How do you pronounce "Walther?"

I suppose if you were speaking in German...

... it would be pronounced "Valter."

W is pronounced as V (while their V is pronounced as an F), and the "th" would be pronounced as a T.


MLeake said:
... it would be pronounced "Valter."

W is pronounced as V (while their V is pronounced as an F), and the "th" would be pronounced as a T.
You've got it. That is the correct, German pronunciation.

Ich hab' mir drei Jahre in der gymnasium udn zwei Jahre an der universitat Deutsch studiert. (Aber das war ein und zwanzig Jahre in der Vergangenheit...)

So I can still pronounce stuff, but hearing and speaking it is no longer really in my skill set.
Ich hab' mir drei Jahre in der gymnasium udn zwei Jahre an der universitat Deutsch studiert.

Yeah, ich had four jahre, but it was dreizig years ago. :)
I say "Walther". I used to say "Maw-zer", but have since changed to "Mow-zer", so maybe it'll be "Valter", some day.
MLeake said:
Ich hab' mir drei Jahre in der gymnasium udn zwei Jahre an der universitat Deutsch studiert. (Aber das war ein und zwanzig Jahre in der Vergangenheit...)
Ausgezeichet! Ich hab' mir nur zwei Jahre Deutsch studiert -- auch in der Gymnasium.
Mein Schwiegervater immer ausgesprochen es "Valter" und ich dachte, es war der Akzent Sache. Jetzt sehe ich, ich war falsch auszusprechen es!
Nostrovia Marion!
Yo, fraulien? Wie gehts leibchen? Mochtest du ein bier? Mein Name is Fabio, ich bin eine Amerikanischer tourist einsam....

Gross (umlaut not supplied) Gott

WildtherestneednotbetranslatedhereAlaska ™©2002-2010
Mein Name is Fabio

:) I saw him on a tv add, he is old but still has long hair like a girly man :)

You guys are funny, my wife is German, her mom from east berlin, I hear that stuff all the time.. They are teaching my son...

I was once at the airport (Charles de Gaulle) in Paris. I saw an officer wearing what looked all the world to me like a Walther P-38. He pronounced it "Manurhin".

Just a little observation.