How does your significant other feel about your interest in firearms?

My wife has her second concealed carry permit (the first one had expired and she retook the course).

Se used my Ruger sp101 for the ccw course with 38 spcl.

When she got her concealed permit, she immediately purchased a Ruger LCP (I think) in 327 magnum. Can not get her interested in semis.

However, she never shoots. I have a handgun range in my back yard and she has not ever indicated that she wants to shoot.

The couple of times we went to the range prior to her permit she proved to be a very good shot from 10 yards.

I am going to keep offering for her to come out back and shoot with me, but no luck as yet. Meanwhile I shoot several times a week with various guns and no major complaints except for the brass casings on the concrete back yard.
When we were newly married, my gorgeous wife showed an interest in shooting. She loved to plink with my 10/22 down on the sandbars in the river. She could hold her own with me any day of the week. She even learned to shoot the first centerfire pistol that I ever bought...a Mauser P08 Luger. Then, a Ruger Security Six in .357. She didn't care for that one, though. Too much recoil.

She never griped or whined when I came home with a new gun, or when I got into reloading. I never spent money on tobacco or alcohol, so I guess that she felt fortunate. From time to time, she'd accompany me to the range to shoot a .380 or a 9mm. Through the years, her interest waned. She stopped going shooting with me, or to gunshows. But, she still never gave me any grief about my guns, having them in the house around our kids, or how involved I was with my hobby.

Only during the past few years, as my collection has grown significantly, has she begun to raise an eyebrow when I come home with something new. "You need an intervention", she would say. But, that would be the end of it, and not another word would be said. She's a committed pro-gun and pro-2nd Amendment supporter.

We celebrated anniversary #45 a couple of days ago. Things turned out OK for me.
I actually married a country girl who's parents were outdoor sports types.
I suppose if I mistakenly married a urban girl I could expect allot of flack about guns. As life turned out. Certainly was my lucky day the day I made my Mary's acquaintance walking home from Hibbing Community College one Fall afternoon in 1964.
She is . . . neutral to iffy on it. She wants to be a LEO, but my interest in guns alarms her just a little bit. She and I are college students, so my interest in things like AR-15s bring memories of all the school shootings recently. She's okay with it but I can tell she gets a little uncomfortable when I talk about it.
My wife shares my enthusiasm for both shooting & fly fishing. Generally, if I bring home a new firearm or fly rod, the response is "Where's mine?"

She does favor handguns over long guns and 9mm over .45 ACP. Unfortunately, her arthritis in her hands has limited her shooting sessions as of late. I wish she could join me on the range more often.
My wife understands that I'm a man. And as such, it is normal/right for me to have an interest in weapons. She also appreciates that fact that our guns (and our abilities to use them) allow both her and I a better chance to defend our home and our children if necessary.

As long as I don't break the bank, she's fine with it. Marry well, my friends.