How good was Sarah Palin's speech?

How well did Palin do yesterday?

  • Homerun

    Votes: 120 77.9%
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    Votes: 14 9.1%
  • Double

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • Single

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Present

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • This question is above my community organizer pay grade

    Votes: 7 4.5%

  • Total voters
Good so we can count on your vote for Mccain!

No chance. Another four years, at a minimum, of the current version of the Republican Party in power? Trashing the Constitution, governing by fear and by lies, hocking the future of the country to the Chinese (and others) so they can continue to cry "No new taxes!" while spending like crazy (2000: $230 bn. budget surplus, now, ~$500 bn. deficit) -- not bloody likely. I don't think much of the Democrats either, but the current lot has to go.
I'd agree the current lot has to go if that could include all of the members of both houses of congress as well.

Not a Bush or Cheney fan by any stretch of the immagination but cannot support a liberal / socialist like Obama under any conditions. So, either vote for McCain or don't vote. Think I'll go for McCain - he's not perfect but he's not Bush either and he certainly isn't Obama.
a lot of off-topic posts.... not that it's my place to say.

Considering she's never given a speech to a large crowd before, had little or no preparation from media advisors, and this time she spoke in front of a record-breaking TV audience. She did really well.

It turns out the pit bull part of the speech was impromptu. There was a glitch in the teleprompter and she had to ad-lib (FOX News) . Pretty good save - quick on her feet. Takes confidence to something like that. This shows that she may do well in her debates.

Also saw Joe Biden complimenting her as well. He is probably feigning and plans on ripping into her. Will she be prepared?
One unintended consequence of Gov. Palin's nomination is likely to be that Hillary Clinton will start campaigning hard for Sen. Obama. She is no one's fool, and won't at all like the idea of another woman in a good position to run next time around.
Does this mean that if McCain had chosen a man that she couldn't have cared less if Obama wins?
That would suggest that Democrats are only about self-interest and not the country.

Sarah did a good job of bringing that out, then. It can't be proven certainly but worthy of consideration.
Does this mean that if McCain had chosen a man that she couldn't have cared less if Obama wins?
That would suggest that Democrats are only about self-interest and not the country.

Of course it doesn't mean that. Human beings, in general, are largely about self-interest -- some more, some less so. And they try harder when their self-interest is engaged. Isn't this one of the arguments made, for example, in favor of free markets? That people try harder when their economic self-interest is engaged? Why should politics be any different?

Trying to score points by interpreting a statement in the most extreme, negative way possible isn't a very interesting form of argument.

But we digress...
Now now, a libertarian backing a democrat? Are you really sure you are on the right side of the fence?

On the right side of the fence? No. I'm on the left side of the libertarian fence... and holding my nose while backing the Democrats, because I fear and loathe what the current batch of Republican politicians, with whom I do lump Sen. McCain, are doing to this country. Given that both sides are committed to governing on behalf of large corporations rather than on behalf of the people, I doubt that it will make much difference, but considering the history of the past 8 years...

and Palin will only be on the ticket if McCain wins and dies in office. Should McCain with this time you know he'd never pass the next round off to anyone including Palin. If she looses this time shell go the way of Ferraro, Bentsen and Kemp. When is the last time you saw any of those three brought back into presidential politics. Here today forgotten tomorrow.
I first heard of Sarah Palin Several weeks back on the Glenn Beck radio show I was very impressed and went on the web to find out more. I was so thankful that she was the VP pick as I believe that she will carry the ticket.


Homerun all the way.

"...John has picked a reform-minded, hockey-mommin', basketball shooting, moose-hunting, salmon fishing, pistol-packing, mother of five for Vice President..." -Cindy McCain-
She could have laid off all the irrational praise of McWeasel and kept it to the issues. I like her as a tiger, but hate when they make her lower herself to be his stooge. Harping on his integrity--what the hell kind of integrity has that slime bucket ever had?!? Has she or anyone ever noticed just how often he's sold out to the other side and have the neocommunist media love him for it? Is it any coincidence he's the left's favorite R party guy and has been for the last decade? I don't want a president who's going to coddle the other side, I want one that's going to chop their heads off (politically) and toss them out for roadkill.

Other than that, yeah she's great. Could have and should have pushed right to carry as a main issue to slay TPFI's phony "hunter and rural folks" 2A recognition.