How do *you* pronounce "Walther?"

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When you youth a lispth around here saying Walther, nobody lookth at you funny like they do if you really do have a lisp.... :D
I just pronounce it Walther, for the same reason I don't pronounce HK as "HEK-luh oond Koeghahzngdkfqgfnga@!~~~"

Wall-ther. I don't care - I don't even pronounce my own German last name right.

How about Heckler and Koch ?
Coach? Cotch? Cock? Coke? Flah?
I agree with Tamara

When in Rome . . . .

However the guy you're trying to buy it from/sell it to is pronouncing it.

In German, it's pronounced

vahl-tair, or vall-tare (same thing).
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I've had to adopt the "When in Rome" philosoply with regard to "Makarov." The correct pronunciation, according to, is "ma-kar-ov" with the emphasis on the second syllable. I also heard this pronunciation in a James Bond film, interestingly enough.

Everyone in these parts says "mak -arov" with heavy emphasis on the first syllable. Of course, southerners usually say things their own way anyway.
I've finally learned how to pronounce "Makarov" properly, thanks to my very handy in-house Russian.

Of course, I have Oleg translate lots of stuff into Russian just so I can get some giggles. :D
Runt: Is he teaching you to curse in Russian? :D Might come in handy for moments when you want to vent some steam but avoid outright conflict.

Guess it's easier just to say "Mak."
Get a Glock! :D Sorry, someone had to say it. It's only one syllable, no funny consonants or dipthongs to worry about, no "R" to trill, models are numbered only (no need to know the alphabet), and no need for embarrassment at the gun shop due to mispronounciation. Tschuss!
--Get a Glock! Sorry, someone had to say it. It's only one syllable, no funny consonants or dipthongs to worry about, no "R" to trill, models are numbered only (no need to know the alphabet), and no need for embarrassment at the gun shop due to mispronounciation. Tschuss!--

Strange. I've heard so many people say that Glocks are for idiots, but I've never seen THIS particular argument for that point before.

It's not the way Walther is pronounced in Germany that counts. Germans pronounce it as 'Vahlter' with the V somehow pronounced as a 'soft V' (something between V and W, keep practicing). The R at the end is hardly pronounced.

What counts is the way how people in your neighbourhood recognize it. For instance in Belgium everybody says volkswagen instead of folksvagen because in Dutch words are pronounced as they are written, which is not the case in German, and the Dutch translation of Volkswagen (which means "Car for the People") happens to be .... volkswagen !

Hi St G and welcome to TFL

It was a tongue-in-cheek argument only, and refers to the sometimes rabid and always entertaining posts which occur here when arguing the merits of various handguns. :) I'm not taking sides, as this is still an untainted thread. :)
Auf deutsch Koch is pronounced like Coke with a soft K that sounds a little like clearing your throat. It means simply "cook."
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