How does your significant other feel about your interest in firearms?

My first wife was a total problem.

"How Much do we have to spend on the motorcycle this year?"

"WHY do you need another gun?"

Then If I bought a new gun, I would show it to her and hand her a $100.00 bill. She would not complain.

We split up 20 years ago. Its been great!

My wife has always been very supportive of my Guns and my hobby for a couple of reasons with one of them being a very sad reason.The first reason is that she realizes how it keeps me mentally active while not at work and figures its better for me to be out shooting or in the basement reloading instead of vegging out in front of the TV..
The second and sad reason is 20 years ago when we got married she made it known she refuses to sleep in a house where firearms are not present because of the fear she still harbors for her Drug addicted abusive and mentally unstable father..She feels like she might need a firearm to defend herself or her kids from him when he goes into one of his drug benders even after 10 years of zero contact with him..Sad
Wife is neutral to the topic, somewhat at least. She is actually very pro-2A (she is unabashedly libertarian), but is ambivalent to my compulsion to reload and collect firearms. That being said, we try to keep monetary expenditures generally fair. I bought a rifle last week, but she get's to go on a cruise with her friend in September. She is not an avid shooter, though she is quite good at it when I can convince her to go with me (hasn't happened in several years).

Overall I'm fairly blessed. We don't have a ton of disposable income after paying the mortgage and supporting 3 crumb snatchers at home (with 1 in daycare... ughh), yet on occasion I can drop some money on the hobby without any great angst. I also try to understand some of her expenses that I may not deem necessary because of this. It may not be "necessary" but it made her happy and she appreciated it, so I can appreciate it for what it is.
My wife has a CWP and her own carry pistol, and enjoys going shooting, less frequently than I do but often enough to know the character of my different pistols and have her favorites. She frequently looks over my shoulder and give me an, "Ooh, what's that?" when a handsome piece is on the computer screen or in a magazine. And one evening a few years back, she told me "Go ahead and order that reloading press you want. Happy anniversary!"

Yep, a keeper. For lots of reasons.
When I first got married, I think my wife was a bit on edge about my guns. But, I keep them all locked in a safe (except one I keep out for personal defense), and that keeps her happy. She has little interest in them, except occasionally thinking that she wants one for self protection. I told her to get her permit and take a decent course and I'll let her pick one out or we would go buy her one. At this point, I think she's just glad I have a hobby! My tools annoy her more than my guns do.
Things were good early on. She grew up on a farm and was around guns and hunting, but didn't participate. Then I came along. At the time, I only had a 10-22 and an 870 12ga. I got her to shoot the 10-22. After a while (after the bells rang) I started adding on (not in order); she bought me a Ruger MK2. Then I got a 760 in 06 (deer hunting), an 1100 in 12ga (hunting and trap & skeet). Then the kids came, a girl, then twin boys. As the sons got older, so did the collection; 2 more 10-22s, a 742c in 06, a 740 in 06, an 1100 in 20ga, a Ruger Redhawk 357 mag, an 1100 12ga trap gun, an 870 410 skeet gun, a Ruger Super Redhawk in 44mag, a Beretta 92fs 9mm, a CZ 75 in 9mm, a 700VLS in 22-250 and 2 M1 carbines. I was hunting, shooting trap and skeet, target shooting and just general mahem, I had a 12ga reloader and have a Rockchucker. She even went deer hunting with me a few years.

My daughter never seemed to show much interest in the guns and shooting while the boys took to hunting, fishing and shooting as soon as they could hold a gun or a fishing rod.

When it came time that my daughter left home, she asked me if she could go shooting with me before she left. Just about dropped me in my tracks. Well, I took her to the range and she shot a 12ga and the 10-22. Then she insisted that she wanted to shoot the 760! I let her have a go at it and she shot that thing like a pro! She had it in the bulseye every shot! I was so startled and proud of her, I let her take the 760 and 100 reloads with her. She had so much fun telling me how she shot the pants off those boys out in Montana! (She gave credit to my reloads of course!:D

Then, all of a sudden, something changed. Now its "you don't need that" and "if you get another gun, we're getting a divorce". ????

By the way, we've been married for 44 years.
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I've been married almost 39 years. Early, my wife was neutral about guns and I got her out to the range a few times. Then a family friend was killed by an "unloaded" gun by one of his friends who was intoxicated. My wife became hostile to guns, but I refused to compromise on the issue. Sometimes you have to make compromises when you're married, but you also have to be true to yourself. She's not as vocal about it now and only occasionally mentions anything.
My late wife hated guns, but we married late in life. She knew that I owned and carried guns before we married, so she set aside her prejudice and didn't say anything. I was never able to persuade her to at least learn to shoot one, but for Christmas one year she actually gave my a really nice pistol case ... so I knew that she had accepted the fact that owning guns didn't mean I'm a raving lunatic.

(I may be a raving lunatic, but if so it's not due to the guns. :cool: )
My wife grew up in a gun loving, target shooting, hunting family. She used to go to the local police range with her dad (now retired LEO of 25 years) to shoot full autos, loves buying and shooting guns (here and mine), and enjoys helping my at the reloading bench.

She doesn’t carry, but likes the fact that I do. She doesn’t hunt, but is fine with me enjoying it, and loves watching our kids do some target shooting with their dad and grandpa, just like she did when she was younger.

Definitely a keeper.
When we were first dating my wife was indifferent on shooting firearms, she never gave it much thought but was/is a conservative and staunch supporter of the constitution, I would imagine that my retired Army father in law had a role in that while raising her..:D.
Anyway, I took her shooting, gave her the basics and then attended a CCW/Safety class with her. Now she always wants to shoot and wants us to take up skeet shooting and get into archery....what have I done..:eek:
I have a supportive wife. She purchased her first gun this year, a Ruger EC9S which she intends to carry. My wife doesn't care for shooting rifles due to the noise, but I'm going to get her out to shoot my .22. I took up shooting Trap recently and she is interested in doing that and this fall she wants to go to a turkey shoot with me.

My wife is someone you would never suspect to shoot and own a gun because she is a school teacher. She really wishes that she could carry to work, but obviously can't though she is friends with another female teacher that shoots as well as a few women at church that shoot and carry.
Mrs Bottom Gun carries her own sidearm when we are out in the forest and one of her favorite pastimes is precision rimfire shooting.
We were just out yesterday doing some informal target shooting with .22s and she was regularly shooting 5 and 10 round groups into ½’ to ¾” at 50 yd.
She has good taste in rifles too. I let her try one of my Anschutz rifles and she now refuses to shoot anything else. That was a good excuse to buy another 1416.
My wife used to shoot a 357 several times a year. Shoots better than me. Now her rheumatism bothers her to the point she lost interest. But she encourages me in my hobby. Buying shooting gear, supplies, etc is fine with her. She likes that my hobby gets me outa the house several times a month. She quilts, visits friends, sees the kids, and enjoys alone time without me there. So as an old retired geezer, her attitude and support makes life really good for me. And she loves the wild game when I get that.
My wife bought our first handgun. A Ruger .357 Blackhawk used. I was on the lookout for a .44 magnum but couldn't find one, so she bought me a large frame .45 Colt Vaqero. We now a safe full of .45 Colt Rugers. Did finally build an Old Model .44.
I'll be looking at guns on the internet and she'll ask if we have one of those if I say say "No" her response is "well order it.
She has been known to disappear and come home with a new firearm. She's a keeper.
Kids and grand-kid's own and shoot firearms also .