How good was Sarah Palin's speech?

How well did Palin do yesterday?

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    Votes: 14 9.1%
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    Votes: 6 3.9%
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  • Present

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • This question is above my community organizer pay grade

    Votes: 7 4.5%

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The speech was light weight. It did not address any of the real issues facing the United States.

We need a policy discussion not a pep rally.
rellascout said:
We need a policy discussion not a pep rally.

It's called a party convention. They're supposed to be pep rallies.

rellascout said:
The speech was light weight. It did not address any of the real issues facing the United States.

Yes, much like every speech that the Great Community Organizer ever gave,
when not voting "Present"
Why are you so aggressive?

Are you so partisan that you cannot see that you are slinging the same type of mud.

I think you are a prime example of the pot calling the kettle back.

Can you put away your partisan hat for one second an look at your statements objectively?
I agree with Saab, it was a convention, meant to be a pep rally of sorts. There will be interviews and debates in the near future.
The convention was cut short 2 days by Gustav, it's hard to know how they had to adjust it. Plus, it's not over, McCain has yet to speak. The VP is not the envisioned policy maker anyway, she was more or less introducing herself and addressing some of the doubts related to her leadership abilities projected by the media. She was setting a base.
I agree with Saab, it was a convention, meant to be a pep rally of sorts. There will be interviews and debates in the near future.
The convention was cut short 2 days by Gustav, it's hard to know how they had to adjust it. Plus, it's not over, McCain has yet to speak. The VP is not the envisioned policy maker anyway, she was more or less introducing herself and addressing some of the doubts related to her leadership abilities projected by the media. She was setting a base.

I agree to a large extent but we live in a modern world. She wasn't just speaking to the faithful right wing like say the conventions of the 50's which where not nationally televised on ever station like in 2008.

If it is nothing more than a pep rally how can people be claiming that it was such a great speech. It was simply preaching to the choir. She did not tell us anything we did not already know.

My wife and I found it odd that she would compare herself to a dog. To me that attempt at humor failed miserably. Her message did nothing for me but I guess that's because I am not part of the choir. I can only assume I was being too objective.
Scout: Part of the choir - no (you didn't have to tell us that, it's a bit obvious). Objective - guess that's in the eyes of the beholder.
My wife and I found it odd that she would compare herself to a dog. To me that attempt at humor failed miserably. Her message did nothing for me but I guess that's because I am not part of the choir. I can only assume I was being too objective.

Objective..... hmmmmm, nope, I'd say that's not your problem.

If it is nothing more than a pep rally how can people be claiming that it was such a great speech.

Her presentation was terrific. In that way, it was a great speech. Obama gives great speeches as well, lots of form over substance. The difference, I believe (and hope), is that we'll get pleny of substance from Palin in the next two months. I have no such expectations from Obama. Wow, perhaps I'm not objective either. I'll try to do better! :)
I think you are a prime example of the pot calling the kettle back.

Can you put away your partisan hat for one second an look at your statements objectively?
Um, it's 'kettle BLACK." Don't be worried, it's still a safe word to say! ;) Oh, and that does make you the "kettle" so I would ask that you pay heed to the second line in your quote.

Please, kind sir, point me to the thread where the same question was raised by you regarding the DNC rally, er, convention. Thank you in advance for your willingness to provide such a link.
Right you are correct. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither one has shown any real substance.

I love this board when it comes to politics. It is so black and white. I love how every single one of you assumes that I support Obama. If you don't like MCCain Palin you have to like Obama.

I like neither. They are all full of **** saying whatever they think people need to hear to be elected.
So then you have a DNC post to refer to, correct? Please, Sir, I didn't assume you were a Dem. I inferred, by your statements, that you believe the speech was "light weight," was void of policy "meat" and seemed like a pep rally. Am I mistaken? Do you have a similar view of the DNC on record or not? Thank you.
Sure they are politicians at a pep rally aren't they. I can state for the record that Obama's speech had little to no substance and looked more like a monsters of rock show then a political speech. Like I said I am objective. I see faults on both sides of the isle. They are two sides of the same coin using the same bull**** smoke and mirror tactics to win votes. :barf:
I love this board when it comes to politics. It is so black and white. I love how every single one of you assumes that I support Obama. If you don't like MCCain Palin you have to like Obama.

I like neither. They are all full of **** saying whatever they think people need to hear to be elected.

Touchy... aggresive... You seem to be exhibiting qualities that you accuse "every single one of (us)" as having.

Hopefully, on topic:
The analogy of a PIT BULL was good. She didn't say "dog" . It seemed to get a great reception when she said it at the convention. As the nation sees the applause and how they relate to the candidate, they understand just how important she is to them. Just as people are compared to a rock usually means they are strong and solid, but some people could say 'they're saying they are a lump of minerals and elements'.
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My wife and I found it odd that she would compare herself to a dog. To me that attempt at humor failed miserably.

What are you, robots? I didnt fall off of my couch laughing, but I thought it was kinda funny.

I like neither. They are all full of **** saying whatever they think people need to hear to be elected.

Wow! That's a new direction for politics... I'm glad to see such optimism, thanks for sharing. Cheer up a bit, it could be worse... take a trip to Russia.

If anyone is spewing BS it is Barack H. Obama. He addresses each crowd differently. We saw it at "Saddlback", in PA and CA, and of course on Obama's "Euro-Trip 2008". He is truly a piece of work and a POS.:)

Oh yeah, and Palin's speech was GREAT!
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What we have to choose from gives me no hope. On the one hand you have a Jr Senator who is more flash than substance trying to sell change while at the same time picking a VP that has been in WAshington for over 30 years.

On the other hand you have a desperate man selling out everything he has believed in over a long political career in order to satisfy his politcal ambition backed up by a hockey mom Gov from a state with less people than RI.

There is not much hope in either choice. As for Russian that is a red herring. I will stay here and fight for country I can believe in as long as I want to. Being in lock step with red and blue ideologies is not requirement for US citizenship last time I checked.
Palin came out and took care of business ... she was poised, even with a bad teleprompter and operator, and didn't seem to miss a beat ... she covered most of the bases she had to cover; an unknown thrust into the spotlight and now, appearing totally deserving ... leave it to McCain to deal with specifics tonight; after all, we're voting for HIM for president, not Sarah Palin ... I remember the old Pogo joke, "Who cares who's for President? Who's for vice?" I think she made people think about the office and who will occupy it, a fresh face with a fresh outlook or a career hack politician ... I was voting for McCain anyhow (anybody but obama) but this solidifies my decision .. she was a great choice for the ticket and I think she proved that last night ...
In my opinion, her speech was excellent and hopefully she will improve McCain's chances of becoming our next President.