How can people be so blind..

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It's also at least possible that those suggesting that perhaps US foreign policy has played some part in fostering the anti-American sentiment that leads to attacks were only referring to attacks on America and American interests. Just a thought.
I agree with you, which is why I said we do bear some blame for our current problems. But to say the Islamofacists (a group that I know for a fact does not contain all Muslims, because I have some Muslim friends) are anti-American because of our actions simply isn't true. That's why the attacks on those other countries and religions are important to note.

Only if you believe those other religions and nations brought those attacks upon themselves can you legitimately claim that the Islamofacists are anti-American because of America's actions. That would be the only consistent way to explain why the Islamofacists are anti-American, anti-Hindu, anti-Russian, anti-Phillippino, anti-Buddhist, anti-Spanish, anti-Dutch, anti-French, anti-British, anti-Indonesian, etc. The fallacy of such a belief is self-evident.

A more logical way to find the true blame is to identify the common denominator: Islamofacism.
Well of course that's the way it is Whyte. "Kill the infidels" isn't just about killing Christians for Godsakes.

I'm beginning to think many of the defenders of Islamofascists are very young people.
Did you not know that, or is it just one of those facts that your sort likes to forget?

Actually, I'd say that none of it was relevant. I'll let the original poster answer for himself, though.

What he said, with a caveat: It's one thing to dictate to a people their own culture, quite another to dictate a foreign culture. It's one thing to have citizens with a different viewpoint and quite another to have a hostile military presence. So it's not only irrelavant, but irrational.

Like it or not, we are the outsiders there. Always muscling in their affairs and trying to impose our own version of 'right' and 'wrong' when nobody asked us. They resent that and rightly so.
The answer is simple enough: We have the power to destroy any 5 nations that threaten us simultaneously any time we want. If we respond to threats directly rather that attempting to pre-empt imagined threats everybody's life is easier.
IOW leave them alone and kick their butts only when they pose a direct threat to us. Our budget and soldiers will thank us and we will find ourselves with fewer enemies.
I'm not advocating some peacenik pie-in-the-sky foreign policy. Just a little common-sense circumspection about long term consequences of rash actions. Focus your energy on the enemy and quit making more faster than you can kill them.
Ah, but you're not allowed to think that, because if you do, then you are "blind." Because anyone with any opinion that differs from the isolationist foreign policy is "blind."
""Did you not know that, or is it just one of those facts that your sort likes to forget?"

"Actually, I'd say that none of it was relevant. I'll let the original poster answer for himself, though.""

Sorry..missed that. As the answer is that Mandwolf is making the mistake of judging others by the standards that we have here in the United States.

Manedwolf, the Middle East is an entirely different world than we live in. Of course the people who live there do not accept the same things that we here do. It's a mistake on your part to assume that they should.

You are arrogant in your belief that their beliefs are wrong and that yours are right. You are arrogant in your belief that Iranians (or anyone else) can come to America and live a certain way but that the people of Iran are wrong for not affording you the same rights. The arrogance of you and your ilk is what has led to the strife in the world today.

You don't like the way the Iranians live? Don't go to Iran. I know that I won't be voluntarily visiting any time in the near future. But it is not our place to FORCE Iran, Iraq, or any other nation to change into what WE feel they should be.

You aren't are arrogant.
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