*How do you defend yourself against a terrorist on a plane with a knife?*

well, I have an idea here...

those were razor blade case cutters, NOT knives... ANYONE who has ever used one, knows that those blades break easier than any other substance known to man (except silence)

I think I (knowing that) WOULD have confronted them, using my lft arm (weak side) as a shield... and the instant I felt that blade cut intomy arm, I'd have reefed sideways, while twisting that arm, leaving the blade broken, and the tip in my arm...

that leaves them with no weapon... and me with a good right cross...

next item... peppergas canisters they held... GREAT... fire that stuff off... as they push the button, I take a deep breath, and hold it... I MAY be blinded, but I have stored air... THEY do not, and figuring they're safe, keep breathing.

In that confined space, they're done, with their first inhale... then all I have to do is get my foot on their neck BEFORE I inhale, and keep it there, and I don't HAVE to see..

keep the foot there until thry don't move, wait another 3 minutes, and problem solved, no terrorist...

it REALLY is that easy... you aren't gonna kill me with a box cutter if I am prepared... and peppergas is just gonna get us both, and piss me off... and a pissed off me, is a BAD thing for those who pissed me off...
Another tactical/alt force element....

I'm really, really embarassed that I never thought about the throw a blanket over the BG's head trick.

Far, far less risky with an edged-weapon opponent than for one with a firearm.

Talked with my dad Sunday, and he's having nighmares because of past anti-terrorist training. He's always known the possibilities (including CBR), but this reminder has rattled him.

He says hijackings will *ALWAYS* be possible, because all the weapons he needs are ALREADY on the airplane. Think creatively, my friends! :D :cool: :p
Hey, if you take the BG's out and there is noone flying the plane... get to the controls and man the plane.
It's simple.
Landing it may be bumpy, but anyone can do it....
Most controllers will walk you thru it, but anyone with common sense can snag the basics:
find something to land on, even if its a highway... cars will get out of the way. Lower your speed, and FLAPS DOWN, so you won't stall. Then if you're lined up enough..... put the big bird down. then let the plane stop, and pray you don't hit an overpass.
Geesh, I've seen to many movies.
Reaction/reaction time

When your plane gets hijacked, you will be sitting in a window seat eating your smoked almonds and sipping your half can of cola. Some loonie is going to be running down the aisle toward the cockpit - probably a 10 - 20 second journey - bashing and slashing aisle seat people with whatever and screaming about his bomb when he gets up front.

As you climb over Rosie O'Donnell and Congresscritter Natter to end this miscreant's pain you will be stopped by good minded passengers responding to the stewardess' screams as the terrorist applies lethal levels of distortion or slashing to her neck as he warns you to get back. At least for the first few moments most are going to be surprised, confused and demoralized. This is all that is needed at first.

Cockpit doors are designed to yield at 40# of force so cockpit can be an escape route, just in case. If that door doesn't yield and the pilot has the stones he can make life marginal for anyone not strapped in.

Give the engineer a video monitor on the cargo and the aircrew a panic button. FAA can work out approved barrel rolls and whoop de doos. "Attention passengers, please put on your seatbelts, you have a hijacker standing in 1st class and I am about to start evasive maneuvers". If the perp straps in, have the air crew halt the drill and beat the perp to mush a la the panicky woman in "Airport".

As for air marshals, 10,000 flights /day. El Al, 1-2000 flights/year.
Bush has authorized 2 generals to give the o.k. to shoot down airlines that are hijacked. Before the 11th only the president had this authority. This has been announced nationwide on t.v. today.

If your plane is hijacked and an airforce jet is coming for the plane your best bet will be to fight the terrorists otherwise you will be shoot down by a jet.
Well, I for one, if on a hijacked plane will try to overpower the hijackers or die trying. If they say they've a bomb then they will have to damn well prove it. And if we fail to overpower the hijackers, I will be praying for the Air Force to shoot us down and blessing the fighter pilots with my last thought. I refuse to be part and parcel of a weapon aimed at my fellow citizens. If someone holds me hostage...hold a funeral service for me and kill the bastards.

"Is life so sweet or peace so dear..."
Hey, if you take the BG's out and there is noone flying the plane... get to the controls and man the plane.
If you take the BG's out, there will be some one flying the plane. If you do it early, it should still be the pilot. Please return your seat backs and tray tables to the upright position because you will be landing shortly. And, if you do it late, it may be one of the hijackers. When you try to get him out of the pilot's seat he'll put the plane into a negative g dive, you'll hit the ceiling, and the plane will hit the ground. That's still a success, but it's not a complete success.
The fight will be on as soon as the first passenger resists. Your best chance at survival is to have the first passenger resist as soon as possible. Since the only passenger you have any control over is yourself, you need to plan to be the first passenger. Hurry! I'm not waiting for you.
The solution is the 2nd Amendment.

How hard is this to figure out? Why in the Sam Hill do you people swear to support the Constitution, and then think it is okay that I be prevented from carrying a pistol on an airplane?

Are you PRO-RKBA, or not?

There is a line in the sand here, which side do you choose?

If you support the 2nd Amendment, then I have the right to carry my .45 on board an aircraft...and the topic of this thread becomes moot.

If you deny the 2nd Amendment, then get back to your discussion about towels and blankets...and include me the hell out.
Look at the FORUM!

Come on, Cap'n, this is the ALTERNATIVE FORCE/CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT forum. Blankets belong in the discussion. guns still fit in the CQB portion of the mix.

Even if you carry 24/7, the historical record has shown that circumstances can arise where you absolutely cannot deploy your firearm.

If a hammer is the ONLY tool you have, what'chagonnado if the problem facing you is NOT a nail? :eek:

Since your brain and your will (combined) are your greatest weapons, I surely hope that you can think creatively. Then you can contribute to the discussion. :D


I agree with you 100%. I believe it's my right to carry a firearm all the time, anywhere I want.

However, if you or I try to get a firearm on a plane, we're going to get an
extended vacation at the federal gov'ts expense.

I know which battles to pick and that ain't one of 'em!

So, God forbid this situation should happen to anyone of us, we'll
be working with what we've got, not our trusty .45s.

Consequently, this discussion is not moot, and is in fact extremely
pertinent to what's going on.

To restate someone else post, there are any number of things on a plane
that can be used as weapons.

If you ever end up in this situation, observe, think and then act decisively!!!

My two pence.

Well.....you're both right

And I stand corrected. For whatever reason, I responded to this topic completely out of context..."Look at the forum!"

Also got a bit mouthy while I was at it. :(

Cheapo said it best, Your brains and your will are your greatest weapons.

Guess I was partially unarmed at the time. :rolleyes: