How good a shot are you? Smiley face at 50 yards?

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I can't shoot a smiley face at 50 yards, but I can hit the side of a barn.......if I go inside it first and use a couple of haybales as a rest.
Much like boasting about women, money and sucess, people brag about how good a shot they are. Well, I go the the range quite often and funny, these great shots are nowhere to be seen practicing there.:rolleyes: Sure there are guys with high power scopes that while benchresting can shoot very tight groups, but as far as handholding open sights, rifle or handgun, not happening. Outside of some professionals and very gifted, skilled shooters, the average guy is lucky to keep them all on target. When we all sit around the range between session or when taking a break, the excuses for the groups sound like the guys at the racetrack that "knew that horse was gonna win", just didn't bet it. And as for me, the only smiley face I get from shooting, is my own from having a good time. ;)
That is definately "Movie Magic", I can sort of do it at 25 yard with a MKII .22, But I have to take my time (no bang,bang,bang, ta da, done). The smile is the hardest part, My face usually looks like it is having a stroke. With my 9mm PT-92, I can barely do it at 20 ft (7 yards) . I remember the scene and that is a 50 yard range. At 50 yards with a target grade pistol and a scope. Maybe if your good. With an out of the box Beretta way.
I think with a red dot sight and a good quality .22 pistol, I could make a somewhat decent smiley. I sure as heck couldn't do it rapid fire and a red dot with magnification of 4x would make it a much better smiley. I've been getting Bin Laden targets when I go to th range lately, especially since I have to suffer the rediculously long lines goint through airport security. I can usually clear a nice area between his eyes with my Glock 26 at 7 yds. I guess my skills are pretty average though.
To the skeptics...

When I was competing... many years ago...

I placed 28 out of 30 rounds, slow fire, timed fire and rapid fire at 25 and 50 yards, in one hole, in the X-ring ...

and, I lost the match!

There are many shooters who were better than I, and many, many more who were just as good...

Know this... the 50 yard smiley is DEFINITELY possible with a high grade 1911 .45ACP and open sights.

There is NO question and no doubt in my military mind... :)
Pointer, How do you know you didnt just hit the X ring once, 2 shots close, and all the others compleatly off the paper?:D JDG
psshaaawwwww!!! a smiley face??!! a simple smiley face?

ya'll are so untactical it hurts. any ninja knows that shooting smiley faces into targets at any distance just is so passe. thats why i shoot hi-res facsimilies of all the details on a face. from the dimples to nostrils to acne and even every single skin cell. i'm like michaelangelo with my pistol.

i'm so artistically tactical it pains my tortured soul.
psshaaawwwww!!! a smiley face??!! a simple smiley face?

ya'll are so untactical it hurts. any ninja knows that shooting smiley faces into targets at any distance just is so passe. thats why i shoot hi-res facsimilies of all the details on a face. from the dimples to nostrils to acne and even every single skin cell. i'm like michaelangelo with my pistol.

i'm so artistically tactical it pains my tortured soul.

Ha! I do that with a single shotgun blast.:D

But sence we're talking pistols... I can do it about 1/2 the time at 7 yds.:o
To the skeptics...

When I was competing... many years ago...

I placed 28 out of 30 rounds, slow fire, timed fire and rapid fire at 25 and 50 yards, in one hole, in the X-ring ...

and, I lost the match!

There are many shooters who were better than I, and many, many more who were just as good...

Know this... the 50 yard smiley is DEFINITELY possible with a high grade 1911 .45ACP and open sights.

There is NO question and no doubt in my military mind... and all the other super shooters are the exception to the rule. 99.9% of shooters will NEVER be able to pull that off. (I would still like to see an expert shoot a smiley face with open sights at 50yds into an area the size of a paper plate. This is something I would have to see to believe.)
(I would still like to see an expert shoot a smiley face with open sights at 50yds into an area the size of a paper plate. This is something I would have to see to believe.)
Ditto! Hell, I couldn't even SEE the first shot to put the second one beside it at 50 yds.! ;) :D

Till last weel I couldn't even see the target at 50 yards.:( Had my left cataract removed and the other eye next week.;) I hope by next spring I'll be able to do a in the black target. :D
No hope for a smiley at 50 yards -- I was happy to get this one with my baby Glock at 12 yards (and at that, I freely admit that it was more dumb luck than skill...)


Pointer said:
When I was competing... many years ago...
Hey Pointer, should that have been, "many beer's ago....":D

Pax, that is quite a shooting job on that cute face, what ammo did you use for the hat and braids???:p
Well, sure I can!!! It's easy.

Here's how I do it, for all you doubters out there.

Carefully write on your chosen target, "50 Yards".

Set the target at 15 feet.

Now, we set up on sandbags.

Carefully shoot your smiley face--on and around the words you wrote on the target.

Now, you can truthfully say that you shot the smiley face at 50 yards. :p

Hey! It works for me!!!
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