How dangerous is Iran?

The original question was how dangerous is Iran? Well, at this point, I'd say not nearly as dangerous as the USA. Has Iran invaded and occupied a country on the other side of the world that never attacked it? I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the 9/11 guys weren't Iraqis, and Saddam had nothing to do with them. But it made a great excuse to do what Bush/Cheney et al wanted to do for years. Iran was always high on the agenda.

As to Iran "wanting to wipe Israel off the face of the earth": I'd say with some estimated 200 nuclear warheads, Israel is well prepared to take of itself, and I expect many Israelis want to several Muslim countries off the map. So what?

And as to helping their co-religionists in "infidel" occupied Iraq: oooh, big surprise.

The recent congressional resolution eclaring Iran's military a "terrorist organization", which Hillary voted for, by the way, paves the way for our next war. Hillary is just as much a war-monger and in thrall to the neocons as the present administration.

Ron Paul is the only politician with his head properly screwed on, IMHO.
enemy sympathizer

Al-Qaeda wants us to attack Iran (source). They hate Iranians and all other Shia. I'm telling you that we shouldn't attack Iran. I'm telling you that we should do the opposite of what our enemies want us to do. If that makes me an enemy sympathizer... I guess I am guilty. :p

Do you have any hard evidence that US forces in Iraq are deliberately targeting Iraqi civilians?

They have targeted civilians in the past. The most recent incident was last month when Blackwater employees shot seventeen people. If I was an Iranian with family living in Iraq that would be all I needed to think that their lives might be in danger.

You're really not making any sense at all.

No, I don't think you are making sense. Why would Iran give weapons to Sunni Muslims?

They wouldn't do that, that is ridiculous.

I am waiting eagerly for your explanation as to how the UN sanctioned US presence in Iraq is illegal while the Iranian Al-Quds Brigade presence in Iraq is legal.

They are both illegal. I'm saying that Iran's presence just might be a little bit less illegal. Iran actually has a reason to be there, unlike the US.

Now that I've answered this, could you explain why it's okay for the US to be in Iraq but not okay for Iran to be there?

Authoritarian Follower Personality

Micheal Ledeen

Michael Ledeen is not credible. You're going to have to find a better source if you want me to believe this.
They have targeted civilians in the past. The most recent incident was last month when Blackwater employees shot seventeen people. If I was an Iranian with family living in Iraq that would be all I needed to think that their lives might be in danger

Blackwater doesn't have helicopter gunships, aren't US Forces, and don't deliberately target Iraqi civilians.

And so you can't back up your earlier claim that US forces deliberately target Iraqi civilians with helicopter gunships.

You said:

Do you know that many Iranians have family members who live in Iraq? Imagine that the Iranian military was in Canada and you had relatives who lived in the area. Would you want them to be defenseless against the Iranian helicopter gunships? Or would you give them weapons so they could destroy the helicopters?

No, I don't think you are making sense. Why would Iran give weapons to Sunni Muslims?

They wouldn't do that, that is ridiculous.

The Iranians have been supplying the Iraqi Sunni insurgents/terrorists from the beginning, hoping to drive the Iraqi Shia into thier arms for protection. Iran has given the Iraqi Sunnis the anti-aircraft weapons as well as the Iraqi Shia.

They are both illegal. I'm saying that Iran's presence just might be a little bit less illegal.

No, the US presence is perfectly legal under international law, as per the UN mandate.

Iran actually has a reason to be there, unlike the US.

Yes, Iran wants: control of Iraqi oil, to impose a Shia client state, to hand the US a defeat, and to be in a position to intimidate Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states.

You're saying that these are more moral and upstanding than the US objectives in Iraq, which are basically to stabilize the situation and get the hell out ASAP?

Now that I've answered this, could you explain why it's okay for the US to be in Iraq but not okay for Iran to be there?

LOL, other than the UN mandate?

I guess you consider it OK for Iranian Special Forces to target, kidnap, torture, and kill your fellow Americans. Nice attitude.
Iran is doomed economically and demographically. It's their death throes that we need to worry about. They're the Islamic Republic. They can't be wrong because Allah loves them and hates everybody else. So, you can expect some bizarre, "high-risk" behavior as they go down. What a rational, ash-heap-bound country like the USSR would do in its last days is smile broadly, try to seem reasonable, and ask for handouts from the West. What the Islamic Republic will do as it falls apart is bet it all on a final shootout with the hated infidels.
I've read that Iran's oil exports have been declining for years. They still export lots of prostitutes, though. The mosques are empty and the women don't get married or have babies. That's a road to nowhere pretty quick.