How can we get more traffic to this forum?


New member
I am a class 3 enthusiast. I also like TFL for the wide and varied responses generally received here.

But the full-auto board is next to dead. The only full-auto board that seems somewhat busy is and it suffers a lot of problems from flamers and jerks.

Any thoughts about how to drive more traffic to this forum?
Repeal the NFA, and the assult weapons ban and we would be more popular than the handgun board.
Unfortunately, there are not a lot of people able to enjoy the ownership of NFA weapons either because of local legal issues or because of monetary reasons.
I recently purchased a Sten MkII as my first NFA weapon. I found a Sten "list" and subscribed. Sadly, 99% of the stuff on their is not from owners of legal Sten guns, but from people asking how to build up parts kits and how to manufacture reciever tubes. You are right, there isn't a lot around to read on the subject. I am also in the market for a couple supressed weapons. I am finding virtually no good solid information on the subject. I get all kinds of comments like, "I recommed brand X", but no one gives me any reasons why. I appreciate the help, but I want to know the theory behind various designs, which one is better etc. I can't find a source for that kind of information.
Maybe some payoffs? ;)

Title II stuff is fairly restricted. This has caused it not to have the impact that normal stuff has. Really, if you visit gun shows and gun stores, 'real' knowledgable people are few and far between. Most folks to whom I mention or show our Class III stuff too always seem to ask: 'Isn't that illegal?"

FUD really has taken its toll on the NFA stuff.

I make it a point to run by the laws quickly and let folks know that they can get it. I always speak at Club functions and the like. Every little bit helps.

How many posters here subscribe to Small Arms Review? If all did we might have more to talk about here.
The September issue's theme is "The Guns Of Stalingrad."
Interesting articles on Soviet subguns and carbines.

Truth in Posting Statement: I have done some writing for SAR, but would be reccomending it even if I hadn't.
Despite the fact that I am under the age to own any firearm, I am highly interested on all firearms topics. I just ran across this forum today. However, I cannot view any posts or threads on the topic because the post organizer thing (for lack of a better term) at the bottom of the page (for setting how far back you can view posts) is not functioning. I tried searching to all available time lengths but to no avail. Can anyone help? While I can't provide you with much valuable knowledge on the F-A topic, I am interested on learning whatever anyone here has to offer. Can anyone (a moderator, perhaps?) help me with this problem so I can view past posts? Thank you!

Nick R.
I too subscribe to SAR. I find every issue highly fascinating and regularly go back to my library of back issues (all of them back to Vol1 No1) for information of some sort or another. SAR also has a very helpful archive index on their website.
It's about the only magazine for firearmsleft that I subscribe to, besides SWAT, anymore

For some detailed articles on suppressors, check out that index. There are several good technical articles on suppressors. Especially ones written by Al Paulson. SAR is supposed to be publishing the results of their Suppressor Trials, hopefully soon!
I've been a subscriber of SAR since Machine Gun News folded with my money! The last issue of SAR was tops - the Silencer Issue.

Not looking for a great info site, just one where there is good disucssion and mabe passing along tips to fellow shooters. This site might have traffic given so many have replied to this post! Maybe we just toss out some discussion topics to get this ball rolling?!?!
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You could

Buy everybody on the TFL one of those nice guns and we would all reply to this forum with great thanks!:D
If you've hung around here long enough (like I have) you'll noticed that things are still growing at a steady rate. The "Lock and Load forum" was hardly viewed up until about 8 months ago. Now It gets about 10 times as much attention as it did 8 months ago.

Start posting good topics!:) I always check this forum out but don't know enough to start debates. If you've got something to say POST IT!:cool:

I can tell you why I never checked the forum in a year or so (got here today following the G18 thread). It may or may not apply to others.

1. It's my understanding that there's no new product entering the supply stream. There's a fixed number of transferable arms.

2. As a result of (1) prices have gotten whacko - reasonable enough for those that really want the product but a bit outlandish to an "outsider". As example, I'd suspect that there's only about $6.00 worth of parts difference between a Glock 17 and 18 at the manufacturing level. But the 18 doesn't cost 606.00 it evidently costs 15,000.00 - unless there was some good natured ribbin' going on in the G18 thread.

3. If (1) and (2) are correct, there likely won't be much in the way of "new blood". Any hobby that can't attract new members is ultimately doomed. There's a natural reluctance to drop 1,500.00 on a beanie baby that originally sold for 2.29 - ditto 15,000 for a pistol that one "knows" is 14,300 in profit for the guy that "got his". I'd much prefer the pistol to the beanie baby but I doubt the fudiciary watchdogs in my household could discern much of a difference in "perceived value".

I'm not saying the above is fact - in fact, I really, really hope somebody says I'm wrong - after all, I WANT IN. The only reason I'd admit to my (hopefully incorrect) perceptions is that I share these beliefs with a lot of equally uneducated folks that would love to start their NFA paperwork and haunt the forum; and you did ask why we weren't showing up, after all.

Thanks in advance.

Probably the cheapest way into the world of full-auto is either a MAC-10/11 or a Vector/Group Industries Uzi; figure $1,500-$2,000 for the former or $2,500-$3,000 for the latter if you shop around. (Plus the $200 tax stamp, of course...)
The bottom end of the full auto market is similar in price or less than a good custom handgun. My Sten was $2250 which was a better than average deal. I saw a suppressed MAC in .380 the other day for $2500. Uzis are a little more than that, maybe $1000-$1500 more than that.
To me, NFA stuff is more about collecting. Buying relatively new, pretty much state of the art stuff is out of the question. You could buy a Harley, or even a new car for what some of this stuff costs; and I am not talking about the real exotic stuff, I am talking stuff like an HK MP5. Don't get me wrong, I would rather have, and would personally buy the HK, long before I bought a Harley; but either one is just another toy.
As luck would have it, I always said that the three machine guns I would like to own are a Sten, an M3 Grease gun, and a Thompson. The first one is doable, the last two, maybe someday. Right now they aren't totally out of the question, but close.
All that got me thinking, let me re-phrase my last post a little better.
The machine gun segment of our hobby is fairly expensive for those of us who were unable to get into it before now. But when you consider it compared to other common toys or hobbies, machine guns arn't all that bad. As I mentioned in my previous post, you can get into a machine gun for less than a 1911 race gun from one of the big name gunsmiths. For the price of a Harley, you can get into just about any reasonable machine gun you could want. Hell, I work with some guys that have full on race cars. I am not talking about some hooptie with a number painted on the door; I am talking about a real race car that they run in professional races. For that kind of money, you could be shooting a quad 50 or a mini-gun.
You can get a brand new Vector UZI for $3000. I just got one, along with a .22 and .45 conversion. And I *love* it. Also a new Mac11A1 .380 for $1200 which I don't love, but it is humerous as to how fast it fires. I am glad I have it, but I would hate to have it as my only one. If you can have just one, get a Vector UZI.
No real reason to get the .45 conversion kit. Just makes it harder to shoot (more muzzle rise) and more expensive ammo. The .22 kit works most of the time with certain ammo.
Only problem is it costs a whole lot more to feed a machinegun that a Harley. About $5 a magazine through my MP5 in just a few seconds.