How likely is a new AWB next year?

The problem with Obama is we know he will try to get an AWB through the Congress. Heck he would have tried to get a handgun ban through the Congress if Heller had gone his way.

Obama agrees with the four liberal justices of the SCOTUS who ruled the 2nd Amendment affords a collective right only. That much we know for sure IMHO.

Hopefully, Heller will be our trump card and popular firearms used in the military will be protected? A semi-auto rifle is so popular with Americans that you would think the SCOTUS would protect it?

I mean, to me, that's what Scalia said, in so many words, in Heller, supra.

Man, I'm getting tired of fighting this battle but I guess it will never end. Going on 40 years now for Godsakes. :mad:
cbiner: Doesn't anybody here think they will have a hard time getting support for such a law? Correct me if I am wrong, but don't all the statistics relating to crime and violence support the idea that AWB's and heavy gun control laws are counter productive to reducing crime or crime related violence?
Eliminating gun ownership does not have, nor has it ever had, any relationship to crime. It is all about control. It has been stated throughout recorded history in one form or another: You cannot oppress an armed society. If the politico is able to get rid of the guns we will be completely at their mercy. Once you remove the possibility of “.30 caliber elections” they will be free to do as they wish.
IMO, it looks like the Mcain/Palin, or Palin /McCain team will actually have a fighting chance this November. Im about ready to say that the whacko Dems have already been defeated and our gun rights are safe.
Imagaine how many people would lose their jobs if a Assault weapons ban came about,
Armalite, Bushmaster, Colt, DPMS, Eagle Arms, just to name a few. Obama is a fad. He will fade away. The leftist media is promoting him for unknown reasons. He is a idiot.
McCain Palin will win. Semi Automatic Sport Utility (SASU) rifles are safe. I keep telling myself this over and over hoping it i true. Im buying more crap just in case though.

The answer to the original question, I would say is, depends on who gets elected, and I do not limit this to the presidency.

The individual's vote might be akin to that proverbial penny, however given enough pennies, one reaches that point when "serious money" is involved. Relatively small numbers of votes not only can make a difference, they do make a difference.
makarov5 writes:

I don't think an AWB ban will survive much scrutiny. Nearly all of the weapons up on the chopping block have circulations WAY beyond what they were in 1994. For you AR fanatics out there, just how many millions of ARs are out in circulation? IMHO, The "common use" test will work for us, not against us.


Concerning your mention of/refereence to COMMON SENSE above, I hate to rain on your parade, but re legislative activities of The Congress, in particular with respect to existing enactments, not to mention such rubbish as they, year in, year out, continue to entertain, it strikes me that common sense and the congress are mutually exclusive. I'd like to agree with you, I also hope that you are correct, I just wonder.
I don't think there will be any movement on taking away gun rights within the next few years. If Obama is elected he may try, but I don't think much will become of it. McCain's record is very good concerning gun control. He did, if I recall correctly, vote against the '94 AWB. He may be enough of a maverick to buck Congress on the issue.
Due to being near brain dead, I often get my facts mixed up so remember the source here.

I believe I heard that Biden was the original author of the first draft of the Brady Bill. He is known as one of the biggest and oldest anti-gunners in DC My guess is he is in the same neighborhood as Uncle Teddy. If I am close on this, I am certain they will be pushing anti bills as fast as they can make them up. The AWB renewal must be at the top of their list!

Another problem is the AWB is a fed. law, leaving the states to control their own. New York for one, still has their laws in place and believed to be more strict. I think Calif. may be right up there too. I think the recent DC case left it up to the states to some degree to control themselves as they see fit.

On Fox News last night, they had a segment on Texas having a steady increase in new CCW applications with I think a 40% increase this year. Texas has doubled their staff to help with the backlog. New Castle rules in the state have some of the credit for the increase.

Hillary will be appointed to the bench (IMO) that tips the bench so far left that we are in for a hard fight. Her pantsuits will fit right in with the other 3 anti judges.

If interested (hopefully everyone here is), the NRA keeps track of who is pro or anti gun and publishes a report cards just prior to elections.

My guess is they will all try again and again to reinstate, and won't give up.

Nationwide, overall gun sales have been up this year mostly due to the changing of the guard in Washington. Buy em now because you may not be allowed to next year.... That's how I see it.

Perhaps Palin should be hired by the NRA if she does not make it as VP. We could use her on our side. I believe (with our support) she could lead a fight like Washington has never seen before!

There you have it, some of my thoughts......I mention some of these items because I don't think they were all mentioned before.

Anyone who disputes any of this, please make corrections where needed, I am easily confused and getting worse. However, I am not (yet) mentally required to surrender my guns. :D
In Congress, McCain voted AGAINST the assualt weapon ban TWICE!:D

McCain's official page of issues voices his opposition of the AWB.

Obama has voiced support for the DC ban, banning all semiautomatic guns, a federal ban on concealed carry, ammo bans, etc etc.:mad:

The two are MILES apart.
If Obama is president and Pelosi is speaker they will be able to push through anti gun legislation. The Senate will be controlled by the Dems and Schumer and friends will support anti gun measures with gusto.
Only the most optimistic (and the most obviously biased) forecasts show the Dems winning a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.