How can I ask you....

dalea said:
Color me cynical this morning but I believe the folk that would ask such a question would blab it all around if you told them you DID have guns...e.g. 'You have to be careful about Jim's house THEY HAVE GUNS! They say they have them locked up, but still...'

They'd do this to show how 'concerned' they were or just to gossip.

So what if they "blab it all around"? Are you ashamed that people think you have guns? Do you live in an area where you're afraid that if someone thinks that you have a high value article such as a gun ($500 or so?) that they will come steal it?

I've been taking my kids, grandkids, and all their friends shooting since they were 5 or 6 years old. I have people ASKING me to take their kids shooting. Pretty hard to do if they don't know that I have guns.

If you think that there's any way you're going to stop people gossiping, you're living in a dream world.
Fas1, could you cross-reference that slide with (estimated) percentage of the population that owns firearms.
I'm guessing that that number of owners as a percentage of population went down as well (although not by 74%).

Its hard to know for sure, but I find it hard to believe that gun ownership is down with all the record sales month after month. I think if someone calls to poll gun owners on whether they own guns, they will probably get similar answers to the question on whether they will vote for Trump. :D

In addition, I doubt for the most part that the liberal media outlets will ever want to say that somehow more guns equal less crime.

I also see that sometimes when referencing gun ownership it is measured by whether there is a gun in the home or not. Quite a bit of new gun owners are the females in that same household, so the number does not increase their poll numbers.
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Sorry Doofus47 page not found.

Not that being in the Washington Post I would give a rip, anyway...;)

Not that I would trust any kind of "poll" on gun ownership & numbers.

I know a LOT of gun owners, and none of them, will admit to giving an honest answer to any kind of poll on gun ownership.

When it comes to anything that might be involved with the media, OR the government, we are very ...untrusting, with good reason.
How can I ask you....


I read this article and was thinkng that there are a lot of pro gun and anti-gun parents that want to ask this question when setting up a time for kids to come over to your house. So how can parents ask.....

Are there unsecured guns in your home? =

Im ok with that question, i think. How would you like it asked and how would you answer?

Did ya'll/anyone read the linky at the bottom of that linky?

The last sentence:
"You can learn more about the ASK campaign and how to discuss firearm safety and safe storage in homes where your child plays by visiting"

It redirects you to:
To quote an old line, "Isn't that special." I did not follow the link, and defend the question. It is particularly offensive to me that the Brady idiots use a legitimate question to draw people into their illegitimate agenda. Their central point is guns are evil. They will go to any length to promote this idea, and then blame us for being unreasonable. You really can't be reasonable with zeolots...:mad:
We're being played!!!

Yeah, K_Mac, That was my first thoughts, too. I've been played!

Since I had seen this question being bounced around other websites and got suspicious when I read the recommendation on that 1st webpage regarding the deception of mixing the question about guns with "seat belts, animals and allergies" as to hide the REAL question. I had answered it on those sites.
But didn't realize it was another campaign from the Brady bunch.
Until I clicked the link at the bottom I got the Brady Campaign website redirect.

Here's my second thoughts:

1) This is a rude and intrusive question schemed up by TBC to cause discord

And TBC is even providing the deceptive coaching

AND - it's not going away anytime soon!

2) I'm going to prepare better answers than I did.

3) Some of y'all better, too.
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I can understand the question. When I was a kid, back in the Roy Rogers days, whenever we went to visit at someone's house (and it was NEVER supervised) one of the first things we did was go prowling to see what was stashed away we weren't supposed to see. I say "we" because it would be both I and whoever I was visiting involved. For the most part, the other kid already knew where the "good stuff" was, so it was more a matter of showing it off. There were a lot of guns stored in closets in those days. :D

Now, we knew better than to mess with them. Back then parents could tell if you disturbed the air in a closet...or we were pretty well convinced they could anyway.

Nobody ever asked me the question when their kids came to visit my kids however. I never asked anyone else. My kids are long grown and have kids of their own. They can handle it anyway they want to.
RaySendero said:
Did ya'll/anyone read the linky at the bottom of that linky?

The last sentence:
"You can learn more about the ASK campaign and how to discuss firearm safety and safe storage in homes where your child plays by visiting"

It redirects you to:

that actually lends credibility to those opposed of being asked. Truth is securing firearms should be something pro-gunners should be promoting, not waiting for gun control proponents to use it against us.