How does your significant other feel about your interest in firearms?


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My wife is glad i like it. Let’s me feed my habit, within reason. Doesn’t like guns.

We live in a very safe area so she questions the need to carry. But doesn’t give me static about it.

One of my adult children is not a fan of the second amendment.

What’s your situation? How do you deal with it when your SO or close family are not big fans of the 2nd amendment?

NOT looking to start a political discussion. Interested in hearing what people’s experience is and more how to manage it not becoming a relationship issue.

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The wife loves her new S&W M&P 380 EZ. Also fond of her snubbie 38 and her 22 revolver. My Mom even packed a pistol. The youngest granddaughter was semi anti gun, but I had her shooting even the Python the other day.

The wife really wants her Texas LTC. Did the fingerprints today.

This is Texas. Who doesn’t have a gun?
My bride does not like guns. She considers them a necessary evil. That being said she loves the fact I carry. She keeps a 38 in her night stand. I was caught bringing a new AR 15 home and she told me I could buy all the guns I wanted but could not anymore safes into the house. I got a keeper, 46 years in October.
She is rather accepting, but thinks I have too many. She also gets jealous of the time I spend shooting, building ammo, building a reloading bench, etc...

It is good for my wife to be somewhat jealous...
My wife believes that firearms are a necessary part of life, and that they belong in the hands of any responsible citizen.
She does not, however, enjoy shooting very much.
...Both of those factors are probably due to the combination of her growing up in a gun-friendly southern state, as well as NY.

She'd prefer that I spent a bit less on 'gun stuff'...
My wife could care less about guns, and my guns in general. Zero interest. But... she's glad I have them because it makes me happy, and she's happy I carry when we travel and go out. She also insists I train my daughter in the use of firearms. She has also been the voice of reason when I think about selling a gun off to fund something else... she always asks me why? Why not just keep it and we will come up with the money for the new one?
Firearms are just a part of my life, she knew and accepted that before she married me 35 years ago. She has as much interest in guns as she does a hammer. No sentimental attachment at all, but she knows how to use a hammer and a gun. She isn't a pro with either, but she can hammer in nails, and I'd not bet on her not getting the job done with a gun if she had to.
My wife shares my interest in guns and shooting. We both carry, and participate in competitive events, though I'm a bit more active in that regard. She has been known to question whether I've bought any guns recently, and if I haven't, suggest that I do so. The situation is similar for most of our other interests - what we do, we do together.
She is rather accepting, but thinks I have too many. She also gets jealous of the time I spend shooting, building ammo, building a reloading bench, etc...

Same here. Told me this weekend that she needs to go to the range with me next time. Been too long since she's practiced, she said. Sounds good to me.
She urges me to buy more. She convinced me a few years ago to start collecting ARs... I’m a bit behind on that task actually
I grew up with guns, shooting, and hunting.

My wife grew up with guns, shooting and hunting.

Both my son and daughter grew up with guns, shooting, and hunting.

All three of my grandkids are gun nuts, they shoot, and they hunt.

My oldest grand daughter is an avid bow hunter and she just turned 11.

My youngest grand daughter loves my Browning Micro A-Bolt 22 Hornet.

My grand son is into target shooting since we put together his 308 Win. and he is getting really good with it.

My son and daughter as well as my wife have their own rifles, shotguns, and pistols.

To top it all off, every one of them are avid fishermen and women.

We spend a lot of time outdoors.
To be honest both my wife and my father don’t think I need all these guns and damn sure don’t think I need anymore but it is the only part of my life that can instantly pick me up when I’m feeling blue. I’ve always liked Guns and shooting and hunting but my best friend and I had agreed to go ahead and get into the gun industry because we both really liked guns. We had already been through Aviation maintenance school together a decade earlier and we both were able to speak technically about things like coefficiency and thousandths of inches, etc., and we were both getting into the stage of life where we could afford spending some money on “extra” guns. My best friend died in a single car accident about a month after we had talked about stepping up into real gun collecting in 2007. Well, I just kinda shut down for the next year of my life. I didn’t drink any beer, go fishing, crank up my favorite rock-n-roll music, etc., for that first year. I even quit going to Lodge and I was only an Enterred Apprentice, a good ways from being a Master Mason. About a year after he passed away I decided to get my 3 or 4 guns out and clean them. I instantly liked all things guns and it was the only thing that I didn’t get to feeling depressed after 5 minutes so I dove into it. Got a safe, bought actual books (not internet stuff) and signed up for a gunsmithing course. I am still just as stoked about Guns as I was then, maybe even more. Since then I’ve been bequeathed one of my friends’ guns, got the family heirloom from my father and have taught my kids all about guns. I’m not much for synthetic stocked Guns but I have a couple. I prefer wood and bluing, nice fit and finishes, etc.. There is no art in plastic molding machines and unpolished matte blue jobs. That’s just me though. As you can see my Firearms interest is ongoing and profoundly a part of my life. I just keep on begging forgiveness instead of permission when I bring another one home and my father see’s that I’m passionate about it so he leaves me alone and I’ll be forever grateful that I’ve had such a great friend. That’s a role only my dog can fill from now on, and I’ll be into guns until I meet up with my friend someday.

On a side note, I repetitioned the Lodge to get back in and I now am a Master Mason. :)
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We live in a very safe area but my wife has said that she feels safer with me carrying. Otherwise, she has as much interest in my firearms as I do in her curtains and lamp shades.
For her wedding present I got my wife a S&W M60. For one of our anniversaries I got her a Life NRA membership which she upgraded to Endowment on her own.

She always asks me what I bought at the gun show and is disappointed if I didn't find something. I think that's mostly because she "confiscates" about half the stuff I do bring home. I've "lost" a lot of good stuff that way.
I asked my girl to see her pistol permit on our first date. She thought it was odd. I am now 58 and have met some real winners, so it shows she is an upstanding citizen.

She has a glock 26 and does not like it at all.

She went to Sporter rifle to watch me shoot. Then she tried it. Now we shoot sporter rifle.

She had been shooting 22 pistol regularly and has shot most all of my handguns. I was trying out a Sig P238. I handed it to her. She shot it really well. I bought the SIG, and her a Kimber Micro 380 with Laser grips. She shoots about 500 rounds a year out of that.

We both shoot Bullseye. I bought a Springfield Range Officer Champion 9mm. She loves it, It has a dot sight and aluminum frame. It fits her great. Its now hers. I am getting a Dan Wesson PM-9 to replace it.

We shoot rifle silhouette, both rimfire and center fire pistol silhouette.

She owns a car wash. Carries the kimber when emptying money.

Shooting costs her nothing. I load all ammo and pay all range fees.

We have an agreement, she does not care how much I spend on the hobby, I don't want to know how much she spends on her Poodles.

Gong to marry her......

She also likes to ride motorcycle.

We live in a very safe area but my wife has said that she feels safer with me carrying. Otherwise, she has as much interest in my firearms as I do in her curtains and lamp shades.

I call my 1911, my curtains gun. When I bought it, my wife said - if you can afford that, you can afford new curtains for the living room.
My girlfriend isn't very pro-gun, and often scolds me for my obsession but understands why I carry, and the purposes of my different firearms.

When we first started dating several years back, I purchased a Remington 597 .22LR for her, which, for a while, she thoroughly enjoyed shooting. Her accuracy improved, the fear of the "bang" subsided, she began to shoot my 9mm pistols, even shot 20 and 12ga shotguns on the sporting clay course.

One day, at an indoor range, 5 of the 8 lanes were shooting AR's and SBR's and semi- auto 12ga slugs. We were in the middle row, plinking .22's. The noise and vibrations scared the living S#*t out of her and the poor thing had to leave the range in tears. I promptly unloaded, packed up, and hauled out, but she couldn't come back in, and probably never will.

She respects my hobby and understands that I carry a gun for work and self protection, and feels comforted in the fact that we are thoroughly protected in our own home. She knows how to use and access every firearm in my collection should she need to, but I dont think she'll ever enjoy shooting again. A true shame.
Wife is very good with my gun / reloading hobby. Years back we had two home invasions in our neighborhood ... she asked if we could get another shotgun. Keeper.