How do you combat anti-gun argument fatigue??

Just take a break. When you come back, don't try playing Whack A Mole with FB posts. I'm a Liberal, and a gun owner. I talk with people on both sides of the issue all the time, but I don't do it on FB because it's a complete waste of time. Actual face to face conversations are much more productive. I've found that there's a lot more that both sides agree on than how it's made to look on social media and on TV.
Simply put, I don't.

After a discussion nearly turned to a fist fight with a fraternity brother over the "need" of AR-15s and what the NRA is and isn't, I said screw it in regards to attempting to change minds.

I write my Congressional representatives, give money to the NRA-ILA and SAF, and teach NRA Basic Rifle. That's my input into the culture war.

Oh, and I enjoy leaving snarky messages on the BATFE's Facebook page. That's my stress relief.
I'm willing to listen to thoughtful and factual arguments in favor of more stringent gun control measures. But I expect them to listen to me as well. Fatigue... I can understand as I have pretty much turned off the news and refuse to pay any attention to the children demonstrating in favor of "something". They have no idea for the most part about their rights except their right to freedom of speech.
I have been battling this all week with family and coworkers. Have your facts ready. Here are my battling points.

1. An ar-15 is only made for killing people.
My counterpoint: The military version and the one I own are different. The military version is like a machine gun, mine is not. Ar-15 's are also used for competitions(camp perry),3 gun etc) as well as hunting.

2. Banning semi automatics will stop mass killing.
My counterpoint: Look up the happy lands fire in NYC in the 1980's. A deranged boyfriend was upset that he got kicked out of an illegal nightclub and went down the block to a mobil gas station ,purchased several cans of gas and set fire to the building(set fire to the exits). close to 100 people died in that fire. The media conveniently never mentions this. Oklahoma bomber is another good example. Killed hundreds with fertilizer. Its not the tools stupid.

3. once the ar15 became available mass shooting started.
My counterpoint: Ar15 has been around since the 1960's.

A few ,but I at least get them thinking. Especially in liberal land NY.

Personally I think the NRA needs to organize a march on Washington and everyone who owns a gun(dosen't matter what kind) needs to go.
Too many people think the NRA is a small group of angry white guys(yep race plays into this. I've been told this ) with money.
The NRA needs to publicize who they are and who they represent. This situation is going to go from bad to worse. Everyone is jumping on the anti-gun bandwagon

My Rant
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If you’re ever feeling tired, Kimio, just print that last post you wrote and say, “ this while I shut my eyes for a little bit...”

Well said.

My empirical interpretation of this societal problem is this. What does Nature do in these situations?

We’re currently fighting a foe that we can’t see where they’re coming from, and they’re after us and our children. They ONLY attack when are defenses are down or insufficient, and they know it.

The method is exactly the same as opportunistic predators, the proverbial wolf to the flock.

What do we need? A mixture of shepherd oversight, fences, loyal sheepdogs (at your service) and the means to ward off the wolf when he makes an appearance. The sheep can’t fight. I wouldn’t want them to, they are poorly equipped to deal with a threat like this.

However, turning the pasture into a prison isn’t the solution, as quality of life suffers greatly. You want happy sheep that lead healthy lives. Balance is required.

What happens when the wolves show up to eat the young yaks in Russia?

...asking the wolves to dull their teeth and claws to make death less painful or less likely is a bewildering notion. “Do we have to be on constant guard, then, Will?”

The stone placard on the front of the National Archives truthfully and tragically states:

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crand16rams said:
That said, I do wonder how you rebut something like what happened with Australia and the UK. After their massive bans, mass shootings stopped. The U.S. has the highest gun violence rates of highly developed nations. Logic suggests the more of x there are, the more issues with x that might develop.

Correct for inner-city black gang violence and Hispanic violence, and our rate of gun violence plummets big-time. Ordinary gun-owning middle America is pretty peaceful.
On the whole claim about, "No one needs an AR-15!!"

1) Says who? AR-15s are ideal for physically weaker people, physically disabled people, and elderly people. They have very little recoil, excellent accuracy, and excellent stopping power. They are tremendously customizable for all different sizes and shapes of people

2) Rights are not about needs
The argument about violent crime being lower in the UK and Australia ignores the fact that there are a lot of differences between these countries and the US besides the gun laws. To examine America's violent crime rate in perspective, you must also bear in mind that we are one of the world's largest and most lucrative markets for illicit drugs. When there is money to be made on illicit goods, violence usually follows sooner or later. Also, neither the UK nor Australia shares a nearly 2000 mile long border with a notoriously corrupt and lawless country known for activities as varied as drug smuggling and human trafficking.
On the whole claim about, "No one needs an AR-15!!"

1) Says who? AR-15s are ideal for physically weaker people, physically disabled people, and elderly people. They have very little recoil, excellent accuracy, and excellent stopping power. They are tremendously customizable for all different sizes and shapes of people

2) Rights are not about needs
When someone says this in front of me, my typical response is “the Jewish community in Germany in the 40’s needed them. They needed them more than anything in their entire lives.”
I have been battling this all week with family and coworkers. Have your facts ready.

You rarely really need any facts. When people make claims, you don't need to counter them. You just ask them to provide evidence of these, usually outrageous, claims. When none are provided, move on...
I keep bringing up a point that almost no one wants to address in all these "shootings". Be it because they think Im a conspiracy theorist or because they think its just a side note of these shootings etc. But that point is SSRIs, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, drugs, meds, who side effects are suicidal and homicidal thoughts, feelings, etc. These people have been proven to be thrown into blind rages, where they loose normal cognitive function where someone else can even talk sense into them at the moment of the rages. It is a known issue of great concern in the medical community but if you bring it up to a layman the usual response is something to the effect of "oh well your not a Doctor" and they brush it aside. No, Im not a Doctor, but that doesnt mean I cant read a Doctors writings on the subject and understand it. These drugs have some VERY scary side effects yet people just brish it aside.

I am NOT saying this is the only reason for these events, but to the original question, my frustration lies in the fact that no one wants to keep having the same old discussion but when you bring up new ideas they dismiss them as conspiracy or the like. "We have to do something different"...Yes, we do, may I present an idea? "No, thats crazy" :confused:
I'm a liberal with guns. I have several handguns, revolvers and semi-auto's, and a few rifles. I've had a many more in the past but I've downsized my collection.

I'm not looking for an argument here, just want solutions to stopping these endless, senseless mass shootings.

On both sides of this issue there are extreme positions, going from more guns to no guns. Let's be reasonable and find a middle ground.

Myself and others would like to hear real solutions from the conservative point of view of how to get us out worsening situation. Please post some suggestions for solutions to stop these mass shootings.

We won’t get a solution as long as mental heath continues to be sacrosanct, passing out psychotropic meds like jelly beans also needs correcting.

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In the Ten Ring:
Today, a man threatened to kill me on social media, why? I disagreed with his demand to ban guns.

Out of curiousity, did you let that pause for a moment and ask him "Well, HOW do you think you're going to kill me?" LOL..

Sigh... It's tough. I don't talk about guns with anyone anymore unless they start the conversation. As others have pointed out here, actual data tends to poke holes in the lead balloons of most "reasonable" gun control proposals to achieve the declared goals.

However, you can build bridges on topics like safety. I mean no one buys a gun believing that it will inherently make them more unsafe, even though that's the boiler plate belief of liberals (that guns make everyone in the zip code more unsafe). I bet you could find common ground in agreeing that something substantive should be done to seek greater safety for kids, teachers, Christian church or Sikh temple-goers.

It's not your job to win over every person to your side. In the end, put on your sane-citizen tone of voice and stake your ground in political historical precedent and the immutability of human nature. Perhaps your colleague might only believe in one of those items, so you'll only appear half-sane, but it's what it is.
I tell the anti-Constitutionalists it's great they won't be able to defend themselves when the totalitarian enforcers storm their home to take them away. It worked for Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and other dictators.

BTW, without the Second Amendment, all other Amendments and the Constitution are meaningless empty words on scraps of paper.
No fatigue when it comes to defending the RKBA.
I answer the "Nobody Needs" line by saying people don't NEED a lot of things-expensive
jewelry, designer clothes, fast cars, etc. And it's not the government's role to determine these things.
I was a fence sitter, very moderate leaning to the liberal side. I always tried to see both sides of the story try to empathize and understand opposing views.

No longer, I will only do what’s best for my family and I will only consider my views when voting. No need to consider anything else anymore.