How can we get more traffic to this forum?

Closest class 3 is the neighborhood gun dealer. Kinda arcane in a state like NJ, he was complaining about why he even bothered, he's not going to buy a full auto for 13 grand and have it "just" sitting around gathering dust.
Well, this is certainly a blast from the past. An old thread on what I thought was a dead board.

Now that prices have gone totally insane, I'm kicking myself for not buying more full auto's.

I'm working a deal to buy a bunch of receivers, so I'm thinking a SBR is in the future, as well as a .223 suppressor.

I know where the closest class 3 dealer is - he's me. Well, not really, but I am the Class 3 dude there, so close enough.

(PS, not sure what is scarier, the fact that I remembered my password, or when this thread was originally posted.)
Well being new (been lurking for a few weeks and just joined yesterday) I can give you an outsiders or newbies point of view. It was stated earlier how there are trolls and a$$hats posting on the more active FA boards and that just shows the maturity level of some of there members (not to offend anyone, I moderate at a large off-road forum and we have our fair share of trolls and "know it alls" **who don't even own the item in question** that will regurgitate over heard advise as their own and then arguing with members who actualy have real world experience in it! :confused: ). What I have noticed at this site is: while it's true every one has there fav. pistol, or opinions on the best hunting rifle, etc. No-one blast another for their views...indicating that there is a higher maturity level here than most I think you're finding (as stated by some with "wow look at the response to this thread") that a lot of members and prolly a few lurkers do check out this forum as purely a learning tool. They don't feel compeled to post something they know very little about. Which in my book is a good don't have to weed through the mumbo-jumbo to get to the facts...
I personaly would LOVE to own a day when funds permit, I will. I'll prolly try to get a suppressor before then (once again due to funds, it's cheaper :p ).

Kinda like when I was growing up there was a store down the road from my house....a little general country store....and on Sat. morning a fair group of old guys would end up showing up to stand around the stove, drink coffee and a kid I would sit at the counter within ear shot and let them take me away to foriegn countries, or try to understand the meaning of "cold war" or any number of topics that would end up being thrown out right there in front of that potbellied stove. Now I find myself drinking coffee down at the diner BSing with the guys before work and every now and then one of the guys will have their youngun with them, and I watch their face as they try to stay with the conversation, remembering what it was like for me back then.
So by all means carry on...I'm just gonna hang out over here in this corner, sitting in the shadows and listen to you guys..learn as much as I can and I'll chime in if the need ever arises.

P.S. love the site...wish I'd found it sooner.