How dangerous is Iran?

Christians don't all agree with each other, but the more devout they are the more likely they are to peacefully coexist with others.

Maybe that's true but it's not because Christianity is such a peaceful religion compared to Islam. If that were true they wouldn't get involved in things like abortion clinic bombings, witch trials, inquisitions, crusades.....

The reason Muslims are so violent compared to Christians today is because Muslims live in regions which are very poor and underdeveloped, like the Middle East and North Africa. Christians live in regions that are rich and modern, like North America and Europe.

As if freedom OF religion means freedom FROM religion...

You can't really separate the two. True religious freedom can't exist if the state favors one religion over the other.

I looked at your sites

Don't you think there's a reason why Bush is always talking about good vs. evil?


I'm not antireligious... I'm anti-fundamentalism. There's a big difference. I dislike fundamentalist atheism as much as I dislike fundamentalist Christianity and Islam.

Wikipedia said:
The wider non-religious usage of fundamentalist to describe any set of strongly held beliefs is yet again controversial. The term may be used pejoratively to label anyone with a strong set of beliefs by implying they take a stubborn, entrenched position that defies reasoned argument or evidence to the contrary. Examples include pro-life fundamentalist, pro-choice fundamentalist and political fundamentalism.

I see. So Iran only supports terrorists who blow up innocent women and children in Israel.

Why should I be worried about that? Can't Israel defend itself from terrorists?
Can't Israel defend itself from terrorists

Yes.They can decimate the population centers of the Islamic countries.Somehow I don't think that is the best approach.

The thinking of various contributors to this forum are obviously foreign to each other.Yet,some want to predict the actions of Islamic leaders based on their own stream of logic.Could it be done with Charles Manson or Jim Jones or the heavan's gate what's his name..They easily obtained followers.Want to try and get in their head.

There are people who would blow the world up for reasons most could never hope to understand.

Abortion clinic bombings? Like, how many times and how long ago did anything like that happen and how loudly did Christians condemn that sort of thing. If that's the best you can do, you're reaching pretty hard. That's concrete evidence of intellectual dishonesty.

And blaming Islamic violence on poverty? Stunning denial. You're seeing international events through a mindless, Marxist lens that makes you unable to understand what you're looking at.
That's concrete evidence of intellectual dishonesty.

What do you think I'm trying to say here?

I did not just mention clinic bombings. Throughout history Christianity has been used to justify all sorts of horrible things. I'm not saying that modern Christians are responsible for those things and I'm not saying that Islam is better than Christianity. The point of mentioning those things was to show that all religions can be used to justify "repression, violence, and fecklessness".

And blaming Islamic violence on poverty?

That's not the only reason but I beleive it is one of the biggest reasons. Do you have a better explanation?
Remember the old joke about the difference between a good Baptist and a good Methodist being that a good Methodist will speak to you if he meets you in the liquor store.
Imagine what the radical clerics expect of a good Muzlim.Just because you can't comprehend somebody who will kill you just because you do not believe doesn't mean that it is not real.
I doubt if Daniel Pearl had any understanding.But,we do not need to understand it.Just realize that it is a proven fact that many of them want to kill as many of us as they can in any way that they can.Unfortunately,they are the ones in charge.
How dangerous is Iran? Hmmm, how dangerous have any dictators been in the 20th century or prior?
When any dictator announces LOUDLY and PUBLICLY that his intentions are the destruction of another nation and of all it's allies.....mother nature instilled this survival mechanism in me to say hmmm, I think I feel threatened by those words.
So unless there are alot of people in this country, and in other civilized or otherwise countries, that are just plain retarded or mentally incapable of comprehending his spoken threats, a sadist or suicidal, I'd have to say, hmmm, he's pretty daggone DANGEROUS!!!!

Even deaf, dumb and blind people with any brains can comprehend a threat with their other sensory abilities.

What... are we gonna wait until he shoves a dirty bomb up our dirty place and detonate it before we realize he might have meant what he said?

I mean, even the "mentally stable" Premier of the Soviet Union during the Cold War was very careful with his words so as to not provoke an attack with nukes. And this nutcase from Iran is spelling out his plans and we need to interpret his intentions?

Then we invite him here, to the country he wants to obliterate, so he can confuse us with his "other" intentions and we can gawk back at him like a two-headed lab frog or some dang thing.

WTH is wrong with people today???? :barf:
From this Article:

Monday, October 22, 2007 New Survey Question

Advanced missiles from Iran have already been fired at U.S. helicopters in Iraq

WASHINGTON — The U.S. military has reported that Iran has smuggled advanced surface-to-air missiles into Iraq for the purpose of downing U.S. combat aircraft.
Officials said Iran has transported man-portable SAM systems to Shi'ite allies in Iraq. They said some of the missiles have already been fired at U.S. Army helicopters.

"It's a real concern, and it's something that we're dealing with," U.S. Army Col. Daniel Shanahan said. "Right now we've got the best systems in the world, and we've got technology behind us."

In an Oct. 19 briefing, Shanahan said Iranian SAM systems have forced army helicopter pilots to revise their tactics. He said the Iranian-origin missiles arrived in Iraq over the last three months.
"In the last several months, we have had an increased threat from systems that we had not seen in the first part of the year," Shanahan said.

Shanahan did not identify the Iranian missiles. Over the last 18 months, Iran was said to have received the SA-18 Igla-S man-portable missile from Russia.

Officials said U.S. Army helicopters have been equipped with additional sensors and diffusers in an effort to decrease the infrared signatures of the air platforms.

They said the biggest threat has been from shoulder-launched heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles, such as the SA-7.

Currently, man-portable air defense systems comprise five percent of attacks on U.S. aircraft in Iraq. The army operates the AH-64D Apache, the UH-60 Black Hawk and the CH-47 Chinook on a 24-hour basis.

"But if you ask the pilots, they would say that MANPADS is the biggest threat," Shanahan said.

Is that dangerous enough? :rolleyes:
Or would they

Yes, count on it.

They would not use them for they know the response to such an attack.

What response? We have trained the Iranians well in the belief that there would be no US response.

There has never been a significant U.S. reprisal attack against Iran for any of their innumerable terrorist acts against US Interests: i.e., American civilians, US Military personnel, US Embassies, US Diplomats, etc. Never.

I don't consider President Reagan's bombing of the Kharg Island oil loading facility to be a significant response.

Given our approximately 30 years of passivity and craven pleading for them to *be nice* there is no reason for the Iranians to have the idea that a reprisal attack would be forthcoming.

They can also look to the reluctance of the US to stir up Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. animosity towards us by cutting off the flow of Iranian oil.

With Hillary Clinton, or Ron Paul for that matter, in the White House I doubt very much that there would be any significant military response.
When any dictator announces LOUDLY and PUBLICLY that his intentions are the destruction of another nation and of all it's allies

Huh? When did he say that he wants to destroy anything? You seem very sure that he did but I haven't seen him say anything about destroying Israel or any of it's allies. The media says that he said this but they also repeated all the administrations lies about Iraq. Why are you going to believe them again?

Instead of calling people names for not believing the media you should look at what he is actually saying. Here's what he really says about Israel:

What we say is that to solve the 60-year problem we must allow the Palestinian people to decide about its future for itself. This is compatible with the spirit of the Charter of the United Nations and the fundamental principles enshrined in it. We must allow Jewish Palestinians, Muslim Palestinians and Christian Palestinians to determine their own fate themselves through a free referendum.

It doesn't really matter what he says though... he doesn't have any control over the Iranian Military.

Is that dangerous enough?

If the US has the right to interfere in Iraq why doesn't Iran have the same right? I think they have even more of a right because they are right next door and their security is affected by the situation in Iraq.

Tell me why they are not allowed to do this.
They are not allowed to do this because I don't want our troops getting blown up.

Your opinion obviously differs.
Do you know that many Iranians have family members who live in Iraq? Imagine that the Iranian military was in Canada and you had relatives who lived in the area. Would you want them to be defenseless against the Iranian helicopter gunships? Or would you give them weapons so they could destroy the helicopters?

Maybe we should leave if we don't want our troops being blown up.
Well, I'm not a murderous islamofacist who is willing to kill innocent civilians. And we're not talking about Canada or myself, either. We're talking about Iran, a country that wants to wipe Israel off of the face of the earth, which supplies IEDs and missles to terrorists in Iraq for the purpose of killing American troops, which supports HAMAS and other terrorist organizations, and that wants to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

But obviously, the fact that Iran is directly contributing to the deaths of American troops doesn't bother you in the slightest, because Iran is purportedly not dangerous, and you can empathize with the Iranian terrorists, anyway.

See folks, this is the kind of logic we'll have in the White House if Hillbama wins the presidency. Man, that is scary.
According to what my Brigade Commander said today..they are a terrible threat....and we may actually be involved in a conventional war with them in the near future....
I'm not a murderous islamofacist who is willing to kill innocent civilians. And we're not talking about Canada or myself, either. We're talking about Iran, a country that wants to wipe Israel off of the face of the earth, which supplies IEDs and missles to terrorists in Iraq for the purpose of killing American troops, which supports HAMAS and other terrorist organizations, and that wants to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." - George W. Bush

But obviously, the fact that Iran is directly contributing to the deaths of American troops doesn't bother you in the slightest

Don't put words in my mouth. It does bother me. I just think that attacking Iran will only get more Americans killed and I think that the best way to keep them alive would be to bring them home.

But it also bothers me to see innocent Iraqis and Iranians being killed. They are not all terrorists...
Do you know that many Iranians have family members who live in Iraq? Imagine that the Iranian military was in Canada and you had relatives who lived in the area. Would you want them to be defenseless against the Iranian helicopter gunships? Or would you give them weapons so they could destroy the helicopters?

So then, you must have some hard evidence of US helicopter gunships deliberately targeting Iraqi civilians.

Care to share it with the rest of us? (BTW-a link to Noam Chomsky's web blog doesn't count as evidence)
Answer the question. Would you or would you not give weapons to your relatives if you thought there were any chance that they might be targeted by the Iranian helicopters?

I would, even if there were only a very small chance of it happening.
Sniff, sniff, sniff :barf: I smell an enemy sympathizer :barf:

Luckily Mr. Rob308, we have emasculated ourselves since the 1940's, else your behind would be sittin' in an internment camp in the Arizona desert via the FBI.
Answer the question. Would you or would you not give weapons to your relatives if you thought there were any chance that they might be targeted by the Iranian helicopters

Answer mine first since it obviously knocks down the premise of yours.

Again: Do you have any hard evidence that US forces in Iraq are deliberately targeting Iraqi civilians?


Then your hypothetical moral equivalence between the US Forces in Iraq, and the Al-Quds, Al-Qaeda, and Sunni insurgent terrorists targeting them falls apart also.

Your question is meaningless since it's based on a completely false premise.

You stated that you feel Iran is justified in supplying anti-aircraft missles to the Iraqi Sunni terrorist/insurgents, Al-Queda, and Iranian Al-Quds brigade operating in Iraq because US forces are targeting Iraqi Shia civilians with helicopter gunships. US forces are doing no such thing, and the Iranian anti-aircraft weapons are in no way justified on that basis.

BTW- Why would Iran be justified in giving anti-aircraft weapons to Sunni insurgent/terrorists if the US were targeting ethnic Iranians living in Iraq? Any ethnic Iranian living in Iraq would be a Shia Muslim, the group that has been targeted and murdered in the hundreds of thousands by the Iraqi Sunni Muslims. Why would Iran, a Shia Muslim country, be justified in giving advanced anti-aircraft weapons to the Iraqi Sunnis who have murdered untold thousands of ethnic Iranian Shia living in Iraq?

You're really not making any sense at all.

Do you have any compelling moral argument to make that legalizes the presence of Iranian Special Forces attacking US Forces inside the sovereign nation of Iraq?

I am waiting eagerly for your explanation as to how the UN sanctioned US presence in Iraq is illegal while the Iranian Al-Quds Brigade presence in Iraq is legal.
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Hey Rob,
Micheal Ledeen places the son of OBL, Saad, in Iran. Mr. Ledeen also believes that OBL and other to AQ are in Iran. That seems pretty involved to me.

Have you read "Knowing the Enemy" by Mary Habeck? How about "Milestones" by Sayed Qutb? Perhaps the "Kitab al-Tawhid"?

Perhaps "What's so Great About America" or "Terror and Liberalism"?
Be sure to get the Kuwaiti Student Muslim edition of "Milestones".

Thanks to you, I am sending extra money to the RNC.