How do you rate yourself regarding gun cleaning?

How do you rate yourself regarding gun cleaning?

  • 1. What is gun cleaning?

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • 2.

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • 3.

    Votes: 10 9.8%
  • 4.

    Votes: 13 12.7%
  • 5.

    Votes: 23 22.5%
  • 6.

    Votes: 11 10.8%
  • 7.

    Votes: 11 10.8%
  • 8.

    Votes: 16 15.7%
  • 9.

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • 10. Museum level care...

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I gave myself a 7.

I clean my guns after every range trip even if they only saw a cylinder full of shots so I think I keep them clean and lubed as well as I know how

I clean as well as I can, but I won't go higher than 7 as I am sure there are areas where my cleaning may not be as good as it could be due to a lack of experience: how I do it has been self taught and I've had no tips handed down to me....
I love the postings about "old military" or "Army" habits.

Do those habits extend to running to and after breakfast, making your
bed all tight and trim, polishing your boots and shoes so bright they
reflect up the inside of your pants, get haircuts every few weeks,
shave every day and get drunk at least monthly and then throw up?

I love the postings about "old military" or "Army" habits.

Do those habits extend to running to and after breakfast, making your
bed all tight and trim, polishing your boots and shoes so bright they
reflect up the inside of your pants, get haircuts every few weeks,
shave every day and get drunk at least monthly and then throw up?

It very much extends to the shaving and haircuts. The running? To a certain extent, about 3x a week. The drinking? Nope, grew up about 25 years ago. Shining boots ? Yes, if an occasion called for it. Making the bed? Nah, I am just going to sleep in it again and seems like a waste. Let me know if I can help you out with anything else...:D
I recently took the art of avoiding cleaning to a new level. I decided to "torture" test my XDS. No cleaning until it jammed. :p

I finally gave up and cleaned it because it was so dirty my hands were blackened every time I picked it up. :rolleyes:

My Dad hates cleaning guns but is mostly in the "you should clean it every time you shoot it" camp. His hatred of cleaning as caused him to relent slightly on his position.
I'm in the "well, I should do that... but hey! something shiny is over there!" camp. The guns do get cleaned... Eventually. :D
Gave myself an 8. Clean after every range trip, and fighting the urge to clean it once a week if I don't make to the range.
What does cleaning mean? What does cleaning consist of?

Wiping the outside for fingerprints? Running a couple of patches down the bore? Or is it just a field strip and wipe, a quick brush down the bore, lube and reassemble? Or detail strip, polish up every part to look like new, and reassemble?
I very seldom do what I would consider a full cleaning of any of my guns after shooting; maybe just a quick wipe down. I really only need to accomplish two things maintenance wise. #1 insure proper function of the firearm. #2 prevent rust. Both of those things I can accomplish without stripping the gun down and scraping every little bit of carbon off. I typically just wipe down surfaces with some oil and/or add grease to some areas every once in a while. I've never had any problems with function or rust doing this. Once a year I do a really good cleaning of all my guns, usually in January. I probably don't even need to do that.
A perfect 10. I clean just right: not to much, not too little. I don't clean after every outing because there is no need to do it every time you fire the rifle. All depends the situation:
Got wet = gets cleaned
Got muddy= gets cleaned
I fell down a dusty hill= cleaned
Shot a critter= probably won't get cleaned
Critter blood on rifle= gets cleaned
Shot 100 rds in practice = won't get cleaned today, maybe wiped down and a bit of oil maybe.
Cold, 15 degrees, sneezed my runny nose onto rifle= cleaned
I'm bored=cleaned
I want an excuse to look at and fiddle with guns=cleaning session

That being said, I still probably clean them more than they "need".
Nothing wrong with getting them "drill sergeant clean" after every use, I can see why people want to do it.
Every owner's manual I've ever gotten instructs to clean after every use.

That aside, its also been ingrained in my deep brain tissues that my life depends on that weapon being in top working order and clean.

So, cleaning is important but it is equally an important opportunity to inspect the weapon.
I voted 5. I try to clean most guns after a range session, but some like my ARs (.22 and .223 )don't always get cleaned. Just the way it is. I wish i were a 10. I just don't have time.
I voted a 3-I shoot at least once a week when I get back from range session I wipe down whatever I used and place back in safe.One day a month I will pull out everything I shot the previous month and clean them and then every other month or so everything will get pulled out and get an oil patch down the bore and a quick wipe with oil rag.
Unless I'm firing corrosive ammo mine only get cleaned every other range trip or so, or the day before I go to the range. And that usually only consists of a few brush strokes, a pass through the bore, and some CLP.
Centerfires get at least a light cleaning every time I use them. Beyond wiping down the outside after use, .22s get cleaned only when they start losing accuracy.
+1 on Jim & Pond's post, I clean every time but I take it easy. I've lost patience with spending an hour to clean and lube a gun. Get the carbon and grime out and I'm done.
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