How I Carry Concealed LEGALLY at Age 20 in a 21+ State

Blume, again, the law makes no reference to the state of residence of the holder of a valid out-of-state license to carry. A judge who looked at it in the way you propose would be overturned, and mocked, by a court of appeals.

I know I'm messing with the system. I'm being a huge pain in the ass to the government, and I love doing it, because the government has way too much power and not enough people are willing to give them a hard time.
Rock on, my man, rock on!!!

Hope to see you in New Hampshire on of these days!
I know I'm messing with the system. I'm being a huge pain in the ass to the government, and I love doing it, because the government has way too much power and not enough people are willing to give them a hard time.

May your tribe increase!

Giggling at the absurdity and ingenuity of what you've done. Welcome to TFL. :cool:

blume357 said:
N.C. has NO NON RESIDENT Permits... thus no other state issuing a non resident permit can recognize the same... there is no reciprocity. If you were a resident of N.H. then the permit would be valid....

So, I submit that you ask the A.G. of N.C. if they recognize non resident permits at all.


WhitePony said:
I called the State Director of the NRA for advice, and he laughed hysterically, thought it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard, and gave me the number for the firearms specialist in the AG's Office.

I called, and he was very short, questioned why I had a New Hampshire permit and not a North Carolina one, and I told him that if the state would issue me one, I'd take it, but they won't.

He confirmed twice that regardless, my NH non-resident permit is 100% honored under NC law, and that any sheriff that told me otherwise was wrong, and to have them give him a call.

blume357 said:
I'm not saying this is right or wrong...just one way a judge could look at it. Keep in mind one simple fact when ever 'we' debate what the sheriff, judge and lawyers are going to argue.... when that time arrives you are screwed... doesn't matter how 'right' you are... when you end up in court, you are screwed...


WhitePony said:
The DA's Office in my county: "If that's what the attorney general's office said, I would assume they told you the right law. I highly doubt we would even consider prosecuting a charge that conflicted with their opinion."

My own attorney: "The permit is valid, and even if you were cited with it, it can be thrown out before going to trial. Only a really overzealous DA would try to prosecute a charge like that anyway, and even if they did, you'd beat it in court."

If you READ a thread before replying, you can usually find out if your point has already been addressed or not ;)