How good was Sarah Palin's speech?

How well did Palin do yesterday?

  • Homerun

    Votes: 120 77.9%
  • Triple

    Votes: 14 9.1%
  • Double

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • Single

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Present

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • This question is above my community organizer pay grade

    Votes: 7 4.5%

  • Total voters


New member
How good was Sarah Palin's speech?

Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't pad my resume with my community organizing

I mean I organized a couple of block parties, but I never even dreamed
of putting that on my resume :rolleyes:


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That last choice had me lol. She did really well. Her cadence was a bit shaky at times and her timbre a tad shrill occasionally for my taste but who am I to judge? My knees would have been shaking like marimbas and I would had needed a barf bag between each line if my butt was up there giving that speech!

This morning there was a charge leveled at her that although the speech was "O.K." there was absolutely nothing about Pakistan or immigration. :confused: Please. All she HAD to say was that she accepts the vp nom. She didn't mention the Snail Darter either. Uninformed wench...
We touched on this in another thread, but the media bias is so brazen and

I think the community organizer is secretly organizing this witch hunt. I guess
he is good at organizing things. Maybe he can organize my closet for me.
But, I think this whole media blitzkrieg will back fire like it did for the Storm
Troopers at Stalingrad.
Grand Slam, man what a speech and the delivery was exquisite to watch.

Beauty, common sense and a bite that leaves you with volume loss.
That last option is golden.

I watched Huckabee, Guliani and Palin, and Thompson the night before.

H had a very good line: I didn't become a republican becuase I was born rich. I became a republican because I didn't want to stay poor. (paraphrased)

G's best line: 130 times, he [BHO] had to decide whether to vote for or against legislation, yes or no, but that was too hard.

Palin had a half dozen red meat lines. The public radio people seem to be replaying "Being a small town mayor is like being a community organiser, but with responsibilites."

I preferred, "The path to the presidency is not supposed to be a journey of self discovery." That was high quality derision of the amorphous, Oprah style, changey hope she had in her sights.

Guiliani appeared to really enjoy giving that speech. While he gave it, I thought it was so good that it would eclipse Palin's speech. I was wrong.

Her accent is hilarious. She sounds like a Fargo character, doncha'know.
I liked the bit about the styrofoam Greek columns going back to a studio lot.


At many different places in here speech, she gave me goose bumps ... goose bumps

In my opinion, she could beat the great Community Organizer single handedly.

A Start is born!

I'm not a "metro-sexual" :rolleyes: by any means, but I would like to see the community
organizer's backside this morning. Giuliani ripped him a new one, and Sarah Palin ripped
him several new ones. Just how many @@@@@@ does the community organizer have
this morning.

If I were the community organizer, I would not show my face for the next month or so.
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Just heard on the news that Obama felt it was 'devisive'. Guess that means she didn't compliment him often enough.
If I were the community organizer, I would not show my face for the next month or so.

He cant run and hide, he has to appear to be strong and stalwart. Not saying that he is strong and stalwart, he just has to appear to be that way.
You mean to tell me nobody here is "Present"?

I guess we don't have many community organizers on this forum. Thank God
for that!
I know that some may have wanted "Strike Out", "Grounded Out", "Pop Fly"
or "Base on Balls" as options, but I lumped all of those into "Present"

I like Sarah Palin's point about the Community Organizer writing two entire
memoirs about his community organizing. Man, how many trees were killed
for that nonsense.
I love how the news guys were saying Obama chose a political knife fighter for his VP.

I'm pretty sure Palin is packing pistols.

I can't wait for the VP debates, can we say knife to a gunfight?
I'm guessing this morning that Obama wished Jesse Jackson would have cut his nuts off. At least then, the brutal kicks Sarah gave him last night wouldn't have hurt so much :D!

I thought she did a FANTASTIC job!
I liked that she didn't hard-line the abortion issue, she offered advocacy in the plight of special needs children and their parents and families.

In the poll, "Present" made me chuckle, too.

I voted Homerun. The liberals will be scrambling. I watched MSNBC for a little contrast and Olberman and company were stammering for things to say. "Harsh" was the standard description. I couldn't watch it for long, I kept changing channels. The Fox panel had relatively positive things to say, tho'.