took mine about 6 weeks. It would have been closer to 4, except I forgot to include the county in one of the boxes on the form. They sent it back to me for correction. That was about 1 month after the application. 2 Weeks after that, I had my C&R.
An update to my post from last month:

About a week ago I received a letter from the BATF that they could not complete the background check without my Social Security Number. So I immediately added my SSN to the form and returned it to them. Like I said in the post before, I had read on a few websites that you don't need to include your SSN.

Well yesterday, I went to the mailbox and inside was my brand new C&R FFL.

My advice to anyone applying is to make sure to include your SSN on the form. 19+ weeks is a LONG time to wait for something like this.

Seems like I've been waiting forever for mine. I called a week or so back and they seemed really delayed for whatever reason. At this point, I'll be lucky if I see anything by the end of this month :( I set mine in the last week of August.
It took the ATF four weeks to return my application and to tell me the SS# is required. In the instructions it states 'providing a SS# is voluntary.' I took that at face value.

Has anyone received a license without providing their SS#?
Mine came in the mail last week. Four weeks not bad at all. Just wandering it had a piece of paper that came with the license that stated if you need a list of rules I could send off for them. They did not give me a address or email address. I am assuming it is at the same website that I asked for an application.
Michael M

When they sent my last renewal, they sent a CD-Rom with all the rules and regulations. It is called "State Laws and Published Ordinances:Firearms" CD Rom Publication 5300.5 Revised September 2008. 28th Edition.

I am not sure if they still send books of the Rules and Regulations out anymore. I'm sure the CD Rom is a lot less expensive to ship than the books. I believe all of the information that is on the disc is also online at a BATFE site.
Ugh, I just called BATF. According to them, the "just" received my application on Sept 8 even though I sent it about 3 weeks earlier. Anyway, they just said it will be at least 60 to 90 days to process my application! :eek::(
I've been waiting at least eight weeks now. Glad others are in the same boat, I mean, glad to hear it, for I know I'm not unique in this.
Amsdorf, what state are you located in? I'm in KY.

I hope all of us waiting get a continuation/authorization letter from the BATFE.
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Well, I certainly got billed very quick on my credit card. To bad they are slow to process. Funny, huh? The Govt. will charge your card super fast, but will take their time processing your request :mad: