How likely is a new AWB next year?

Being sort of new to this hobby, this topic appears to be really subjective.
I've never been very familiar with the previous AWB.
Who can realistically forecast the chances, considering all of the factors,
i.e. the Senators and current members of the House, overall national mood etc?

1) If McCain wins the election?

2) If "Smooth-talker" Obama (the Euro-Puppet 'Rock Star') wins it?
I would say it is likely with either candidate. You see next year the Dems will be the majority party in both houses. It is very likely they will try to pass some types of gun control bills. If McCain wins, that is a Big IF, he will have to make concessions with the Dem if he wants his plans passed by congress. One of those concessions will be on gun control. Though if he does win the Dem might feel less embolden and will not try to over due it, but I believe they will try to pass a new AWB. If Obama wins, the Dems will feel like they have a mandate from the American people to pass anything they want. They will vote for a new AWB in addition to other gun control bills. I see gun ownership in America is going to be going through some tough times.
Unlikely. If they have the guts and the support to pass something like the old AWB they'll be able to pass something much worse. And they will have learned from their mistakes on the last ban.

We might see a ban of some sort, but if we do it won't be anything nearly as tolerable as the AWB.
We might see a ban of some sort, but if we do it won't be anything nearly as tolerable as the AWB.

Agreed.... We either won't see a new AWB at all for a while... or we are going to get a new one that makes us look back on the old one with great fondness.

Just my 2 bits,

Garands forever
nobody can really tell when there will be one BUT whenever there is a new one it is gonna be much, much, much worse than the last one.
And just like the last one, everyone will complain about it but do nothing to stand up for their rights. NO LAW that congress can or will pass has any effect on our 2nd. Amend. Rights and we should stand on that and ignore any laws that they do pass as being nothing but hog wash. Our Founding Fathers gave us a Constitution to protect the God Given Rights that we have, we just need to stand up and hold to that Constitution instead of letting em' buffalo us with they're anti-Constitutional laws.
i'd like to see exactly how, short of a nationwide total ban on semi-automatic rifles, it would look.

i remember the first one.
we were unprepared and didnt know the loopholes.
it wont happen this time.
when the initial ban came around colt was really about the only HUGE AR company. they had GOV contracts and didnt want to lose them so they kept quiet.
its not the same now.
look ata few who in the game now.
American spirit
Adams Arms
Anvil Arms
Cavalry Arms
Charles Daly
CProducts LLC
Defensive Edge / SLR15
J & T Distributing
Essential Arms
Lancer Systems
LaRue Tactical
Midwest Industries
Patriot Ordnance Factory
Stag Arms

in 1994 how many people owned black rifles?
how many own them today?
in '94 how many people owned HC pistols?
how many today?
is '94 how many companies made AR type rifles?
how many today?

so even if they get one in they cant enforce it.
buy 20 lowers take a picture of each one assembled to a preban upper beside a current newspaper and its now preban.

every pistol company that makes a HC pistol will cut production and work 24-7 on nothing but magazines.
every aftermarket magazine company will ramp up production.

and get this...
Ringworm why didn't you take the time to put them in alphabetical order?:D

American spirit
Adams Arms
Anvil Arms
Cavalry Arms
Charles Daly
CProducts LLC
Defensive Edge / SLR15
J & T Distributing
Essential Arms
Lancer Systems
LaRue Tactical
Midwest Industries
Patriot Ordnance Factory
Stag Arms
roy reali:

I would be more concerned with gun restrictions in his second term if Obama wins.

Yes, I think second term as well- that gives him time to swap out some Supreme Court Justices to back him up.
With the Supreme Court ruling on the "individual right"

That is going to take a lot of wind out of their sails. Unfortunately, not all. What the argument is going to be as about what guns are "suitable", and which are not. And with the language in the Court's ruling about "in common use", again, a lot of their arguments have been "shot down".

Military style firearms are often found in the caches of drug dealers, but they are seldom actually used in crimes. Druggies keep them for intimidation against other dealers, and almost never use them against the police. They know if they shoot it out with the cops they are going away for a long time, where if they just surrender, they lose their drugs and guns, but get back on the street much faster. Military style rifles are used in less than 1% of crimes. Back in 94 the banners even admitted this, but said their ban was a necessary "first step". The 9/11 attack (done with no guns at all!) also took a lot of the push away from the gun banners. These are the things the Dems (and all politicians) need to be reminded of, when these bull...pardon me, bills come up for votes. Also they need reminded of what else happened in 94, as a result of the AWB, we voted them OUT!

Look for smart folks to push the AR as a "homeland defense rifle" or something similar. Also the simple fact that when the 94 AWB expired in 04, the country didn't explode in "assault weapon violence". Remind your politicians that not only is an AWB something that we don't need (and doesn't work), but the only real effect of such a bill is to seriously upset a lot of voters who would otherwise support them for re-election.

The only place is the USA where "assault weapons" are constantly used in crimes is on the movie and TV screen! Why don't they pass a law against that! Oops, sorry, we have a Constiutional right to free speech. Can't do that. Wake up congressman, we have a Contsitution right to keep and bear arms too!
If there is a tie vote in the Senate on the Bill, I think that McCain's VP would then vote against it.

Honestly, though, I think we will get something next year for sure. If McCain is elected, it will be toned down. If Obama is President, then expect the worst.

Palin does seem pretty feisty, though. Could she possibly twist McCain's arm on gun control??

Heck, Palin looks so feisty I'd be willing to vote for her for President. She came up thru the ranks and isn't like the "Professionaly" politicians we've had messing up the country for the last 50 years. We need more people from "normal" walks of life in office and less lawyer types. Sorry for the hi-jack, guess the metal detector at airport security didn't work, LOL.
The truth is that either candidate will enact another AWB if he thinks he can get away with it. Obama will make it a priority. McCain will be sneaky about it.

Get ready now for the worst case scenario.
The 1994 AWB passed the US house by one vote. 38 Republicans voted for the AWB and 76 Democrats voted against it. There are more pro-gun Democrats in the US house than there were in 1994.

The US senate is a given to pass the AWB: Virtually all the Democrats and 10 Republicans voted to extend the AWB.
I would say it is likely with either candidate. You see next year the Dems will be the majority party in both houses. It is very likely they will try to pass some types of gun control bills. If McCain wins, that is a Big IF, he will have to make concessions with the Dem if he wants his plans passed by congress. One of those concessions will be on gun control.

Well stated...... I don't trust McCain and I sure as hell don't trust Obama.