How can we get more traffic to this forum?

There are still some relative bargains in FA guns. If you live in a state that isn't restricted to C&R FA weapons the Stemple 76/45 is available NIB for $1,500 to 1,700 (add a bit more if you want the suppressor.) This looks a bit like a S&W M76 but is in .45. A 9mm conversion kit is available. I would have bought one of these if not for the C&R problem related above.

M760s are going for about $2,200. They are a knock off of the Smith M76, not C&R.

I forgot to mention Reising M50s earlier. The going rate seems to be $2100 to $2500 but a friend round an undermarket deal with several magazines not too long ago. Reisings are also .45 ACP guns and fun. They sometimes need new springs and a few new parts, but after that they work pretty well.
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Okay, I'm game - - -

I usually do a run through on this forum about once a week, because, I guess, I am accustomed to there being little traffic. I think back, though, and realize that I personally have only started one or perhaps two threads here. [Note to self: Run a search and check participation.]

So, I resolve to start something--anything-- from time to time.

Johnny Guest

for the replies - maybe there's hope after all. I'll check out the options. I had actually been all enthused about full auto a while back - something about a select fire Bushmaster Arm pistol that looked like it wanted to follow me home. I'd manage to make room for an IMI Tavor or Bushmaster 17S as well - weakness for bullpups, I guess.

Personally, I'd prefer a full auto that I'd still like if it wasn't full auto - the Tavor comes to mind. I'm sure the Mac 10 and Uzi will start looking better - availability being worth a 4 point bump on a scale of 1 to 10.

My luck in "collectible" markets is legend - I still think I'm personally responsible for the softening in the resto Corvette market; and who else could lose money on real estate? Three times? As a service to the members of TFL, I will stay clear of any weapon that might rely on collectibility to derive any part of its value.

This is fun!! I think I've posted about 5 times in the last 24hrs in the forum.:D

I think some of you need to post your experiences with F/A guns so some of us can learn something. I still don't know how the trigger goes from Semi to F/A in most guns.
Does anyone know of a way to buy single copies of Small Arms Review ? I buy it occasionally. I know of one gun store about 70 miles away that stocks it, and if I remember, I buy a copy at the gun show. I am interested in reading what I think is the current issue; "the suppressor issue".
I drove way out of my way today to go to that gun store that stocks it, and he was closed. I was slightly pissed and decided not to go back. He doesn't have anything else in the store that interests me except that freaking magazine.
The Small Arms Review is OK. Although a lot of stuff in there doesn't interest me at all such as articles on Claymore Mines. I am much more interested in the actual practice of shooting NFA weapons today. It is interesting to read articles about how they were used in some bygone war, but tips on shooting mine would be welcome as would product reviews on stuff I can buy today.
My local newstand has it. I see it at some big chains, maybe Borders. I just get depressed seeing the prices of C-III compared to a few years ago. I paid lots of money for a few, but I would be more than happy for WalMart to start selling M16s for $599 and have my investment ruined.

Believe it or not, I used to get Small Arms Review from the Qwik Trip convenience store near my old place of employment. The store was about a block from the county cop shop, and apparently one of the cops had asked 'em to carry it, lor' bless 'im. :D
I went to Barnes and Noble today and bought the September issue, but of course the one I want is the August issue. So, I went to their websight and found what I was looking for. Of course it is now after business hours at their location and it is Friday, so I will have to remember to do this on Monday. Typical. I created a shortcut to my desktop hoping that I will see that and it will remind me.

If I recall, the August issue is the Suppressor Issue - a very good one indeed. If you need, I can xerox you the articles you are interested in.

Even if you don't like all the issues of SAR, at $35/year it does provide a savings from the newstand price and they are delivered to your door every month.
I am interested in the suppressor info. I am going to buy one or three and wanted to learn what I was doing. If you can scan the suppressor related articles without too much trouble, great, otherwise I will call them on Monday and buy last months issue. No real big deal, I am sure they will have some.

Sorry no scanner. But willing to xerox and snail mail.

If you want to learn more about suppressors, I highly recommend Al Paulson's books - Silencer: History and Performance, Vol 1 & 2. vol one deals mostly with early, pre 1934 history and suppressors for the 22LR. Vol 2 gets more into centerfire pistol, SMG, assault rifles hi pwer rifles. Great seminole works - a real must have for suppressor afficiandos. Get them from for $35 per vs. the $50 retail.

While the SAR suppressor issue is great, it has more interviews with manufacturers than anything - Paulson's books will teach you much much more.
Additions to this forum

Some of the items I have not seen very much of here in this forum are AOWs,SBRs,ans SBSs. Since you have to go through pretty much the same hoops for these types of weapons maybe you need a discussion forum for them also. I myself have a SBR AR-15 that I had all kinds of trouble getting to feed. Finally found that it needed a fix straight off the full auto forum. (pigtail gas tube). So how about some feedback on this subject. Auto ordnance is releasing SBR M-1 Thompsons shortly. At around $1300
they'll be much more available than their full auto brethren.



RoyJ, thanks for reviving this old thread - - It is just as on-topic now as it was when started.

I must take some blame - - I posted my high resolve to start something on the forum from time to time, and then did NOT do so, from AUG 02 through TFL shutdown at the end of that year.

And, now, here I am as forum moderator and have only started a couple of threads. :o

So far as I'm concerned, ANY of the Title Whatsis arms and accessories are on-topic for this board. If it needs BATFE paperwork, go for it. Of, if someone just wants to discuss machine guns or suppressors or cannon or other stuff which cannot even be privately owned, have at it.

AOWs, SBRs, SBSs, rocket launchers, whatever. Let's stop short of telling each other how to do ANYTHING illegal, is all that is required.

Let's stop short of telling each other how to do ANYTHING illegal, is all that is required.
Most people can figure that one out on their own. :) What is hard is not violating one of the arcane rules of ATF.
You'd think so, wouldn't you?

Hkmp5sd wrote:
Let's stop short of telling each other how to do ANYTHING illegal, is all that is required. [end]

Most people can figure that one out on their own. :) What is hard is not violating one of the arcane rules of ATF.
I understand what you're saying, and agree to a certain extent. The vast majority of those who have even a passing knowledge of firearms know, at least in the abstract, that there are federal regulations concenring possession/making of - -
-- Short Barrelled rifles and shotguns. (They may be a bit vague as to legal barrel length and overall length . . .)
-- Fully automatic firearms. (And lots of folks are unaware that these CAN be privately owned in most states, IF one jumps through the proper hoops.)
-- Suppressors/Silencers (Ditto)

Given this knowledge, if and when a person decides to explore acquisition of such an item, he/she is contemplating spending some MONEY - - Ranging from respectable amounts for the simplest suppressor + tax stamp, to the price of a nice car. It behooves the buyer to explore the ins and outs of the law as pertains to the hardware. It may take some looking, but it's all on the 'net, or in the law library. Even BATFE is pretty helpful, once you get hold of the right person. I do NOT understand an otherwise intelligent and responsible gun owner who refuses to pick up the phone and place a few calls to make SURE of the law. Do-it-yourself is all very well and good, but the law is just too dang complicated not to seek expert assistance.

As I've said before, and will undoubtedly say again, I do NOT like the way the laws and regulations are set up, and - - But wait, that's a rant for another day. :rolleyes: Anyway, they are what we have to work with, until the law changes. MOST people who actually get in trouble are trying to skirt around or evade the law, for whatever reason. It really isn't worth while, in my estimation.

It is interesting to discuss "modifications" to our guns, and custom gun smithing. But when it extends to making a gun full auto, or silencing the sound it makes, we need to be VERY clear that we're not giving specific instructions on how to break the law. That kind of instruction is available some places, but not on TFL.

Heres an Idea

The next time you go into a gunshop and the person behind the counter seems like a knowledgeable person ask them: Where is the closest Class 3 dealer? I would be willing to bet that they will not know. I work in a small gunshop in Ohio and at least once during the time I am in there a customer will make the statement "Oh you can't have that! (subgun suppressor etc.) It really perks them up when you are able to send them to a Class 3 dealer. And It removes the stigma the media has cast upon such things.
Plus it can bring all sorts of good stories from the vets who occasionally come in too. Try it. Can't hurt!
With two full auto and a silencer....

to my name, I'm kinda embarassed I've never posted here, given how fond I am of TFL.

I'll try to be more active. But to expound a little on the observation of the "entry price" and "limited seating" that is the nature of this hobby, even if we're "in", we're probaby limited in our first-hand experiences with particular types of weapons.

Still, I'll try to stop by more often.