How do you combat anti-gun argument fatigue??


New member
So for the more veteran folks here, I have to ask. What do you do to combat the fatigue of having to constantly keep up the good fight against anti-gun arguments and such?

I feel like a broken record these days. While I understand there are people that I will never convince, I’ll admit it’s been wearing thin on me. I’m tired of seeing the anti-gun propaganda, I’m tired of trying to to go on the offensive all the time, trying to find ways to get people who might be a little open minded to think and answer the questions they themselves ask.

This usually comes in the form of “what law could have prevented this” or “how would more restriction have stopped X, Y and X?” Followed by citing a law or something usually as a counter.

It’s getting to the point that I refuse to go onto my FB page because it’s just too much of a hassle to deal with the extremes of either side. Of the argument.

Running away isn’t the answer of course, but I’m getting to a point where it’s almost mentally exhausting being bombarded by this crap from all directions.
General anti-gun statements are almost impossible to counter since the greater majority of the people making them are too closed minded to listen and don't care what you have to say. The people I know will make ludicrous statements, and then look at me, and say something like..."except for you of course."

Even if you ask them for data to prove what they are saying, they will bypass and move onto another counter point they heard on their favorite TV news station (we all know what those stations are and are not).

So basically, I don't get into debates with these people anymore. Life is too short to spend it speaking to close minded morons.

If you are combating the anti AR-15 comments, and they are saying that in the past xx-
mass shootings it was an AR so we need to banish those nasty black assault rifles and everyone would be safe, I always tell them go google Virginia Tech, Cho and read the article really close to discover he used a Walther P22 and Glock 19 and a heck of a lot of loaded handguns; NO AR and he managed to kill 32 ADULTS (technically college students but in my opinion if over 18...ADULTS. Regardless, they were not school kids.

This will set some back, but be ready for the, "lets just ban all semi-auto weapons." At that point I will walk away cause there is NO debate or discussion. However, at times there are those that will say they never knew this; either cause they blocked it out of their mind, forgot, never actually heard what weapons were used, or just don't care.
I just ask them to tell me what the "assault" rifles were in WWi and WWII and how they might differ from the "assault" rifles they have in mind.

I had one anti-gunner ask me why I don't have a cannon or a tank. I admitted that I can't handle the recoil.
Stop wasting your time. It doesn’t pay to argue with a fool - people watching won’t be able tell which one is the fool.
Agree with them. Guns are inherently evil and have zero place in society including police, military, and those protecting our politicians and celebrities. They should ALL be destroyed because certainly if they are inherently evil no one at all should have them. The counter arguments will supply you premises as to why individuals should have them. The right to effective means of defense is such a basic right it becomes self evident and rights must exist on an individual basis. Some will attempt an argument ad populem. Point out the historic injustices committed under such
For me it boils down to two very SIMPLE things:

1) it's impossible, even in some utopian dream state, to go around and gather up all guns or even specific types of guns. HOW would it even be possible and would anyone beyond the strictly law-abiding offer them up to be collected? And of the ones that were missed, WHO would have them?

2) has any psycho, killer, rapist, terrorist, thug, mugger, or hostage-taker ever, EVER looked up laws that concern his plans -- surprisingly found out that they were illegal, and then changed his plans so as not to accidentally break laws whilst killing, robbing, raping, stealing, kidnapping, etc?

Ask the opposition how a law prevents any acts by a psychotic killer?

At best, a "gun free zone" makes it a softer target.
If you need to take a break, take a break. The first rule of rescuing others is don't become a casualty yourself. At the same time, don't just give up on it completely. A common tactic of troll farms is not so much to offer a compelling argument; but to just spew emotional invective so that no one else bothers to talk or share their message.

And there is always the face to face approach. It is a lot more effective and introducing novices to shooting is a lot more fun than reading stupidity on the Internet.
How do you combat anti-gun argument fatigue??

Don't read or watch the news helps; secondly, I refuse to get into a battle of wits with unarmed libs; you cannot do battle with folks who only rely on emotion instead of facts and logic
I just ask "when in human history has outlawing anything kept it from being used by criminals?". Then I like to point out that the crimes they are crying about are already illegal, yet the perpetrator committed the crime anyway.
If I get sick of suffering whatever fool is trying to argue with me I usually end it thusly:

“How many people are you willing to murder? You will have to murder me to disarm me, because I’m not giving up any of my rights so you can feel good about yourself. Go ahead and push it all the way and we’ll see who REALY has the courage of their convictions.”

...or something to that effect.
I just get so sick of the know-it-all smirks on those who see ME as the crazy one and are sure that everyone agrees with their ignorant, "sensible" solutions. And fwiw, I teach in a public HS, so they aren't too far off the mark.............unfortunately.
Well ultimately, if you don't have a gun, you are going to have a hard time disarming people who do. If you use hired guns, and they are successful, you are just back at square one since your hired guns are armed and you aren't.
The only way to win the game of combating anti-gun arguments is not to play.

The little girls who are being broadcast on TV and the internet are all going to scream like the snowflakes they are. They're the same ones who screamed their heads off at the sky on the anniversary of election day back in November a few short months ago because someone they didn't like won the election.

They're mentally ill and are largely the reason why people should own guns.

Don't pay them any attention and stand in your convictions because the Constitution is worth it.
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Here is the answer to your question, but you may not like the answer.

If you really want to test and improve your argumentation skills and learn how to argue, try the exercise of taking your opponents’ position. If you’re pro gun, argue logically and reasonably for the gun control position. Not only will this exercise sharpen your skills, it might inform you that your natural opponent is not as weak or illogical as you think; after all, you must know your opponent to defeat your opponent.

Often what passes as an argument is not really an argument, but rather is an opinion. Arguments have premises and then are supported by deductive reasons or steps that then follow with a conclusion. Often what passes as an argument is really just an ingrained and deeply held opinion.

If you find that you can’t make a strong and convincing gun control argument without resorting to caricaturizing the gun control argument, then you’ve probably just been spouting pro gun opinions all this time, and not really arguing.

This is how you learn to argue.

Be aware that the practical point of an argument is not to convince the opponent, rather it is to convince third parties who are listening.
Kimio said:
Running away isn’t the answer of course, but I’m getting to a point where it’s almost mentally exhausting being bombarded by this crap from all directions.

Maybe "running away" or avoiding engagement with people who fatigue is the right move, at least for now.

If you don't enjoy the argument at some level, you will be less likely to have the patience to listen and respond well. You don't want your impatience, fatigue or anger to harm your position.

It's possible the fellow who mentors new shooters or helps with technical problems does more for the positive image of shooters than polemicists.

When you do want to engage with someone, know what you know and what you think and express it in modest terms. You may find that it is effortless an persuasive.
I don’t see how liberals are fighting for Trump’s government to be the only ones with guns.

It’s the definition of illogical on their end.
So for the more veteran folks here, I have to ask. What do you do to combat the fatigue of having to constantly keep up the good fight against anti-gun arguments and such?

I feel like a broken record these days. While I understand there are people that I will never convince, I’ll admit it’s been wearing thin on me. I’m tired of seeing the anti-gun propaganda, I’m tired of trying to to go on the offensive all the time, trying to find ways to get people who might be a little open minded to think and answer the questions they themselves ask.

This usually comes in the form of “what law could have prevented this” or “how would more restriction have stopped X, Y and X?” Followed by citing a law or something usually as a counter.

It’s getting to the point that I refuse to go onto my FB page because it’s just too much of a hassle to deal with the extremes of either side. Of the argument.

Running away isn’t the answer of course, but I’m getting to a point where it’s almost mentally exhausting being bombarded by this crap from all directions.

The vast majority of the people who push gun control seem to be ignorant, hypocritical and/or using the issue for their own selfish ends. Why waste any time on them?
Ive been a member of the National Rifle Assn.
for more than 45 years.

During that time I have contributed regularly
to its political action fund such as the Golden

I believe in the 2nd Amendment and have voted
consistently for conservative candidates.

On the local level I participated in several efforts
to protect gun rights, especially the banning of gun
ownership in various cities and villages.

But this month, I have quit the NRA. Enough of its
incessant no-limits self-serving blather and
those who echo it.